
Why is the remake of Han Zong, a fire in the country? 1234

author:Museum of Dreams

With the development of the times, people's demand for spiritual activities is becoming more and more diverse, especially for the enthusiasm of entertainment culture. Turn on the TV set, or the video app on the mobile phone, the dazzling network dramas and variety shows record the blossoming of this era.

A very important part of the development of entertainment culture is variety shows, which are more lifelike and realistic than TV dramas, thus more sincerely impressing the audience.

Domestic variety shows have been developing, but when domestic movies frequently achieve good results, domestic variety shows still can't escape the shadow of buying Korean copyrights, and almost all variety shows that introduce copyrights are in a mess in China.

These include the familiar "Star Detective", "Flowers and Teenagers", "Dear Inn", "I Am a Singer", "Extreme Challenge", "Heartbeat Signal", "Running Brothers", "Idol Trainees" and "Where Daddy Goes". Can't help but wonder, why is the entertainment culture of a country that is not large in size so developed, and why can it create such a program that the audience likes?

The book "How Korean Variety Shows Tell Stories" answers these questions. It tells the application skills of "systematic storytelling methods" in variety shows.

The content of the book covers: reality shows, talk shows, comedy shows, documentaries, radio shows and many other popular program types. Detailed description of the composition characteristics of variety shows, story traits, creative methods and how to do planning, selection of hosts and guests, arrangement of processes, writing scripts, and quotes "Daddy! Where are we going? "Runningman" and other popular variety show script excerpts, with examples.

The author, Jung Sook, has been in the Korean television industry for more than 20 years and has won the KBS TV Awards Funny Variety Screenwriting Award and Work Award. He was the head of the planning team of Lionfish, a Korean tv drama production company, and has planned more than ten series. He has served as a member of the Kocca Tv Drama Story Creation Methodology Advisory Committee of the Korea Cultural Promotion Agency (KOCCA) and a member of the review committee of the Korean Broadcasting Agency For the Promotion of Culture (FBC) Drama Concept Screenwriting Award.

For variety shows, the first question we have to think about is how the program is composed, and how the story is created, one is the skeleton, one is flesh and blood, and the two are indispensable, which is both the core and the main content of the book.


The underlying logic of program composition and story creation is sensibility.

The so-called sensibility is to deepen human nature from the story and touch the most sensitive point in the depths of people's hearts.

Danish future scholar Rolf Jensen predicted in "Dream Society" that we cross the information society to the dream society, and the "dream society" can be defined as a society that sells dreams and sensibilities.

For example, "Evian mineral water", mineral water itself, will not have a shocking influence, but "Evian mineral water" can occupy the minds of consumers, every time they see it, they will produce emotions, just because the story has become a household name.

Russell, who once went to the small town of Evian at the foot of the Alps to recuperate because of kidney stones, was miraculously healed by drinking the lake water in the village every day.

After this news was widely spread, coupled with the experts' research on the snow water of the Alps, people believed from the bottom of their hearts that the water of Evian Town could cure diseases and have strange effects, so the story of "Evian mineral water" was made according to sensibility, and the effect was also very impressive.

So the consumer is not buying a product, but buying a sentimental story.


From the perspective of program composition, today's variety shows are no longer a single one-sided perspective of one-on-one interviews, but show artists in all directions through the shortest possible time. Through the control of these five dimensions of content that conforms to the trend, strengthens the real reality of real people, clarifies specific themes, is rich in entertainment, and has the fun of moments and continuations, these five dimensions are constantly iterated.

Take the recently popular "BrotherS Who Know" as an example, the show is a variety show that exists in life according to the theme of each issue, although it is not very important, but it will make people curious, mainly through various ways to seek answers for it.

Obviously, it is an idol star interview program, but it is set in the school classroom, the star and the host are wearing school uniforms, and the star, as a transfer student, comes to accept everyone's questions, reflecting the real situation and the elements of the theme.

Why is the remake of Han Zong, a fire in the country? 1234

In a session attended by Che Yinyou and Lin Xiuxiang, the question session of transfer students included not only group anecdotes and interesting facts about personal growth, including the big oolong that the group ASTRO had gone to the wrong performance place, and the strange rumors that Che Yinyou believed since childhood. The show features a game played with pants on their feet, which makes the audience laugh.

Why is the remake of Han Zong, a fire in the country? 1234

It has both trendy content and entertainment, which narrows the distance with fans at a deeper level and shows a more three-dimensional idol image.

The fixation of the link and the rotation of the idol star make the audience have the impulse to watch it continuously, prompting the audience to think, how will the star perform? What charm has he not been discovered?

In just one and a half hours, from the idol's childhood experience, the key events of the acting, and the idol's social attitude towards people, it attracts fans, so that the idol is not just on top, but like his own friend, reducing a lot of strangeness and emotional connection.


