
Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

author:Pro there is nothing to hesitate about

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > summary of earthworm technology for cow dung farming (essence).</h1>

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

Cow dung is a good biological resource, containing a large number of mineral elements and rich nutrients. Effective cow manure treatment not only reduces environmental pollution, but also obtains additional economic benefits. The use of cow dung to breed earthworms is an efficient and low-cost method. The cow dung breeding red earthworm technology is introduced for the reference of the majority of breeding peers.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" ></h1>

Adult red earthworm body length of 9 to 14 cm, the back and sides of the orange-red, slightly flattened abdomen, wide feeding habits, high reproductive rate, short life cycle, but very sensitive to the surrounding environment, suitable for temperature 15 ~ 25 °C, relative humidity 60% ~ 70%, pH 6.5 ~ 7.5 environment to live, when the conditions are not timely will crawl out and escape. Earthworm hermaphrodite, allogeneic fertilization, fertilized eggs develop directly in the cocoon, no larval stage. Red earthworms are generally sexually mature at 4 to 6 months of age, can lay eggs 3 to 4 times a year, and have a lifespan of 1 to 3 years. The body color is purple-red , with a pale yellow tail. It likes to swallow all kinds of livestock manure, and has strong fertility, which is suitable for artificial breeding.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" >2. Precautions for earthworm introduction</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" >1</h1>

Choose earthworms that are robust, young, deformed, disease-free, lively and active, crawling quickly, uniform in thickness and disease resistance. Moreover, the color of the earthworm should be bright, the body parts are basically the same, the luster is soft, and the body is plump.

Posture: Choose a strong, full and lively earthworm that crawls quickly and evenly in thickness, so that the earthworm has a good physique and strong disease resistance.

Color: The earthworm should be bright in color, basically the same in all parts of the body, shiny and soft, and full of posture.

Sensitivity to light: The sensitivity of earthworms to light directly reflects the earthworm's ability to regulate the ecological environment and physiological activities, the greater the sensitivity, indicating that the stronger the ability to regulate the environment, so it is necessary to choose earthworms that are more sensitive to light as a species of earthworm.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" >2</h1>

What species of species earthworms are suitable for breeding in the northern region? What species of species earthworms are suitable for breeding on sandy land? What species of seed earthworms are suitable for breeding in improved soil? What species of species earthworms are suitable for breeding in arid areas? There are many ways to source earthworms, but in order to achieve the purpose of high yield and efficient breeding of earthworms, excellent seedlings suitable for local conditions should first be selected.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" >3</h1>

The vast majority of earthworms are beneficial to humans or can be applied to production in practice, and only a very few species (such as a few species of the lineworm family) are harmful to crops. However, beneficial species may not all be suitable for artificial breeding, and breeds that can be farmed may not be able to achieve commercial success in large-scale production.

Earthworms suitable for breeding should first meet the purpose of breeding and local environmental conditions.

A. For serving as protein feed for economic animals, it is necessary to select insect species that are rich in protein, fast growing and strong in fertility, such as the red seed Aisheng worm, the ginseng ring hairy worm, the Asian ring hairy worm, and the dorsal dark heterolisth, taiping no. 2 is one of the good species.

b. For improving the soil and loosening the lower soil, it is advisable to choose the ring-haired earthworm that is good at drilling and digging holes, has strong stress resistance, and lives in the deep soil.

c. For loose topsoil, it is advisable to raise smaller heteroglobal earthworms and Earthworms of Aeson; For the treatment of garbage, sludge, waste, you can choose a large amount of food, fast reproduction of the species, the genus of Earthworm is one of the best.

d. If it is used for human medicine, it is selected to choose ginseng ring hair introduction, William ring hair worm and dorsal dark heterolimbal worm. From the perspective of environmental conditions, suitable breeds should be selected according to the local soil soil quality and pH, temperature, humidity and other conditions.

e. In places with high groundwater level, or in moist soils of rivers, lakes and swamps, and areas where the soil is acidic (pH 3.7 to 4.7), it is advisable to cultivate tiny twin earthworms and earthworms.

f. In arid places with low groundwater level, drought-tolerant Dura earthworms and directly subordinate ringed earthworms can be selected.

g. In the sandy land area, the sand-loving Hubei ringed hairy earthworm can be raised.

h. In the northern regions with a colder climate, the hardy North Star No. 2 earthworm is a worthy breeding object.

