
thriller! This is the "island of doom", and the United States cannot be separated

author:China Youth Network

Editor's Note: Haiti was the first country in Latin America and the Caribbean to declare independence, but unfortunately, this small country is "too far from God and too close to the United States." Haitian President Moiz was assassinated in his home in the early hours of July 7, adding to the chaos of the future of the "doomed island nation." The current investigation shows that the armed gangs that carried out the assassinations included Colombians and Haitian Americans, and that the suspects had worked for powerful U.S. departments or had the support of American businesses. The Haitian government has recently requested the United Nations to set up an "international investigation commission" to launch an international investigation into the assassination of Moiz. Although the Biden administration is eager to clear the relationship between the United States and the assassination of the President of Haiti, public opinion in some Latin American countries, as well as Russia, Spain and other countries, believes that the United States has a black history of subverting the regimes of other countries in Latin American countries, and recently the US Government has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the "negative assets" of Moiz and Haiti, and the international community has reason to believe that the United States, which pursues the "Monroe Doctrine", is likely to be the culprit behind this assassination. The Mexican president has recently publicly stated that the United States has never stopped carrying out "open or secret operations" against independent Latin American countries.

"It's not at all surprising that American citizens were involved in assassinations."

The Haitian government sent a letter to U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres in early August, asking the U.N. to establish an "international commission of inquiry" on the assassination of Moiz. In the letter, Haitian officials indicated that the attack at the Moiz residence was an international crime in which foreigners were involved in planning, financing and perpetrating it.

thriller! This is the "island of doom", and the United States cannot be separated

President Moiz of Haiti and his wife Martina Moiz

Spain's "Rational" recently reported under the title of "The Murder of Moiz: A Mission to Save Haiti from Hell with the Support of the United States" that as the investigation of the Assassination of Moiz deepens, the background of the US side's involvement is becoming more and more apparent, especially the "person arrested on suspicion of inciting crime" is a Haitian doctor Sanon living in Florida, and some other detained suspects may also work for the US Drug Enforcement Administration and even the FBI.

Spanish media reports also said that the Associated Press learned from a friend of Sanon that "someone claimed to have approached Sanon on behalf of the U.S. Department of State and the Department of Justice in the hope of making him president of Haiti." Sanon thought that the plan was just to control Moiz, and if he knew that he would kill Moiz, he would not participate in the assassination. The source, who asked not to be named, added: "With the support of the U.S. government, this should be a mission to save Haiti from hell." The Drug Enforcement Administration has confirmed to CNN that at least one of the suspects currently arrested has been a "secret informant" of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

After the assassination of the Haitian president, the Russian media and scholars expressed many views on the United States. According to an article titled "Why Americans Killed the President of Haiti," the Russian news agency analyzed that "it is not surprising that American citizens are involved in assassinations." Since the Withdrawal of American troops from Haiti in 1934, all of the country's leaders have been closely monitored by Washington, and it is impossible for the United States to be unaware of Moiz's assassination. The tragic fate of Haiti's president is a good warning to the leaders of countries that have sold their independent sovereignty to Washington at a low price. The fate of the tragic state of Haiti cannot be changed for a time. For more than a century, Haiti has been under the influence of the United States, its economy has been destroyed and the country has been unable to pursue a policy of independence. Haiti became the world's poorest and most chaotic country, and the United States bears direct responsibility.

Russian political scientist Alexander Gusev believes that U.S. intelligence may "intervene" to get rid of Moiz. Because Moiz was an "uncomfortable" leader for Washington, he decided to solve the problem in this way. He said that anywhere in the world, the United States has fanned the flames. According to Russian media reports, there is a long-term cooperative relationship between Colombian drug cartels and Haitian interest groups, about 15% of all drugs consumed in the United States are supplied through Haiti, "Moiz hinted at the possibility of high-profile exposure of drug trafficking activities against the United States, which caused dissatisfaction among the relevant parties in the United States."

In addition, when Moiz officially took office in 2017, it was just in time for Trump to enter the White House. Trump's support for Moiz during his presidency was the latter's opposition to the Maduro regime in Venezuela. But Moiz's own political position at home is not secure. In early January, the Haitian opposition claimed that under the constitution, Moiz should step down on February 7 and stage a mass demonstration. Despite domestic opposition, Moiz unveiled a draft new constitution in early February. Some Russian media analysis believes that Moiz's move has also caused dissatisfaction in the United States.

