
In June, the adult scarab insect harm enters the peak period, timely prevention and control, to avoid re-damage to the seedlings What is scarab beetle? What are the hazards of scarab beetles to garden plants? Why is it so difficult to find adult scarab beetles on the leaves of plants during the day? How to prevent and control the harm of adult scarab beetles to garden plants? It is important to note here:

author:Garden Langzhong

A few days ago, a friend sent me a message saying that some seedlings planted in my nursery, there are many traces of damage eaten on the leaves, but during the day when looking for the leaves, no pest figure was found; the next day when I went to the nursery during the day, I found that there were new traces of harm on the leaves of the seedlings, I don't know what pests are harming, I can come without a shadow and go without a trace?

In June, the adult scarab insect harm enters the peak period, timely prevention and control, to avoid re-damage to the seedlings What is scarab beetle? What are the hazards of scarab beetles to garden plants? Why is it so difficult to find adult scarab beetles on the leaves of plants during the day? How to prevent and control the harm of adult scarab beetles to garden plants? It is important to note here:

The picture shows the scarab beetle found on the leaves of maple trees

When looking at the harmful traces of the plant leaves, I found that this was particularly similar to the scarab traces of the scarab, and in the photos it sent, the figure of the scarab was indeed found in one of the photos.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >what is a scarab? </h1>

In June, the adult scarab insect harm enters the peak period, timely prevention and control, to avoid re-damage to the seedlings What is scarab beetle? What are the hazards of scarab beetles to garden plants? Why is it so difficult to find adult scarab beetles on the leaves of plants during the day? How to prevent and control the harm of adult scarab beetles to garden plants? It is important to note here:

The picture shows the scarab beetle

Scarab beetle is actually a general term for insects of the scarab beetle family, and there are many types of it, the most common ones are patina scarab, Korean black scarab, brown scarab, dark scarab, etc., of which the patina scarab is the most common.

Their larvae are collectively known as grubs, which are often referred to as soil silkworms and silkworms in our rural areas, and are a common underground pest in agriculture and forestry.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > what are the hazards of scarab beetles to garden plants? </h1>

Hazards of scarab beetle larvae to garden plants:

In June, the adult scarab insect harm enters the peak period, timely prevention and control, to avoid re-damage to the seedlings What is scarab beetle? What are the hazards of scarab beetles to garden plants? Why is it so difficult to find adult scarab beetles on the leaves of plants during the day? How to prevent and control the harm of adult scarab beetles to garden plants? It is important to note here:

The picture shows the harm of scarab beetle larvae grub to plant roots

The larvae of the scarab beetle, also known as the grub, live mainly in the soil, feeding on the roots of plants and the parts of the rhizomes where the plants come into contact with the soil. The damaged plants have severely damaged roots and cannot absorb nutrients and water from the soil, and the plants eventually dry up and die due to insufficient nutrients and water.

The lawn that has been harmed by it will be in a gray-green state, and then slowly dry and yellow, and the feet will feel a certain soft feeling, just like a carpet, and it can be easily lifted with a light hand.

Hazards of adult scarab beetles to garden plants:

In June, the adult scarab insect harm enters the peak period, timely prevention and control, to avoid re-damage to the seedlings What is scarab beetle? What are the hazards of scarab beetles to garden plants? Why is it so difficult to find adult scarab beetles on the leaves of plants during the day? How to prevent and control the harm of adult scarab beetles to garden plants? It is important to note here:

The picture shows the scarab beetle nibbling on the petals of the moon

The adult beetles mainly feed on the leaves, young branches, buds, fruits and other parts of the plant.

The leaves of the plants that have been harmed by it will form obvious gaps, sometimes they will be eaten into a network, and in severe cases, the entire leaf will be eaten clean, leaving only the bare petiole; even young branches, flower buds, etc. will sometimes be eaten by adult scarab beetles, which will seriously affect its landscape viewing effect.

In the garden, the adult insects of scarab beetles mainly harm willow trees, camphor trees, maple trees, Privets, mulberry trees, etc., and in agriculture, they mainly harm fruit trees such as pear trees, peach trees, apple trees, grape trees, plum trees and so on.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Why is it so difficult to find adult scarabs on the leaves of plants during the day? </h1>

In June, the adult scarab insect harm enters the peak period, timely prevention and control, to avoid re-damage to the seedlings What is scarab beetle? What are the hazards of scarab beetles to garden plants? Why is it so difficult to find adult scarab beetles on the leaves of plants during the day? How to prevent and control the harm of adult scarab beetles to garden plants? It is important to note here:

The picture shows the harm of scarab beetles to apple trees

The reason why it is difficult to find adult scarab beetles on the leaves of plants during the day is mainly because its adults hide in the soil during the day, and only come out of the soil at night to start eating hazards.