In short, earthworms suitable for breeding should have the following basic conditions: can provide high economic value, rich in protein or special medicinal components, biochemicals of earthworm body, vermicule; Fast growth, high fecundity, annual proliferation rate of more than 300 to 500 times; Easy to domesticate, sedentary, non-escaping, suitable for high-density farming; Good resistance to stress, heat resistance, cold resistance, strong disease resistance.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" >4, arrange the introduction time reasonably</h1>

Spring and autumn are the peak breeding periods of earthworms, and the best time to introduce species should be grasped. Earthworms are sensitive to ambient temperatures, and summer introductions are best transported in cool early mornings and evenings, while winter should be transported at noon.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="50" >3, cow dung rearing red earthworms</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="51" >1, earthworm feed</h1>

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" >(1) New fee</h1>

80% of the earthworm feed is cow manure, and the other 20% is the residual feed after the cattle have eaten, and the main ingredient is straw residue. Earthworms like sweets, and a small amount of fruit peel can be added if conditions permit. The ratio of cow manure to other feed can be adjusted according to the actual situation. When adding feed other than cow manure, be sure to check carefully and not add moldy feed, otherwise it will cause earthworm poisoning. Feeds such as cow dung and straw residue are used for earthworm farming and need to be treated by accumulation fermentation to kill parasites and pathogenic microorganisms in the feces. Feeding the earthworms needs to be carried out in batches, subject to the surface of the light, should not be accumulated too much, otherwise the oxygen content of the earthworm bed will decrease, which will lead to the escape or death of the earthworm. In addition, the starch, carbohydrates and salt in earthworm feed should not be too much, otherwise it will cause acidosis.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="54" >(2) feed</h1>

Feed is swallowed by earthworms for about 1 month, to timely supplement the new nutrient-rich feed, feeding is generally carried out after the manure clearance, earthworms from top to bottom to eat, fecal particles excreted on the surface for a long time, the growth and reproduction of earthworms is not good, should be eliminated in time. Scraping earthworm manure is accompanied by a new feed on the breeding bed.

Adult worms are fed twice a month, removing worm manure, taking vermiculos cocoons or turning over the breeding bed three or four times, each feeding thickness of 15 cm to 20 cm, always keeping the bait fresh and breathable, creating the best environment for earthworms.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="59" >(3) Feed notes:</h1> value. The growth and reproduction of earthworms and the PH value of feed have a close relationship, the general adaptation range is between PH6.0-8.0, the most suitable for PH7.0, beyond this range, earthworms will appear dehydrated, dry, atrophied, body color becomes black and purple, feeling sluggish, fleeing out and other phenomena.

Production practice proves that before feeding, the pH value can be adjusted by rinsing the feed with water. Rinse the feed with water, although it will lose some water-soluble nutrients, but can eliminate harmful gases, wash salt and harmful substances, but the fermentation of better feed, do not need to adjust the PH value.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

b. The preparation and fermentation of feed is an important material basis and technical key of earthworm culture. The feed source of earthworms is very wide, and all non-toxic organic substances, such as livestock and poultry manure, various plant organs, fruit peels, bagasse, rotten fruits, etc., can be used as feed for earthworms after fermentation and decomposition.

The growth and reproduction of earthworms requires a variety of nutrients, and the main nutritional index is the ratio of carbon and nitrogen. Nitrogen feed and carbon feed should not be used alone, and must be appropriately matched so that the proportion is adjusted between 20-30. Earthworms are omnivorous animals that require nutrient-rich organic matter.

The feed of earthworms is organic waste that has been fully fermented, such as various livestock manure and straw. Before fermentation, the livestock and poultry manure used is sprinkled and mashed. If crop straw and straw are used, it is best to cut it into 6-9 cm long with a hoe, then water it, mix it well, make it fully moist, and then pile it on the ground.