Some British media analyzed that since Moiz came to power, it has not changed the long-term chaotic situation in Haiti, and the United States increasingly regards Haiti as a "negative asset in the backyard". Wang Youming, director of the Institute of Developing Countries of the China Institute of International Studies and executive director of the China Latin American Society, told the Global Times that when Haiti became a "failed country" in the eyes of the international community, the United States believed that its assistance to Haiti had been lost, so it was quite disappointed in the Haitian government.

America's "Monroe Doctrine" and "Backyard Thinking"

"The assassination of Haitian President Moiz has nothing to do with the United States!" It has been a month since Moiz's assassination, and investigations are still ongoing, but many international scholars have expressed this view in recent days. Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times that although the assassination case has not yet been settled, from the current reports from all parties, the assassination of the President of Haiti has a certain connection with the United States. He noted that Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova said recently that "the assassination of Moiz is related to the dissatisfaction of the United States with its negotiations with China on the supply of COVID-19 vaccines." Another Russian media analysis said that the United States has been interfering in the formulation of foreign policies by Latin American countries that maintain so-called "diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities. Judging from Russia's intelligence-gathering capabilities and Zakharova's identity, Li Haidong believes that these claims are possible. If Moiz has the hope of stepping up engagement with Chinese mainland clearly clashes with the political goal that the United States has been trying to expand Taiwan's presence in Latin American countries.

Russian political scientist Yevgeny Satanovsky said the United States pursues the "Monroe Doctrine" in Latin America, according to which it can act at will: invade the territory of other countries, overthrow the regimes of other countries, and even kill the current leaders of other countries. This time, the Haitian president once again fell into the hands of the United States, which is exactly the same as the previous situation in Panama and Grenada. Li Haidong also believes that the United States' interference in the internal affairs of Latin American countries belongs to a typical "backyard thinking", and the United States prides itself on being the "big brother" of Latin American countries, believing that it has the obligation and responsibility to supervise these "little brothers", and the "imperial thinking" has not changed at all.

Wang Youming believes that the US Pentagon has recently confirmed that some former Colombian soldiers arrested on suspicion of assassinating Moiz have received US military training, so it is difficult to say whether this assassination operation is at the level of the US government or an individual act. In Wang Youming's view, what is more important is to analyze from the perspective of geopolitics, whether it is history or reality, the fact that Haiti is the "backyard" of the United States has never changed, and every move in the "backyard" is controlled by the United States. Under the banner of "democracy and human rights," the United States has always tried to meddle in other countries' internal affairs and subvert anti-American regimes. As the left forces re-emerge in Latin American countries, the United States may invest more in its own "backyard" and will take more measures to intervene in the future.

Wang Youming told the Global Times reporter that although the goal is the same, there is a certain difference between the means used by the REPUBLICAN Party and the Democratic Party in interfering in the internal affairs of other countries: the Republican Party is better at using "yang plots", such as in the Trump administration, the US intervention in Venezuela is naked, through the establishment of a series of institutions to openly support the Venezuelan opposition party to overthrow the Maduro regime in the form of armed riots and other forms; while the Democratic Party is more inclined to use "color revolution", through public opinion, financial support, Usual tactics such as training personnel interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

The Russian Federal News Agency believes that U.S. intelligence is behind the assassination of the Haitian president and the unrest in Cuba in July. Moiz had realized early in the year that Washington was trying to oust him, and the forces behind Moiz's murder immediately demanded that the United States send troops to Haiti. However, the Biden administration first said that it had no intention of sending troops on the grounds that it was "withdrawing troops from Afghanistan". When the US media reported that "the suspect in the assassination case claimed to be a US Drug Enforcement Administration agent", the US State Department spokesman rushed to clarify, insisting that the relevant report was "completely wrong". Wang Youming believes that the Biden administration is eager to clear up the consistent practice of the Democratic Party in the United States and the assassination of the President of Haiti. In the biden administration's view, they do not need to send troops to Haiti: first, if they send troops, they cannot do such a stupid thing by speculating that the United States is involved in the assassination; second, in addition to sending troops, the United States believes that there are other ways to keep Haiti under its control.

