
Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie

author:Stinky little daddy

"2,400 times a year, 44 times a week, 9 times a day, on average, every 48 minutes of a bank robbery" This is the global banking capital ---- Los Angeles

Los Angeles ---, the world's most bank robbery, at 5:14 a.m., an airlift truck was snatched up by well-equipped, well-trained robbers, led by Merliman. And there were frequent gun battles, killing and wounding ten policemen.

Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie

The case was taken over by a group of police led by Nick who were more like robbers than robbers

Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie

Soon, Nick suspects Merliman, who has just been out of prison for eight months, and decides to take a clue from Melliman's accomplice, Downey

Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie

After interrogation, Downey confessed bitterly that Merliman was a participant in the previous robbery. Nick asks Downey to go back and continue to listen to the news.

Meanwhile, Merliman is plotting a larger plan for the robbery.

Nick knows that Merliman will do something else, but can't find a clue, and it is at this time that Nick learns from Meilliman's girlfriend that their next plan is to bank Picoli vila. But the plan was deliberately leaked to Nick by Melliman.

Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie
Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie

On the day of the robbery, Merliman and they did come to the Pico Rivera Bank, and they were heavily armed.

Unsurprisingly, the police quickly surrounded them, but Merliman did not seem to be in a hurry to escape, he just circled with the police. Procrastination.

During the time of negotiations with the police, Merliman and they had blown up the sewers and left the bank.

Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie

It turned out that Merliman's target was not the small bank, but the Federal Savings Bank, from which they wanted to steal $300 million of old banknotes that had been destroyed and shipped to the Savings Bank.

Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie
Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie

Will they be able to take the money in the end?

"The Thief's Nest" was released in 2018 and starred Gerald Lee, who starred in "The White House Falls." Starring Butler. He portrays a fierce and emotionally charged detective. Compete against the resourceful robber played by Pablo Schreiber. Let people enjoy the exciting gunfight at the same time, but also have an impression of the film's characters. It has the same effect as the classic police film "Line of Fire".

Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie

It is worth mentioning that the interpretation of the gun battle in "The Thief's Lair" is particularly wonderful, and it has been used in terms of tactical application and the selection of weapons.

Heavy machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, and thankfully they all went to the movie

About a dozen guns, large and small, appear in the movie. The entire film knocked out tens of thousands of air bombs. For friends who like guns, it can be said that it is completely enjoyable.

All the robbers are from the military background and are familiar with the war of confrontation, so in the final road battle, you can feast your eyes.

In addition to the wonderful gunfight footage, the suspense effect of the film itself is still good, and the foreshadowing that appears at the end indicates that there will definitely be follow-up.

However, no one expected such an ending. You can watch the movie and experience it, have you guessed the ending.