
Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

author:Bright Net

On February 27, Tian Qiwen said in an interview with the media that the famous Hong Kong film star Wu Mengda died of liver cancer at the age of 68.

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

Wu Mengda was born on January 2, 1953. In 1973, he applied for the third Hong Kong TVB Artist Training Course, including Chow Yun Fat, Lin Lingdong, etc., and his results have always been ranked in the top five. In 1979, Wu Mengda played the male number two "Hu Tiehua" in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang", and began to receive attention.

In 1991, he won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 10th Hong Kong Film Awards for his film "Heavenly Love". In 1992, he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 11th Hong Kong Film Awards for his film "Truant Weilong".

Uncle Da's film leaves too many classic memories.

Each one is a classic

The roles played by Wu Mengda in those years

"Truancy Weilong" Tiger of the Major Crime Unit - Cao Dahua

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage
Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage
Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

"Shaolin Soccer" golden right foot - Ming Feng

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

The King of Comedy - FieldWork/Undercover

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage
Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

"Deer Ding"--Duke Hai

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

"The Legend of Inspector Leiluo 1: Thunder Tiger" - Lard Boy

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

"Journey to the West" - two masters

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

God Eater

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

"Nine Pin Sesame Officer" - Bao Youwei

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

"The Hundred Variable Star King" - Butler

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

At present, the 5-year survival rate of liver cancer patients in China is only 12%, and the reason is that 80% of liver cancer patients are already in the middle and advanced stages once they are found, and they cannot be surgically removed and radically cured. Why?


Why is liver cancer "detected and advanced"?

1. There are no typical symptoms in the early stages of liver cancer.

The liver is a "silent organ" that is sluggish about pain. At the same time, its compensatory ability is also very strong, as long as about 30% of the liver, it is enough to maintain the normal operation of the human body. So even if the liver grows a tumor, there are often no obvious symptoms.

2. People do not pay enough attention to liver cancer, lack of awareness of regular physical examination and early screening.

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

Image from

Liver cancer patients often have underlying liver diseases, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, etc., but these high-risk groups, some people always think that there is no big deal, feel trouble and do not want to check regularly, and even stay up late, drink alcohol and do not fall, giving liver cancer an opportunity! By the time typical symptoms such as liver pain, jaundice, and ascites appear, it is already advanced.


Prevent liver cancer, these 5 categories of people should pay special attention!

According to WHO data, the incidence of liver cancer in China ranks first in the world, and the annual new and dead liver cancer patients account for about half of the global total; in 2020, the number of liver cancer deaths in China reached 390,000, ranking second only to lung cancer.

The famous poet Wang Guozhen, the Hong Kong actress Shen Dianxia, as well as Fu Biao, Luo Wen... Many prominent individuals have died of liver cancer.

According to the "Primary Liver Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Specifications (2019 Edition)" and "Chronic Hepatitis B Prevention and Treatment Guidelines (2019 Edition)", there are mainly the following types of common high-risk groups of liver cancer:

1. People with a history of hepatitis B and C

The data show that among patients with cirrhosis and liver cancer in China, 77% and 84% are caused by hepatitis B virus, that is to say, at least 84% of liver cancer patients in China are derived from hepatitis B virus infection. Foreign countries are a little different from us, in Western countries, liver cancer patients infected with hepatitis C virus are more common.

Hepatitis B and C have a common feature that is chronic infection: the virus continues to replicate in the liver, causing chronic damage to the liver. According to an earlier report by Chongqing Times, about 20% of patients with hepatitis B will turn into cirrhosis, and about 10% of patients with cirrhosis will convert to liver cancer.

Therefore, people who have been infected with hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C should keep more eyes.

Just now, Wu Mengda died of cancer, leaving too many classic memories in his life! This cancer is detected in an advanced stage, and there are no typical symptoms in the early stage

Trilogy of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer

2. People with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and cirrhosis

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis causes fat types called triglycerides to accumulate in the liver, which can cause cirrhosis (liver fibrosis) and liver failure. If cirrhosis is not treated in time, it may worsen into liver cancer.

