
May 1st Recommendation: Lily Award-nominated film "Pursuit of the Line of Fire", Zhong Hanliang man exploded your imagination

author:Zhong Hanliang encyclopedia
May 1st Recommendation: Lily Award-nominated film "Pursuit of the Line of Fire", Zhong Hanliang man exploded your imagination

On April 28, 2010, the 10th Movie Channel Digital Film Lily Awards kicked off, as the most influential professional award in the field of digital cinema in China, 2010 is already the tenth year of the Movie Channel Digital Movie Lily Awards, a total of 25 outstanding digital films stood out and successfully entered the Lily Award.

May 1st Recommendation: Lily Award-nominated film "Pursuit of the Line of Fire", Zhong Hanliang man exploded your imagination

Produced by the CCTV Movie Channel Program Center, the suspense action digital series film "Line of Fire Pursuit" series also broke through the siege, and the male protagonist Zhong Hanliang was nominated for the 10th "Lily Award" Outstanding Actor Award.

May 1st Recommendation: Lily Award-nominated film "Pursuit of the Line of Fire", Zhong Hanliang man exploded your imagination

The story of the film is twisted and suspenseful, and Inspector Zhong Lang, played by Zhong Hanliang, is the embodiment of justice on the beach. In the context of the special era, in the open and dark struggle, Inspector Zhong Lang and his two assistants have eliminated the sources of evil lurking in the darkness one by one.

May 1st Recommendation: Lily Award-nominated film "Pursuit of the Line of Fire", Zhong Hanliang man exploded your imagination

Zhong Hanliang is responsible for using his brain and most of the "fights" in the film. The story is brightly paced, full of suspense, and the hot action scenes are unparalleled in similar genres.

May 1st Recommendation: Lily Award-nominated film "Pursuit of the Line of Fire", Zhong Hanliang man exploded your imagination

The film's unique fashion action design is refreshing to the audience. In the process of filming, in order to play the tiger inspector well, Zhong Hanliang went to the room and went into the water to chase the enemy, and even ran 7 pairs of leather shoes during the shooting.

May 1st Recommendation: Lily Award-nominated film "Pursuit of the Line of Fire", Zhong Hanliang man exploded your imagination

If you have not seen the dark skin, rough appearance, but delicate and abnormal when solving the case, the keen sense of smell Of Zhong Lang, this May Day, go to the M1905 movie network to search for the "Line of Fire" series of supplementary lessons!

May 1st Recommendation: Lily Award-nominated film "Pursuit of the Line of Fire", Zhong Hanliang man exploded your imagination

Draft: Zhu Chen Chen

Image: Official website, tree_idiot

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