When stacking, the pile is required to be loose, do not compact, in order to facilitate the multiplication of high-temperature bacteria, and the water content should be fully sprinkled when stacking, and the moisture content is between 50-60%, and the accumulation height is about 1 meter.

After the feed is stacked, it can be covered with plastic sheet to achieve the purpose of heat preservation and moisturizing. Earthworms are omnivorous animals. These organic wastes must be stacked and fermented before they can be swallowed and utilized, otherwise they will cause a large number of earthworms to die.

After 3-4 days of accumulated organic waste, the temperature inside can rise to between 50-60 ° C, and it can be turned over once in about half a month, and add water, which can be used after three or four times of turning the pile to rot.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="77" >2, the environment suitable for the growth of earthworms</h1>

(1) Likes to be wet, afraid of drying: earthworm body moisture content of about 80%, requiring bait water content of 60% -80% (to use hand holding material, finger seam dripping water prevails), so the water content of the breeding bed is required to be more than 60%, so every day or every 1-2 days, you must water once, the water should not be too large, but to be watered thoroughly and the lower layer of material is connected, the watering time is noon in winter, watering in the evening in summer, and can be watered during the day in spring and autumn.

(2) Hi temperature: 15 °C -25 °C is the best temperature, in order to create the best temperature, winter buckle plastic greenhouse or cover plastic sheet, summer cover straw, sprinkle water to cool down, 0 °C -5 °C hibernation, freeze below 0 °C, die above 40 °C, stop growing above 32 °C, Beijing area on October 25 buckle shed, cover plastic sheet, the next year April 10 to remove, so that earthworms grow to December 20, after February 10, basically in dormancy, from February gas, to prevent earthworms from escaping due to high temperatures, Pay attention to the timely opening of the 10 days after the gradual transfer to the optimal temperature, then pay special attention to the high temperature days of plastic sheeting. At this time, the hardest, during the day to open the plastic sheet around, morning and evening in time to cover, and to water in time to moisturize, so that from March to June 10 is the spring spawning peak period of earthworm growth, high temperature period, to prevent heat and cooling, it is best to water once a day, June 10 to August 20 is after the summer day to gradually enter dormancy. At the end of September, it is the peak period for the second spawning of earthworms.

(3) Like darkness, afraid of light: earthworm breeding bed should be covered with straw, keep moist, shaded. During the day, the burrows do not move, and at night, soil digging, feeding and mating activities are carried out. Therefore, in summer, it is necessary to lay a layer of straw slag or straw on the bed of the worm to reduce the impact of bright light on the growth and reproduction of earthworms.

(4) Like air, like quiet, loose bait is conducive to the growth of earthworms, our years of experience is to turn the bed over again (about 20 cm thick) before feeding to increase breathability. This is very important, over the years, we have found that the bottom of the bed soil, the number of earthworms is very small, but the bait is still there, mainly the lack of air, which is not good for the growth of earthworms. Earthworms are good gas movement, relying on skin breathing, so it is required that the feed oxygen of the breeding bed is sufficient, it must be ventilated, loose feed, to ensure that there is sufficient oxygen, earthworms can grow well, otherwise it will grow and develop hindered, the body color is dark, and the action is slow.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="87" >3</h1>

Earthworm culture is divided into several periods, such as worm hatching, cocoon hatching, early young earthworms, late young earthworms and adult earthworms. The management requirements for different periods are as follows:

(1) Species worm management. The breeding density should be controlled at 2 kg to 2.5 kg per square meter or 10,000 to 15,000 per square meter, remove the worm manure every six or seven days, and put the harvested clams into the incubation bed to moisturize the incubation, and at the same time overturn the seed worm bed, and use the side feeding method to improve the breeding bed conditions to facilitate reproduction.

(2) Management of incubation beds. The thickness of the incubation base should be 10 cm to 15 cm, the incubation base should be kept fine and moist, 50,000 to 60,000 worm cocoons can be hatched per square meter, and the incubation base can be loosened once or twice a month with an iron fork to facilitate ventilation and the survival of young worms.

