
Panyu | Shiqi Town investigated and dealt with a batch of unlicensed "black gas cylinders" and garbage classification and launched a night patrol | ShiQi dynamics

author:Micro community e-home communication
Panyu | Shiqi Town investigated and dealt with a batch of unlicensed "black gas cylinders" and garbage classification and launched a night patrol | ShiQi dynamics

@Shek Il Neighborhood

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Shiqi Town investigated and dealt with a batch of unlicensed "black gas cylinders"

In order to further crack down on the illegal transportation of hazardous chemicals, on the afternoon of October 26, the first law enforcement detachment of the Shiqi Town Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Office, the traffic management office and other departments jointly investigated and dealt with a light van engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods without applying for a relevant dangerous goods transportation permit in Qianfeng Village.

Panyu | Shiqi Town investigated and dealt with a batch of unlicensed "black gas cylinders" and garbage classification and launched a night patrol | ShiQi dynamics

After verification, dozens of compressed gas cylinders were stored in the carriage. The staff of the Shiqi Traffic Management Office carried out on-site investigation and evidence collection of illegal acts, questioned and investigated the drivers involved in the case, and at the same time took temporary seizure measures against the vehicles involved in the case; the full-time safety supervisor of the Shiqi Town Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Office notified the units with dangerous goods transportation qualifications to safely transfer the gas cylinders involved in the case.

Shiqi Town carried out night patrols to supervise and promote garbage classification

On the evening of October 25, the Shilei Town Urban Management Office sent three inspection teams to carry out night-time garbage sorting inspections at 31 drop-off points in 12 communities in Shi'an Town.

Panyu | Shiqi Town investigated and dealt with a batch of unlicensed "black gas cylinders" and garbage classification and launched a night patrol | ShiQi dynamics

The inspection team carried out night inspections of 31 domestic garbage classification and delivery points in Dalong Community and Qishan Community, mainly focusing on the configuration of residential classified garbage cans, the accuracy of garbage classification, the situation of supervisors in place and the surrounding environmental health, etc. At the same time, the inspection of weak links in the shift at 5-6 o'clock at night, the on-site inspection results of the drop-off points were good, and no problems such as overflowing garbage cans were found, and the supervisors of the domestic garbage drop-off points in each community were wearing masks and gloves. And on time to carry out the delivery point killing work and improve the ledger records.

During the inspection process, it was found that the lights in some residential areas were not lit and a small number of mixed investments appeared, and the staff informed the neighborhood committee and property management of the inspection situation at the first time, and urged them to do a good job in rectifying the problem.

Liantang Village held a training training for villagers in making desserts

On the afternoon of October 23, the Women's and Children's Home of Liantang Village, Shiqi Town, organized the "Snow Beauty Lady" production training activity.

Panyu | Shiqi Town investigated and dealt with a batch of unlicensed "black gas cylinders" and garbage classification and launched a night patrol | ShiQi dynamics

At the beginning of the activity, the pastry teacher first gave a detailed explanation and demonstration, introduced the basic ingredients and methods for making ice dumplings, only need to put the "Snow Lady" skin on the mold and add a layer of cream in the middle of the mango block, add a layer of cream, seal it with cleverness, and a "Snow Lady" is made in this way.

Subsequently, the 25 trainees began to do it in a mock way. At the beginning, everyone was not skilled, there were also broken skins, after doing three or four, everyone did better and better, one more than one did beautifully, and laughter lingered at the event site.

Liantang Village Women's and Children's Home provides a platform for women to learn and communicate, cultivates their interest in life, improves their practical ability, allows them to experience the joy of hand-made in the process of making and learning, and enhances the communication between villagers.

[Reporter Xiao Mifeng] Correspondent Chen Weiyi Zhou Jieyi Huang Pei pile

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Image courtesy of the correspondent

Source: Micro community e Jiatong Civilization Shi Ben (WeChat: xxsbejtwmsq)

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