
Fu Jinrong: Write the "Spirit of the Three Bulls" on the frontier land

author:Bright Net

Guangming Network News (reporter Xu Qianyang) Recently, in the "China Good People List" released by the Central Civilization Office in August, Fu Jinrong, the leader of the Guangxi Electric Power Patrol Team, was honorably listed. As a veteran, for more than 40 years, he has kept his promise to his comrades-in-arms and built frontiers; as a grassroots power worker, he has worked diligently and diligently to bring light and hope to the people living in remote areas.

Return to Pingxiang and be a "widow cow" who serves the people

Fu Jinrong was born in May 1962 in Jeonju County, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In November 1979, the 17-year-old Fu Jinrong joined the army, and after the training, he was honorably a border guard on the border of Pingxiang, Guangxi. When he first joined the company, the new soldier Fu Jinrong received sincere care and help from the squad leader Jin Changping, who was two years older than himself. Captain Jin Changping not only taught Fu Jinrong the discipline and combat skills of the troops, but also gave him a lot of care in life. He deeply admired the squad leader's ambition to come to defend the frontier in response to the call of the motherland, and also made an oath with the squad leader to serve the people and guard the border. In 1981, Captain Jin Changping was unfortunately killed in a battle, and he dedicated his young life to Pingxiang and to the border defense cause of the motherland. Fu Jinrong made a vow to serve the people and guard the border and build the border on behalf of the comrades who died in grief.

In 1983, after Fu Jinrong retired from the army, he returned to work at the Guangxi Jeonju Hydropower Bureau and formed a happy family. Every year in the morning, he would return to Pingxiang to visit the grave of the squad leader and accompany him to talk. However, every time Fu Jinrong saw that the border villages that had contributed to national defense could not get electricity, he was very sad. When a soldier should defend the country, retired from the army should be a citizen. The oath he made with the squad leader was always his concern. Until the news that Pingxiang Power Grid is in urgent need of construction talents, in the vow of a stable life and guarding the border, he did not hesitate to choose the latter. After receiving the support of his family, Fu Jinrong embarked on the road back to Pingxiang.

Follow the national flag and be the "pioneering cow" who opens the mountain line

In 1992, Fu Jinrong returned to Pingxiang with his family, worked in the Pingxiang Power Supply Bureau, joined the national flag patrol class, and served as the third team leader of the class. Pingxiang is known as the "Southern Gate of the Motherland", and the border line is 97 kilometers long. In order to cope with the complicated situation at the border, Fu Jinrong and his colleagues will hold the national flag when they work in the villages on the border. In his opinion, every step of the national flag forward is full of strength under his feet!

Fu Jinrong: Write the "Spirit of the Three Bulls" on the frontier land

Guangxi Chongzuo Power Supply Bureau Yi Huan /Courtesy photo

The village tun on the border of Pingxiang is a typical karst landform, with peaks and jungles and deep ravines. At the end of the last century, the traffic in the mountains was very underdeveloped, and the villagers who lived on the mountains had only a trail to pass. Fu Jinrong recalled: "In the past, many villages did not have roads, and the equipment that needed to be erected for electricity had to be carried to the mountain by us and the local villagers. It was under such harsh conditions that Fu Jinrong took one electric pole after another and a series of electric wires, and carried them shoulder to shoulder with the villagers, walking through one mountain trail after another. The pulled up wires connected to the village power grid, illuminated the hope of the villagers to get rid of poverty, and also tightly connected the hearts of Fu Jinrong and the villagers.

On the day-to-day patrol, the national flag is Fu Jinrong's companion, guiding him towards the belief that the border people can live a good life. In addition to often taking team members to schools and border villages to check electricity lines and eliminate potential electricity safety hazards, in recent years, Fu Jinrong has also volunteered to go to border primary schools to carry out help activities, to carry out "free electricity clinics" to families in difficulty, and to help border residents deal with electricity demand and other problems.

Fu Jinrong: Write the "Spirit of the Three Bulls" on the frontier land

Taking over the banner in Fu Jinrong's hand, the members of the fourth and fifth generation national flag patrol squads continued to carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship, not being afraid of tiredness, and having the courage to innovate. Combined with years of accumulated experience in equipment management, project management and construction, the team members invented new tools and equipment such as convenient hook knives for transmission and distribution lines that are convenient for operation in the mountain border area, such as live nameplate readers, which improve work efficiency and more effectively ensure the safety of operations. Yao Zhengqiang is the fifth generation of the national flag patrol class, in his eyes, "Master Fu in that era over the mountains and mountains to build the power grid rely on manpower and courage, the new era of us, with the progress of science and technology, the introduction of more and more advanced equipment, the road is more convenient and smooth, the work is relatively easy." Under such difficult conditions, Master Fu and they can persevere and build the power grid well, and in today's superior environment, what reason do we have not to struggle and not to inherit their excellent qualities. ”

The mission is on the shoulders, do the "old scalper" who keeps walking

At the end of 2000, the last border village in Pingxiang was electrified, which also meant that the historic task of electrifying the village was completed. With the support of the village's electrification conditions, the villagers here have developed a rough processing industry according to local conditions, and the business of mahogany processing has led to local employment and brought hope to the villagers to increase their income. But Fu Jinrong knew in his heart that this was only the first step in getting the villagers to use electricity, and on the road to a well-off life in an all-round way, there were still heavy missions and tasks to be undertaken to let the villagers use "good" electricity. In order to allow the villagers to use more stable electricity, it did not take long for the power grid renovation project to be carried out in full swing.

In 2018, Pingxiang built a "well-off electricity demonstration county", reaching the requirements of the new round of rural power grid transformation and upgrading targets 2 years ahead of schedule. In 2020, Pingxiang's ninth substation of 35 kV and above was put into operation, and the 830-kilometer-long 10 kV line was densely spread out in the southern Xinjiang of the motherland, penetrating into every corner of the local area. Based on the geographical location of border advantages, with a good power environment as support, coupled with the free trade zone pilot zone, the "Belt and Road" initiative, the new international land and sea trade channels, etc., Pingxiang's foreign trade development is thriving, and the total import and export volume of foreign trade ranks first in the country's border open cities.

Fu Jinrong: Write the "Spirit of the Three Bulls" on the frontier land

Round after round of power grid transformation has brought the deepest feeling to the local people who have opened redwood processing factories. From the initial development of mahogany processing in an environment where power can be used but the voltage is unstable, to the later upgrading of the power grid, the supply of high-quality electricity with stable voltage and power, everyone's confidence in the mahogany processing industry is getting bigger and stronger. Production is guaranteed and life is promising. The earth-shaking changes that have taken place in the lives of the local people, Fu Jinrong sees in his eyes and is happy in his heart. In front of the tomb of the old squad leader, Fu Jinrong, whose sideburns have been whitened, talked about the prosperity and prosperity of the motherland and the prosperity and development of the border.

From enlistment to guarding the border and building the border, Fu Jinrong used more than 40 years of experience to portray the "Three Bull Spirit" on the frontier land of the motherland. A generation has a generation's mission, and a generation has a generation's responsibility. The third generation of the line patrol class will guide the direction of the national flag and the spirit of the Jianbian power grid people to the future generations of line patrol class, inspiring them in the new era "electricity" to brighten the new journey.

Source: Guangming Network - Theory Channel