
The British gecko troupe "Lost" came to China to tour


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 20 (reporter Bai Ying) British gecko troupe, which is famous in the drama world for its works such as "Coat" and "Race", will come to China for a tour with its new work "Lost". Choreographer Amit Lahafe tells the story of her self-search and soul-saving journey through the midlife crisis of the heroine Lily.

Chinese producer Yuan Hong introduced in Beijing on the 20th, in the play, Lily, who is middle-aged, falls into a mid-life crisis, her husband is tired of the monotonous married life, and looks around for excitement; various trivialities in the workplace make her tired of coping, as well as deceitful interpersonal relationships; the separation of her parents is the shadow of her childhood, and it also affects her later life. Lily's increasingly bitter life makes Lily lost, and another voice in her heart calls for her to find herself...

When Lily realized that her soul was gradually leaving her, she could no longer settle into her daily work and life, and embarked on a journey to rediscover herself and her original spiritual background. When the people in the play regain their old forgetting, they find that all their memories have been subverted by the truth. Yuan Hong said, "The heroine's self-remembrance in childhood, the in-depth understanding and ultimate acceptance of the grudge between her parents also make the play a warm work of 'self-healing'." ”

Founded in 2001, the Gecko Troupe was selected by the British Arts Council as the "National Representative Institution" for 2012-2013, representing plays such as "Coat", "Taylor's Doll", "Race", "Arab and Jewish", etc., of which "Coat" has been performed in China three times. Lost was once performed during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. As the "Edinburgh Frontier Drama Exhibition", this time it will tour the Tianqiao Art Center in Beijing from January 21 to 23 and the Yongqian Theater at the Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University from January 29 to 30. (End)