The feeding time of adult scarab beetles is mainly concentrated between 7 and 9 o'clock in the evening, and during this time, those adult scarab beetles that hide in the soil during the day will gradually begin to come out of the soil to nibble on the leaves and buds of surrounding plants.

Especially in the weather just after the rain, the number of adult scarab beetles tends to be greater.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to prevent and control the harm of adult scarab beetles to garden plants? </h1>

1. Control the occurrence of scarab beetle larvae - grubs.

In June, the adult scarab insect harm enters the peak period, timely prevention and control, to avoid re-damage to the seedlings What is scarab beetle? What are the hazards of scarab beetles to garden plants? Why is it so difficult to find adult scarab beetles on the leaves of plants during the day? How to prevent and control the harm of adult scarab beetles to garden plants? It is important to note here:

The picture shows grubs in the soil

In order to reduce the damage of adult scarab beetles to garden plants, the first thing is to reduce the incidence of scarab larvae grubs.

The number of occurrences of grubs is relatively small, generally 1 generation occurs in 1 year, or 1 generation occurs in 2 years, as long as the amount of larval occurrence is controlled, the control of adult insects will become relatively simple.

Grubs mainly live in the soil and are harmful, with the most serious damage in spring and autumn (that is, March to April in spring and September to October in autumn).

For the prevention and control methods of grubs, it is mainly carried out through the following three aspects:

(1) Mix fine sand with chlorpyrifos, or diazine phosphorus, octyl thiophos and other granular insecticides for spreading, and water the nursery after application to melt the agent, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing and killing underground pests. (The amount of land per mu of land used for prevention is about 10 kg, and the amount of land per mu of land used for prevention and control is 20 kg.) )

(2) Dilute the chlorpyrifos with a content of 30% by about 800 to 1000 times, and water the roots of garden plants, which can also achieve better prevention and control effects.

(3) It is also possible to dilute 30% of the chlorpyrifos agent into 500 to 700 times the liquid, use a sprayer to spray it directly to the surface, and then use sprinkler irrigation and other facilities to water the plants after spraying, which can also achieve better prevention and control effects.

Regarding the prevention and method of scarab larvae grub, you can also refer to my previous article "Control of underground pests, when to use drugs, how to use drugs, in order to better exert the effect of medicine?" There is a more detailed introduction.

2. Do a good job in the prevention and control of adult scarab beetles.

In June, the adult scarab insect harm enters the peak period, timely prevention and control, to avoid re-damage to the seedlings What is scarab beetle? What are the hazards of scarab beetles to garden plants? Why is it so difficult to find adult scarab beetles on the leaves of plants during the day? How to prevent and control the harm of adult scarab beetles to garden plants? It is important to note here:

The picture shows the morphology of different species of scarab beetles

Adult scarab beetles generally begin to appear in mid-to-late May and last until about mid-July, with the largest incidence of adult scarab beetles from June to July.

The adult beetles have characteristics such as phototropism and diurnal and nocturnal outset, so when controlling, it must be carried out according to these characteristics.

For the prevention and control methods of adult scarab beetles, they can be carried out in the following three aspects:

(1) Using the phototropism of adult scarab beetles, black lights are set up in nurseries or parks where scarab adults are prone to occur, and some of the adult scarabs are booby-trapped by light.

(2) In late May, spray thiamethoxam on garden plants prone to adult scarabs. High-efficiency cypermethrin microcapsule suspension, the dosage form is a microcapsule suspension, the duration of operation can be as long as 40 days, and it is only when the pest touches the microcapsule that the capsule will explode and release the agent, so the prevention and control effect is still relatively good.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > note here is:</h1>

In addition to the above prevention and control measures, in the daily management of garden plants, it is also necessary to pay attention to not to let the plants be in a state of drought for a long time, and some grubs can be killed by flooding during the high incidence period of scarab larvae grubs.

When applying fertilizer in daily, we must also pay attention not to apply manure that has not been completely decomposed. Because grubs have a certain tendency to undeformed manure, it is likely that these incompletely decomposed manure will carry grub larvae or eggs to bring the eggs into the nursery.

Well, about the prevention and control methods of adult scarab beetles, I will briefly share them here today.

I am the headline garden lang, you can pay attention to me, every day for everyone to update the garden maintenance technology knowledge, as well as about the little secrets of plants!



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