
Word 55 of the Day: Dragon

author:The book is about to come out
Word 55 of the Day: Dragon

At the request of book lovers, what I want to talk about today is the word "dragon".

Dragons, lóngs, mythical creatures of ancient legends, were later used to refer to emperors or metaphors for extraordinary figures.

Word 55 of the Day: Dragon

The left oblique is anti-shoulder, do not write wide. The first stroke of the dot painting is on the right, the angle is slightly flat; the second horizontal stroke is sharp and sharp, the large anti-shoulder, the right part is not long; the middle point pen and the small apostrophe are compactly echoed, the left low and right are high; the bottom horizontal pen is explored left, the angle is slightly squarer than the upper horizontal painting, the anti-shoulder is the same as the upper horizontal, and the small skimming is closed; the following "moon" character is opposite to the upper point pen and the small apostrophe, the left vertical is not heavy, the left vertical is slightly oblique, the position is slightly up, Echo each other.

The right side of the small horizontal shoulder, do not write long, pay attention to observe the position of the pen; the vertical pen is raised, slightly curved, slightly lighter downwards, the horizontal folding horizontal painting anti-shoulder, supporting the upper vertical pen, after folding the pen, the vertical pen does not write long, left oblique, the bottom horizontal pen is slightly left, the anti-shoulder is consistent with the above, the pen supports the right vertical; the vertical bend hook is virtually connected, the downward gradually lightening, slightly left oblique, to the corner slightly forced to turn the front to the right, after the position is in place, the upward vertical pick pen out of the front, the inner circle is outside; the last three dot brushes are connected, pay attention to their respective forms and changes in weight.

Word 55 of the Day: Dragon

Another way to write the word "dragon":

Word 55 of the Day: Dragon
Word 55 of the Day: Dragon

"Dragon" character simplified writing:

Word 55 of the Day: Dragon
Word 55 of the Day: Dragon