
Weibo rectification self-media: 28 accounts were closed, and the information of the goose group rabbit area was banned for 90 days

Source: @Weibo Admin

@Weibo Administrator On July 30, the "Announcement of Weibo Special Rectification disposal results (III)" was released, the full text of which is as follows:

In accordance with the circular requirements of the State and the Beijing Municipal Cyberspace Administration on comprehensively deploying and strengthening the standardized management of "self-media". Weibo will carry out special actions to rectify the prominent problems of platforms and self-media accounts and regulate the order of network communication, and the station will concentrate on inspecting and cleaning up the accounts that exist on the platform that publish illegal collection and editing and reprinting of Internet news information, spread false information, promote hatred, and spread extreme views and malicious marketing.

And today announced that the second batch of illegal accounts closed 18 banned 10 for a total of 28, illegally collected and reprinted Internet news information impersonating media accounts; 7 accounts that spread false information and published false information; and 11 malicious marketing accounts that propagated hatred and spread extreme views.

There are 3 accounts with more than one million followers, 16 with 1 million followers to 100,000 fans, and 9 with 100,000 fans to 10,000 fans.

Since the opening of the special rectification complaint mailbox on July 27, a total of 1320 complaints have been received, of which 206 are valid complaints, 41 accounts have been found to have violations after verification, 20 have been closed, and 21 are banned.

In this special rectification, Weibo will release the relevant disposal results every week, publicize the progress of the main tasks, and set up a "special rectification complaint mailbox" to receive special complaints, and welcome users to actively provide clues.


Special rectification complaint mailbox: [email protected]

Weibo rectification self-media: 28 accounts were closed, and the information of the goose group rabbit area was banned for 90 days

(Original title: "Announcement of The Results of the Special Rectification and Disposal of Weibo (III)")