
Cash has become the "treasure of the town house"? French media: French people like to hide cash under mattresses

Source: Global Times

[Global Times reporter Pan Liang] At the time when bank cards are back in the second line and virtual currency is in the way, the French newspaper "Figaro" reported on the 6th that there are still many French people who like to hide cash in mattresses, insoles or a small box, which makes cash seem to become their "treasure of the town house".

Surveys show that French people hide cash for multiple reasons: fear of bank collapse, imitation of parental behavior, and freedom to spend money. In the context of the intensification of the economic crisis caused by the epidemic, more and more people are hiding cash. Piot, deputy director of the Network and Economic Services of France's National Bank, said that in the past 6 years, more and more people have withdrawn cash, but the number of people using it has decreased, which is obviously related to people hoarding cash at home. Poor people and the elderly prefer cash because it is "more specific". There are also many people who have doubts about how electronic payments handle personal data, believing that the use of cash can guarantee anonymity. In addition, cash is more "resilient" and can still flow smoothly in the event of an electronic payment system failure.

Frugals, conservatives, anarchists and others like to hide cash. Gaston, 30, said it was a habit passed down from his father; another money collector said he felt at ease hiding the bills in hollowed-out books.