
Ordinary boys are in love

author:Small film and television

It's what girls wear on summer dates and where to go to date girls. What to eat and what to call a date solves three big problems, which are also the most frequently asked questions. These boys' best friends were successfully invited and were about to usher in a happy moment in their lives. However, in the beautiful imagination, before they get drunk for too long, they get stuck in another problem, which is obviously harder. Every boy dreams of dating his favorite girl. WeChat chatted a lot, he is still a netizen. To really develop the formula, he still needs to be face-to-face, more real, and he's with me too. Three dating scammers to take with you to ensure that your date goes more smoothly and that the girl's liking for you will be greatly improved. First, before dating, I carefully took care of my appearance and talked with girls online for a long time, so the biggest purpose of holding two people for the first time was actually to see what my fairy looked like, and whether it was in line with my own?

So personal image is important and determines a girl's first impression of you. A first date is important, but it's not necessary to wear a suit. Don't laugh. I did meet a guy who was dating a guy in a suit. You think you're serious, but you don't know that it may leave a textbook impression on the girl, which will put a lot of pressure on him. Dating is a very easy thing to do. In terms of clothes, try to choose clothes that make you feel comfortable and comfortable. It is best to wear new clothes. Studies have shown that wearing new clothes increases people's self-confidence and their personalities are more cheerful than usual. If you go to the barbershop for a haircut and do the styling one day in advance, you can last until the next day. Let the girl see your best shoes must be clean. The best way to see if a person is clean is to see if his shoes are clean, even if your hair is shiny, if you're wearing a pair of shoes that are very dirty.

But here, we have to be careful not to spray too much perfume, just a little spray can be. It is dense and active. The first time you go on a date with a girl, the other person will be shy and restrained. The scene is easy to open and fall into embarrassment. Therefore, the burden of enlivening the atmosphere falls on the boys. If this step is done well, the relationship between the two people will develop just right. Girls face a variety of things on a first date. One of the concerns was that the two people didn't have chemotherapy and ended up getting embarrassed. If you can dispel this concern, play a leading role in dating, and create a steady stream of topics for girls to relax, it can definitely be regarded as a very successful date. This requires a basic understanding of the girl before dating, to know herself and herself, to fight every battle, so that we can talk about the topic she is interested in, as long as it reaches the resonance point of two people, you can date. It will make the girl's liking double, and the first date will be there.

It is better to take care of beautiful women and win the favor of girls, such as taking pictures of girls and telling them how to pose to make them look better. This is useful for girls. When they went to a restaurant to eat, the girls pulled up chairs and let her walk down the street. When crossing the street, they can pull his arm to give him a feeling of protection. After crossing the street? Remember to let go of the subway together, you can be separated from the crowd, to prevent her from being squeezed by others, and to prepare a small gift for her before the date. Not expensive. A bouquet of flowers is enough, which will make girls feel valued. What about these small, thoughtful details? Each of them can vaccinate the girl's new gray hair. A first date will leave a good impression. Then, the second date, the second date, the second date will be far behind.