
How do men appreciate their lovers in marriage?

author:Coke Yueqing

After entering the "siege" of marriage, many people will find that their marriage and lover have so many unsatisfactory places, at this time complaining about noise is useless, you must accept it calmly and improve it. Learn to appreciate your lover and discover the strengths of your lover, rather than just staring at each other's shortcomings, so that your marriage can last.

How do men appreciate their lovers in marriage?

Zhang Zhi remarried, and his remarriage made his friends feel a lot of emotions. Before the divorce, Zhang Zhi could be described as considerate and affectionate to his wife. However, his wife is not willing to be bland, a few years ago, she did not do the teacher's job, followed others to "go to the sea" to do business, not only did not make money, but owed a bunch of debts, Zhang Zhi did not complain, silently helped her pay off the debt.

However, his wife did not stop at this point, settle down to live a good life, still went out to run around, leaving a young daughter at home, Zhang Zhi was both a father and a mother, and pulled her daughter up alone. But in the end, the wife hated her husband for having no ambitions and no career, and had to divorce him. Zhang Zhi had no choice but to break up with her "peacefully".

After the divorce, Zhang Zhi still cares about the life of his ex-wife. When she knew that she had made a fool of herself by running around for business, she stewed tonics every Sunday and asked her daughter to send them to her to eat; When he learned that she was sick and hospitalized, he took a leave of absence to wait at the bedside day and night.

The friend did not understand this, so he asked Zhang Zhi, what do you really appreciate about her? He replied without hesitation: "She is a straightforward, cheerful and enthusiastic person, don't look at her divorcing me, in fact, she can't do without me."

"The emperor is worthy of the heart", Zhang Zhi's efforts were finally recognized by his wife, and she finally decided to remarry Zhang Zhi.

When the marriage was resumed, Zhang Zhi made the ceremony more solemn than the wedding ceremony. At the ceremony, people asked him why his wife wanted to remarry, and she replied shyly: "I have now discovered that only he really appreciates me."

Looking at the loving appearance of her little bird snuggling next to Zhang Zhi, people couldn't help but applaud and bless the couple who had suffered a lot.

How do men appreciate their lovers in marriage?

Not everyone will encounter this situation. But learning to appreciate your wife in the process of marriage can make your marriage full of sweetness. So, for a man, how should he appreciate his wife?

1. Appreciate the part she wants you to appreciate

Appreciating the part she wants you to appreciate is the trick to learning to appreciate. She shows you tenderness and charm, and you appreciate and praise her tenderness; She tolerates you leniently, and generously praises her grace and generosity...

People often say, "You have to be a human being with eyes." Treat your wife with such a look. When your wife shows you her strengths and hopes to get your affirmation, you must not turn a blind eye and must affirm it. With your encouragement, your wife can feel the attention from you and be able to continue to maintain these advantages. If you always turn a blind eye to your wife's merits, the wife may be discouraged or angry, and she may "get by", and then you may regret it later.

How do men appreciate their lovers in marriage?

2. Discover the advantages of the wife from the small

As long as you really care about your wife, you can find every small advantage in your wife. These advantages may not have been noticed by the wife herself. If it is spoken through your mouth, your wife will be pleasantly surprised. At the same time, when you are looking for the advantages of your wife a little bit, your love for your wife will be further deepened.

So, don't be a careless man, carelessness will make you lose a lot of opportunities to deepen your relationship with your husband and wife. Career success is often determined by the details, as is the happiness of marriage.

How do men appreciate their lovers in marriage?

3. Praise your wife out loud

The appreciation of the wife should be spoken out loud and let the wife hear, which is the most direct affirmation of the wife. There is no one who does not want to be praised, which is not only vanity at work, but more importantly, people think that the praise of others is a recognition of their own efforts. The wife is busy every day to take care of the housework. Say a few warm and honest compliments to them and you will make them feel happy.

It is said that women are auditory animals, and this sentence is not bad at all. Treat your wife, and if you can't praise her often, your wife will be upset with you. Therefore, whenever and wherever you find the advantages of your wife, you must say it out loud. Don't be afraid of repetition, don't be afraid of the wife's impatience, no matter how much you say such words, the wife is willing to listen.

How do men appreciate their lovers in marriage?

In short, if you want to be a good husband and want your family to be harmonious and happy, you must learn to appreciate your wife. Appreciating your wife not only makes your wife happy, you can also find happiness in it.

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