
"Fairy Tale Zen" Five-year-old us, see the world

author:Mugi Moe Manga

What were you doing when you were five?

Sydney, I seemed to be running barefoot with Grandpa on the gravel road in the courtyard, and grandpa was instructed to write crooked brush strokes one by one.

At that time, I didn't know how happy I was at that time, I didn't know what was lonely, what was helpless, and what was unattainable.

The Buddhists say that people have eight sufferings, birth, old age, sickness, death, resentment, love and separation, the five yins are blazing, and they cannot be sought.

The life we have experienced, many times need to be cherished rather than pursued.

It is often said that through the eyes of children, the world is colorful.

As an animation that is not suitable for children to watch but suitable for adults to think, we see so much sadness through the eyes of children.

"Fairy Tale Zen" Five-year-old us, see the world

The sister was blind after losing her mother, losing the color of the world and at the same time being more sensitive and afraid of the unknown. When my sister crossed the shallow stream, even though the stream was very shallow, she was still very afraid of being frightened. She was even more eager to see the white clouds floating in the blue sky again, the seagulls soaring on the blue sea and the mischievous faces of her brother.

"Fairy Tale Zen" Five-year-old us, see the world

As a child, she is under tremendous psychological pressure, and all she can do to her young brother is to repeatedly conceal the fact that her mother is buried in the sea of fire, and take her simple brother to find the mother who has long passed away.

"Fairy Tale Zen" Five-year-old us, see the world

The temple is a very important symbol in the film. Escaping and being lonely is the fate of those chanting monks. The monk told his brother that Heaven had closed the eyes outside his sister, but opened the eyes of the heart. In fact, the sister's eyes on her mind did not open. Because there is so little love given to her in this world, the white lie is not because she sees through anything, but because she is escaping the pressure of her brother's deep helplessness. This temple, for my sister, is a shelter and a cage.

"Fairy Tale Zen" Five-year-old us, see the world

Nursery rhymes from childhood sounded in my ears again with the clear and childish voice. The mother of others who spoiled the child can wipe the blood stains on the face of her child on the one hand, and on the other hand, she does not ask questions to the innocent child behind her, and the character portrayal of the younger brother is very clear, and the call and desire for maternal love can pass through the wind and snow, but it cannot penetrate the world's indifferent heart to orphans.

"Fairy Tale Zen" Five-year-old us, see the world

The monk took in the two brothers and sisters with the idea of Pudu sentient beings, but this kindness could not replace the care of motherly love. All a monk can give is spiritual help, and this help comes from a bodhisattva who is omnipotent in his eyes. Broad and profound Buddhist thought cannot save a blind girl, let alone a 5-year-old boy who is simple in nature, active and naïve.

When my sister picked up my brother's little corpse, I suddenly thought of the source of "Five-Year-Old Temple". The storyline of the film is based on the Korean legend of the "five-year-old nunnery", according to legend, during the time of Queen Silla Sundeok, Master Meiyue brought her 5-year-old son to a nunnery to go to Xiangyang to make a monk, she agreed to return within 3 days due to the lack of food in the nunnery, but due to heavy snow, she did not return until the spring of the following year. At this time, she saw that her son had sat in front of the Buddha statue, and since then the nunnery has been renamed "Five-year-old nunnery".

"Fairy Tale Zen" Five-year-old us, see the world

The sudden disappearance of a 5-year-old's life makes people a little stunned.

Whether he sat down or was an accident, this is what the viewer sees.

"Fairy Tale Zen" Five-year-old us, see the world

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