
| close-up of the National Games: Golf course plays "Song in the Rain"

author:Xinhua News Agency client

Xi'an, 23 Sep (Xinhua) -- During the autumn equinox, an autumn rain raided the golf course of the 14th National Games. From the pouring of water to the gradual intensification of rain, this competition at the foot of Qinling Mountain "played" a "repertoire" that was different from that of sunny days, showing a bit of unique romance.

On the 23rd, when the golf tournament of the National Games was in its third round, it rained around 9 a.m. The arena is located at the foot of Qinling Mountain, as the raindrops fall, the tall peaks are surrounded by rising mist, gradually looming, adding a bit of "immortal qi".

| close-up of the National Games: Golf course plays "Song in the Rain"

On September 23, the Owner of the Shanghai team played in the game. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Zhuang

Before the competition, the players not only held up umbrellas, but also put rain cloths on the "baby ball bags". Many players also hung dry towels under umbrellas, put on gloves on rainy days, and took sufficient measures to keep them dry. "The rain will have some impact on the game, and the rain is likely to wet the clubs, have an impact on the player's grip, and have an impact on the level of competition." Li Hailong, director of the competition department of the China Golf Association, said, "At the same time, the slippery field itself also increases the difficulty, and the player's batting distance may not reach the distance on a sunny day." ”

While players can use rain gear to shield themselves from the rain when moving on the pitch, they can only swing in the rain when hitting the ball. On the field, the players did not seem to care about the interference caused by the rain, they tee off with all their might, leaned over and carefully calculated the angle, and accurately pushed the bar... To complete the full game, the players not only need to hit the ball, but also need to walk at least 10 kilometers on the field in the rain, which is also a challenge of tenacity and perseverance.

| close-up of the National Games: Golf course plays "Song in the Rain"

On September 23, Yin Xiaowen of Tianjin team competed in the competition. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Zhuang

"The difficulty of the Qinling race itself is not small, it is now the rainy season, the unpredictable weather has become an important factor affecting the performance of our athletes, and the competition in the rain tests the basic skills and on-the-spot experience of the athletes." Shaanxi's Zhang Xinjun said.

For the audience, "Golf in the Rain" is a rare "visual feast". "Bang!" The player hits the ball with all his might, a small piece of wet turf, and the white ball flies at the same time in the rain, and the power and beauty of golf are instantly displayed. Tall and fit players, gracefully strolling on the turquoise course, the rain curtain as a curtain, the sound of rain accompaniment, the ethereal mountain color as the background, the romance and elegance of golf are all reflected.

| close-up of the National Games: Golf course plays "Song in the Rain"

On September 23, Bai Zhengkai of Hainan team kicked off the ball during the match. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Zhuang

"I came to see the game today, and this time the players are very strong and in good shape, and the rain has not affected their ability." Spectator Zhang Yarong said, "Unlike other competition spectators sitting in the stands, golf competitions, the audience needs to follow the players to move together, not only can see the players in the rain, but also see the beautiful scenery, breathe fresh air, this is simply the most perfect game!" ”

Editors: Wang Hengzhi, Wu Bowen, Zhou Xin, Xiao Ruixuan (Intern)

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