
Autumn throat discomfort, you can make homemade autumn pear cream at home, clear the lungs and moisten the throat

author:Dr. Li Qihuo of TCM Health

If you want to make the throat more comfortable, you need to use an effective throat lubrication method, and autumn pear cream is a very good throat moisturizing medicinal diet, moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, raw and sharp throat.

What other ways to nourish the throat?

1. Drink water often

Many people often feel itchy and dry throat after autumn, the best way to moisturize the throat is to drink water, replenish the lack of water in the body, it will feel much better. If you feel that boiled water has no taste, you can put some honey to moisten the throat better.

2. Eat more fruit

If you want to moisturize your throat, you can also eat more fruits, such as pears, oranges, apples, etc. These fruits are rich in vitamin C to improve human immunity, and the effect of moisturizing the throat is also very good. However, diabetics can not eat more, when eating fruit, we must pay attention to selection, and we must also control the amount.

3. Buy an air humidifier

Autumn weather is relatively dry, indoor air is dry, the throat is easy to itch, dry. For this reason, you can buy an air humidifier to give the air a certain humidity, so that the throat will feel much better. However, the air humidifier should not be opened for a long time, and attention should be paid to ventilation.

4. Drink tea that clears the heat and reduces the fire

Autumn is very easy to catch fire, a fire throat is uncomfortable, this time you can drink some tea with heat reduction effect, chrysanthemum tea is a good choice, you can brew a cup of chrysanthemum tea from time to time to moisten the throat and reduce noise.

Autumn weather is relatively dry, the throat will be uncomfortable, you can make homemade autumn pear cream at home, clear the lungs and moisten the throat. Autumn pear paste is not difficult to make, the main ingredients are sydney pear, monk fruit, ginger, red dates, yellow rock sugar. First wash the pear, monk fruit and red date ginger, peel the ginger, and then cut the pear into small pieces and put it into a juicer to juice. Do not throw away the remaining residue from the juice and wrap it in gauze into small packets. Cut the ginger into strips, remove the kernels and cut the red dates into strips, and put the ginger, dates, pear juice and pear residue into a large pot and boil. Bring to medium heat on high heat and simmer for an hour. After boiling, put the pear juice in a casserole dish and slowly boil it into a paste, gently stirring with a spoon during the boiling process, otherwise it will be bitter. Finally, put it in a glass jar, put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration and storage, and eat it directly or soak it in water to drink.

Autumn throat discomfort, you can make homemade autumn pear cream at home, clear the lungs and moisten the throat