
6 movies that I watched in one breath, I didn't even have a chance to go to the toilet

author:Little Q Kan movie

1, "Very Suspect"; the ending is wonderful, when the male protagonist bail successfully walked to the door to receive the gold watch and gold lighter of personal belongings, I woke up like a dream, Caesar is him! He took advantage of the prejudice and arrogance of the police, the more he whitewashed Horton, the darker he painted, never underestimating those who are small in your eyes, he may be the most dangerous boss.

6 movies that I watched in one breath, I didn't even have a chance to go to the toilet

2, "Shudder Space"; the movie is nothing special, the bull fork is photography, David Finch's shaping and imagination of the space is really not an ordinary cow, the four-story structure of the room is clear, that is, the villain feels a little awkward, only one of the three people is particularly evil, the other two are not so bad, so the result is not so enjoyable, and it can be expected for what is going to happen.

6 movies that I watched in one breath, I didn't even have a chance to go to the toilet

3, "The Abyss of Death"; because Cameron specially went to the theater to see the 3D version, there were very few 3D films at that time, most of them were fake 3D effects, I have to say that the 3D visual spectacle of this part is quite good, and now it is still shocking the danger of cave diving, but the story plot is slightly immature, but the cinema viewing effect alone is worth the ticket price.

6 movies that I watched in one breath, I didn't even have a chance to go to the toilet

4, "Cat and Mouse Game"; a lonely child has become a criminal genius, doing everything in order to make his parents reunite; a talentless agent without any prejudice and discrimination has discovered the child's shining point, like the love of the elders for the younger generations. Every word and deed, the exchange is permeated with each other's sincerity. The story begins in the last 20 minutes with excitement and intriguing.

6 movies that I watched in one breath, I didn't even have a chance to go to the toilet

5. "The Insider"; a detailed but dark political panorama that paints not only South Korea. The collusion between officials, the media, businessmen, entertainment, and the underworld is something that people think about but are expected. But when it is shown layer by layer with images, it is unexpectedly shocking. The cinematography and narrative are extremely well-paced, unmotivated and surprising.

6 movies that I watched in one breath, I didn't even have a chance to go to the toilet

6, "The Life of David Gore"; nearly 20 years ago, the United States had such a script idea, and our country still has a long way to go in this regard. I also do not have a political position on abolition, from the perspective of literary and artistic works alone, this ending is shocking enough, may cause some people of insight to reflect, but it may not be too touched by ordinary people, once something happens, they will not think about it, emotions will only drive them to say extreme words or even do extreme things, just like the comments under the various social news on Weibo, wrapped in emotions and public opinion. This is also what comes to my mind because of the recent uproar in the Larara affair.

6 movies that I watched in one breath, I didn't even have a chance to go to the toilet

After watching 6 movies in one sitting, I didn't even have a chance to go to the toilet!

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