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis usually occurs in people who are overweight or obese and in people with type 2 diabetes.

3. There are liver cancer patients in the family

Here we should first clarify that liver cancer is not a "genetic disease" that everyone imagines.

Genetic diseases refer to diseases caused by genetic mutations or chromosomal aberrations, which are simply inherited from parents to children, mostly congenital.

The heritability of liver cancer is called "family aggregation phenomenon", the most common example is that a mother with hepatitis B "passes" the hepatitis B virus to the child when she gives birth.

But don't worry too much, even if the mother is a hepatitis B virus carrier, as long as the child is given hepatitis B immunoglobulin and hepatitis B vaccine in time, it can be well controlled.

4. Smokers and alcoholics

Many people know that people who drink alcohol for a long time are prone to "alcoholic liver", and on this basis, they have every opportunity to develop cirrhosis of the liver and then develop liver cancer.

But many people do not know that smoking also increases the chance of liver cancer and liver cancer mortality. The data showed that about 15% of liver cancers were associated with alcohol consumption, and about 12% of liver cancers were associated with smoking. Wu Mengda once revealed that he has a history of smoking for more than 40 years, began to smoke in his teens, three packs a day...

Smoking can cause some harmful substances in cigarettes (such as nicotine, etc.) to directly damage the liver; heavy smokers have almost twice as many chances of liver cancer as non-smokers.

In addition, for liver cancer patients, after surgery, smoking can also increase the incidence of complications, such as liver fibrosis, impaired liver function, bile damage and so on.

5. Those over 40 years old who have stayed up late for a long time

The high incidence of cancer is after the age of 40, which is for men over 40 years old and women over 50 years old, respectively, of which the incidence of men is higher than that of women.

In this age group, the body's resistance declines, coupled with the accumulation of long-term toxins, the probability of cancer is relatively large, especially those who stay up late for a long time and are overworked.

Because staying up late for a long time will cause the liver to be unable to excrete toxins normally and cannot repair itself. And staying up late for a long time will also reduce the body's immunity.

In addition, aflatoxin is also the culprit of liver cancer, stomach cancer, and esophageal cancer. Moldy peanuts, grains, rice, etc. have this toxin, but some people do not know, easy to eat by mistake, especially the elderly, do not want to waste food, moldy things often eat, thereby increasing the risk of liver cancer.


Remember the 3 good habits of "liver protection"

Poor lifestyle is also an important factor in causing liver cancer, so we still have to start from a little bit:

1. Quit the most liver-hurting habit – alcoholism

Especially for people who are uncomfortable without drinking for a day, their mouths are comfortable, and their livers can't stand it.

In a word: do not smoke, drink less alcohol (preferably not drink), eat a balanced diet, insist on exercise, which kind of cancer prevention is indispensable to these three.

2. Do not eat moldy and spoiled food

Improperly stored peanuts, corn, rice, etc., will be contaminated with mold and produce the carcinogen "aflatoxin". This thing is very close to liver cancer, so beware.

3. Regular medical examinations and reasonable cancer screening

Liver cancer is too dangerous, early detection and early treatment is the best way, so find a time to do a set of physical examinations!

In particular, the 5 types of high-risk groups mentioned above should do a good job in physical examination, early detection and early treatment.

If you can get the liver cancer out at an early stage, the treatment effect is good.

Specifically, you can do this:

For the above-mentioned high-risk groups of liver cancer, it is recommended to do a routine test every 6 months - abdominal ultrasound combined with serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test;

For people at high risk of liver cancer who have been found to have nodules or cirrhosis of the liver, it is recommended to have a routine test every 3 months and an enhanced CT or MRI test every 6 to 12 months to improve the diagnosis rate of early liver cancer;

For people such as immunototrophic hepatitis B virus carriers and hepatitis B and hepatitis C clinically cured, the incidence of liver cancer is low, and the interval of routine monitoring can be extended by 1 year or more.

Of course, while paying attention to your health, you must also pay attention to the physical condition of your family.

Source: Hangzhou Daily Comprehensive NetEase Entertainment, Hepe People's Pharmacy

Source: Hangzhou Daily

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