(3) Management of juvenile worms in the early stage. When most of the hatching base is fecal, it is necessary to remove the feces in time, supplement with the next feeding method and expand the bed in time to reduce the density of young worms.

(4) Management of juvenile and adult worms in the later stages. In the later stage, the young worms grow rapidly, and it is necessary to increase the number of dung removal and feeding, use the lower feeding method and expand the bed in time; when sexual maturity enters the breeding period, it is necessary to give play to the advantages of earthworm production and cocoon production, and lose no time in reducing the breeding density or harvesting and utilizing in time, or replacing the old seed worms

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="99" >4, growth and reproduction</h1>

Red earthworms can mate after sexual maturity in 4 to 6 months, and the breeding season is from March to July and September to November of each year, and generally mating at night. At present, the natural mating method is mainly used, and the selective and mature species earthworms are placed in the worm bed to make them mate naturally. In order to prevent the decline of inbreeding, it is best to introduce seeds to the field once a year for blood renewal.

Through the continuous renewal of the worm and the cycle rotation of the breeding bed, the exuberance of the population is not only guaranteed, but also the natural decline of the population formed by the long-term cultivation of the same worm population in the same bed is avoided. Worms should be renewed every Three or Four Months.

(1) Cocoon production: Daping No. 2 earthworm produces between 56-58 cocoons per year, of which 40% are in spring, 25% in summer, 27% in autumn, and 8% in winter.

(2) Hatching rate: An average of 5-8 young worms hatch in a cocoon, up to 12, but the fully developed young worms are generally only 3-4. The time required for incubation at different temperatures and the incubation rate are different. Temperature Humidity% 15 20 25 30 30 50 70 90 Hatching rate (%) 89.3 95.6 80 57 11.7 84.6 89 38 Incubation period (days) 40 25 20 16 young earthworm growth (days) 90 68 55 40 adult worms (days) 120 90 70 55 3, growth period: stage of young worms increase in weight slowly, after entering the yu stage, growth is also slow, only within one month before and after sexual maturity, earthworms grow the fastest. At this time, high yields can be obtained by taking.

(3) The growth rate of earthworms is closely related to the state of the bait. Although the bait is the same, due to its different fineness, the growth rate of young earthworms can be 1.5 times different, so it is necessary to keep the bait fragmented state and avoid large and small clumps of bait (if there is a clump, it can be watered and mashed) to ensure the rapid growth of earthworms.

(4) Breeding density: The number of planted earthworms should be controlled within 10,000 per square meter, and the production of earthworms is 3 kg (2-31,000) per square meter, and 30,000 young earthworms in the early stage are reduced to 20,000 in the later stage.

(5) Output: the output per square meter can reach 10 kg / year, generally 6-8 kg, (because the northern production period is only 8-10 months per year) bait consumption of 25-30 kg, can produce 1 kg of fresh worms, and can obtain 70% of the worm manure, our many years of experience is 5 square cow manure to produce a ton of worm manure, fresh worm 50 kg.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="111" >5</h1>

(1) Pest control

In the process of earthworm rearing, the natural enemies of farmer earthworms include rats, frogs, snakes and so on. In harsh environmental conditions such as the rainy season, heavy rain and sweltering summer, earthworms will escape, and it is important to do a good job of drainage and heat protection and cooling. In addition, excessive feeding density can also cause escape. Therefore, regular inspection, timely feeding and harvesting of adult earthworms can not only effectively prevent escape, but also significantly increase the production of earthworms.

(2) Salt poisoning

The onset of this disease is urgent, and after fierce struggle, it is quickly paralyzed and stiff, and the color turns white. Prevention and control method: immediately remove the diseased base material, and clean with a large amount of clean water, the large and serious base material can be immersed in the net water together with the earthworm, and when the earthworm does not struggle, the earthworm is taken out and put on the fresh base material to re-feed after the natural awakening.