From the perspective of story creation, the story characteristics of variety shows include providing laughter, stories based on databases, live-action reality shows starring male artists on missions, reality SHOW resonance, compound stories, and the trend of survival games.

Taking "Heart Signal 2" as an example, the program takes the details of life and emotional trends of single men and women in the "Signal Cabin" as the main body, and invites Yin Jong-shin, Lee Sang-min, Jin Yina, Zheng Diyuan (ONE), Zhao You (Jiang Zhixian) and psychology expert Yang Jae-hsiung to jointly form a heartbeat detective to reflect and interpret the emotional communication and heartbeat signals between the 8 vegetarians, and to conduct heartbeat connections.

Why is the remake of Han Zong, a fire in the country? 1234

The story is based on a database of relevant characters, characterized by the reduction of fixed compositions and appropriate interactive elements, combined with subtle points in time. No one can predict where the story will unfold.

For example, on the first day of the show, the male and female actors cannot disclose their ages and occupations, and the next day they are revealed. Male and female actors have to send anonymous text messages to their favorite people every night, some people receive all the text messages from the opposite sex, and some people keep staring at their phones and no response.

At Christmas, girls should choose a date according to the anonymous gifts sent by boys, and the dating route is dominated by boys.

On the next date, girls can secretly invite the boy they like to design the dating route. Under such a variety of rules design, the emotional lines of the actors have become more and more complicated.

The guests naturally carry a strong sense of substitution, and the audience will not only feel the sweetness and sadness of love in the self-substitution, but also self-reflect on the gains and losses of interpersonal skills. The host and psychologist infer the real thoughts of the guests from the perspective of bystanders and psychology, such as the mirror effect proposed by the guests, the elbow effect and other psychological professional terms, so that everyone can learn these knowledge in daily life.

For example, when Xuan-joo goes out on a first date with Hyun-woo and goes out to play VR, Hyun-joo intentionally or unintentionally touches Hyun-woo's arm. The guest here pointed out that the elbow effect - starting from the most dull part of the contact, in the case of even yourself unconscious, it is natural to let people into your field.

Why is the remake of Han Zong, a fire in the country? 1234

Such valuable guest comments, allowing the audience to participate in the program through reasoning and prediction, will not only make the program look rich and interesting, but also let the audience look at the hidden information of social life from a professional point of view while obtaining spiritual pleasure.

"God-level appearance" + "god-level human setting" database, coupled with fixed game rules, male artists mobilize the chat atmosphere, the sense of reality in it also resonates with everyone, combined with the Korean drama-like plot, creating a sense of tension in the audience, feeling the charm of survival in the competition, so that the characteristics of the entire variety show are revealed.


From the above example, it can be seen that Korean variety shows are essentially based on the psychological needs of the audience to let them be satisfied.

Choi Chang-so, the director of "Brother I Know", revealed that as the size of the TV station grows larger and larger, there is a demand for love bean programs, and the demand for programs that match the emotions of love beans and fans has always existed, and it has made up its mind to do such a special love bean program.

In order to emphasize the communication with the audience, the program digs deeper into the love bean bar, creates the differentiation of the program and satisfies the audience's appetite.

Li Zhenmin, director of the "Heart Signal 2" program, said that the reason for planning this program is due to the strategic needs of the TV station Channel A, which previously had a stable middle-aged and elderly audience layer, and needed to launch a new program for the ratings layer of the 20-49 age group. In turn, the production team thought of the theme of "love".

"Love is common to the world and common to generations, and no age group can understand love or feel that love is not interesting", the program about love can not only make the original middle-aged and elderly audiences watch like TV series, but also attract young people.

In the preliminary survey, many young people face love, there is such a doubt: I like a person, but does that person also like me? This is where "Heart Singal" comes from. In addition, they also found in the survey that many people are also eager for love counseling, so the star observation group has also been born.

Today's young people may not dare to express love because they have no emotional education, or are afraid of being hurt, "I am sure it is you" can not be said, director Li Zhenmin hopes that the program can convey: take the courage, express your love frankly, make the best choice in love, even if you do not succeed in the end, you will not regret it.

Why is the remake of Han Zong, a fire in the country? 1234

They value the empathetic care, the current people appear troubled, the emergence of variety shows, giving us a new way of thinking. What domestic variety shows need to do is to pay attention to the survival thinking of the current Chinese people. Where is the source of their troubles, and in what ways can we help them?

Some people say that variety shows have entered the "post-observation era" from "entertainment first", guiding us from "shallow" sensory enjoyment to "profound" rational thinking. More importantly, it allows us to move from a focus on others to the exploration and study of our own hearts.

With the development of variety shows, they have more and more missions of their own, prompting us to no longer go to see variety shows simply for the sake of being funny, but to let us understand others more rationally and understand ourselves, so as to better face real life after turning off variety shows.

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