The subversive routine of the United States can be described as doing everything to the extreme

"On another anniversary of the American occupation of Haiti, the Haitian people oppose another extension of United States intervention in our country". On July 28, on social networks, Lautaro Rivara, a scholar from a Latin American country, said so. On the same day, in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, a large number of people held a parade to remember the 106th anniversary of the US intervention in Haiti and hope that the country's doom will be rid of as soon as possible. Mario Joseph, managing director of the Haitian Public Law Firm for the Defence of Human Rights, said that foreign forces must stop interfering in Haiti's internal affairs and should support the development path chosen by the Haitian people and Haitian leaders.

thriller! This is the "island of doom", and the United States cannot be separated

After the assassination of Haitian President Moiz, peaceful people gathered outside the US State Department and put up slogans such as "America, get out of Haiti" to oppose US interference in Haiti's internal affairs.

Venezuela's Southern Television reported that July 28 in Haiti was seen as the first day of the first U.S. military occupation, which killed nearly 30,000 people in the 19-year period from 1915 to 1934. Regarding this black history of the US occupation of Haiti, the American historian Peter James Hudson said in 2013: "The US government ostensibly claimed that the occupation of Haiti was for humanitarian reasons, but during the occupation the United States did not achieve any of the established goals of building infrastructure, expanding education or stabilizing the situation, and repressive violence became the only purpose and logic of the United States." ”

Many Latin American and Caribbean countries have also expressed strong dissatisfaction with the long-term U.S. intervention. Mexican President López López recently called on Latin American countries to unite in dialogue with the United States and oppose U.S. interference, sanctions, exclusivism, and blockade at the 21st Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. In his remarks, López denounced: "Washington has never ceased to conduct open or covert operations against independent states located south of the Rio Grande (the river that borders Mexico and the United States). ”

Konstantin Blokhin, an expert at the Security Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, recently wrote an article on the "Political Russia" network, analyzing the common routines of the United States to intervene in other countries. Mr. Blokhin said the assassination of Haitian President Moiz could be compared to many U.S. attempts to eliminate Cuban leader Fidel Castro. In addition, in 1989, the United States invaded Panama by force, fostered a new pro-American government, sent troops to occupy the Central American country, and brought the ruler of the time, Noriega, to the United States for trial. In addition to targeting a country's leaders, the United States often intervenes directly. After the victory of the Cuban Revolution, the United States supported the mercenary invasion of Cuba in 1961, but was met with a strong counterattack by the Cuban army, and the mercenaries were completely defeated in the Bay of Pigs. In addition, the United States often intervenes militarily through the control of some regional organizations. Supporting coups, supporting proxies, and inciting popular demonstrations are also common means for the United States to intervene in Latin American home economics. The Cuban Government subsequently presented evidence of the anti-Government demonstrations that the United States Government had directly intervened in the activities in an attempt to destabilize Cuban society.

According to foreign news reports, Sanon, who has long lived in the United States, has contacted a security company in Florida and received hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial support from an investment company. The situation of the two US companies involved in the case is more complicated, and it is not excluded that they have the background of the strong us department. In particular, when the United States interferes in the internal affairs of other countries, it also uses the means of combining "security contractors" and "international investment companies". A reporter from Spain's "Vanguard" in Florida recently issued a special report saying that "Miami, the United States, is the center of paramilitary operations that destabilizes the governments of Latin American countries." The newspaper's reporter visited the Miami-based CTU security company, which is suspected of hiring Colombians and Americans to participate in the assassination of Haitian President Moiz, with its doors closed. A look at CTU's website shows that the company mainly provides military and police equipment, as well as helping to train security forces in Latin American countries, "but in Haiti, the business is more complex."

Spanish media also said that the CTU is not the only U.S. company involved in various conspiracies, "because there is very little oversight, which means that small companies with little 'transparency' can launch an assassination of the president of another country." The Venezuelan media broke the news that the company tried to assassinate President Maduro with a drone in 2018. The Colombian government also said a few days ago that during the investigation, it had confirmed that the credit card in the name of the US security company had purchased tickets from Bogotá to Santo Domingo for 19 Colombians involved in the assassination of the Haitian president. It can be seen that whether it is at the level of the government or the level of private enterprises, the means used by the United States to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries are really all-consuming, which is enough to make the relevant countries more vigilant.

Source: World Wide Web