(3) Stomach acidosis

The disease manifests earthworm spasmodic nodules, redness and swelling of the ring belt, shortening and thickening of the body, crawling in circles or drilling into the bottom without eating, the whole body turns white and dies, and there is a phenomenon of nodality. Prevention method: Immediately lift the cover of the worm bed for ventilation, while spraying soda or 1% fresh lime water and.

(4) Hypoxia

The body color of the earthworm is gray and dull, weak, and slow in movement, which is caused by lack of oxygen. Prevention and control method: remove the worm bed cover for ventilation, check the dry and wet degree of the binder and adjust to the dry humidity of the target and feed it with decomposed binder.

(5) Diseases

The diseases of earthworms mainly include: bacteria, fungi and viruses. In production, the development of the group should be often observed, as long as the body is found to be soft or hard, discolored, with a foul odor, abnormal body color of the individual should be eliminated in time, the group disease should be eliminated as a whole. Practice has proved that taking measures such as appropriately reducing the density of worm populations, diligently removing thin feeding, breeding in stages, and maintaining a good feeding environment is the key to improving the disease resistance of earthworms and achieving high yields. 0.01% oxytetracycline should be added to the feed or regularly sprayed with 0.01% oxytetracycline on the feeding surface.

People can not underestimate the role of small earthworms, it is known as the "environmental guard", the treatment of urban and rural garbage; it discharges manure, not only high-quality organic fertilizer, but also a high-protein feed for feeding livestock, poultry, fish and shrimp.

To remove earthworm feces in time, the purpose of cleaning up earthworm feces is to reduce the accumulation of earthworm beds and harvest into worms, generally cleaned once a month. The author uses the manual cleaning method, which has the least impact on the spawning and growth and development of earthworms. After the removal of manure, new feed should be added in time to ensure that the feed is sufficient.

Summary of earthworm technology in cattle manure breeding (essence) Summary of earthworm technology in cow manure breeding (essence) 1. Introduction to red earthworms II. Precautions for the introduction of earthworms 1. Careful selection of individuals 2. How to choose earthworm seedlings 3. Selection of earthworm seed selection 4. Reasonable arrangement of introduction time 3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="132" >6, earthworm collection</h1>

When most of the earthworms in the bed have reached a weight of 400-500 mg and the density per square meter has reached 15,000-20,000, they can be collected - some into earthworms.

Harvest at the right time, harvesting earthworms 3 to 5 times a year. However, in the production, it was found that in the case of sufficient feed, the use of the advantages of earthworm growth and reproduction to implement short-term (generally 1 month is appropriate) high-density breeding, while increasing the number of harvests, timely adjusting and reducing population density, maintaining a dynamic balance between growth and harvest, is the key to seizing high yields of earthworms.

Earthworm collection often uses artificial collection, trapping, water flooding and lighting.

(1) Manual collection method, simple operation, but time-consuming, labor-intensive, suitable for a small amount of collection. On the surface of the breeding bed, the bed material of the loose surface of the multi-toothed rake is used, and after the earthworm is drilled down, the surface worm manure is scraped, the loose bed material and the earthworm manure are repeatedly loosened, and finally the earthworm is concentrated on the bottom layer to achieve the purpose of harvesting the earthworm.

(2) Trapping method, using the characteristics of earthworms that like sweets, place straw dipped in sugar water on the surface of the feed, after 1 to 2 days, the earthworms gather under the straw in large quantities, at this time, the size of the earthworm can be "one pot end"; The trap method is efficient and labor-saving, and is suitable for large-scale collection.

(3) Water flooding method, using the characteristics of earthworms afraid of water, add water to the earthworm bed, and a large number of earthworms can be collected when they climb out of the earthworm bed, and the use of this method requires caution.

(4) Illumination method, using the characteristics of earthworms to avoid light, use sunlight or light to illuminate the earthworm bed, drive the earthworm to drill down, use a scraper to scrape the material layer by layer, and finally the earthworms gather into a clump, which can be collected; The lighting method is more suitable for indoor collection, simple operation, large collection volume, and better effect at night.

Deep Sea Forbidden Land