
Japanese freelance journalists entered the Seattle "Autonomous Region" at night to prove that "this is a peaceful demonstration", and they were beaten by blacks
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"日本自由记者夜入西雅图“自治区”欲证“这是和平示威”,结果被黑人打了","en":"Japanese freelance journalists entered the Seattle \"Autonomous Region\" at night to prove that \"this is a peaceful demonstration\", and they were beaten by blacks"},"description":{"content":"【文\/观察者网鞠峰】真“打脸”了。日本一名男子为了证明西雅图的“国会山自治区”属于和平示威,夜里进入“自治区”。没想到刚...","en":"[Text\/Observer Net Ju Feng] Really \"punched in the face\". A Japanese man entered the \"Autonomous Region\" at night to prove that the \"Capitol Hill Autonomous Region\" in Seattle was a peaceful demonstration. Didn't expect just..."}},"items":[]}

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