
Happy Town accelerates the breakthrough of commercial logistics

author:Market Weekly
Happy Town accelerates the breakthrough of commercial logistics

Happy Town closely follows the needs of development, optimizes and adjusts the industrial layout, the construction of the backbone roads in the region "three verticals" (logistics avenue, station avenue, industrial avenue) is rolled out, the "five horizontal" (Guang'an transit high-speed connection line, the park one to four avenues) planning takes shape, and the two major areas in the east and south of the town have become effective platforms for industrial agglomeration. Seize the policy opportunities of the construction of the national freight hub and the national secondary railway logistics node, the national coal regional guarantee strategic base, the national coal emergency supply strategic reserve and the clean energy utilization base in eastern Sichuan and Northern Chongqing, quickly promote the construction of the logistics park, and fully start the construction of the Happy Cargo Yard, the Happy Coal Reserve Base and the backbone road of the park covering an area of more than 1,000 mu, providing platform support for undertaking industrial transfer.

(Source: Huaying Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】


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Release date:2021-10-28 12:08:48 Category: Government affairs

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