
Inventory of 5 kinds of prehistoric animals that easily kill megalodon sharks, giant squid was selected, canglong only ranked 35th, Leviathan whale 4, giant squid 3, canglong 2, crocodile 1, dragon king whale

author:Take stock of the lions

Are you afraid of sharks? Maybe you've seen the movie Jaws, which causes you to be afraid of anything in the deep sea. Modern sharks may be really scary, but they're actually much milder than you might think. However, in the history of this planet, there is an absolutely creepy water monster that may give you reason to continue to be afraid of large sharks. Its name is "Megalodon". What does a megalodon look like? Before we choose other monsters to fight against the megalodon, let's first understand what it is.

Inventory of 5 kinds of prehistoric animals that easily kill megalodon sharks, giant squid was selected, canglong only ranked 35th, Leviathan whale 4, giant squid 3, canglong 2, crocodile 1, dragon king whale

Megalodons live in subtropical and temperate waters in both hemispheres, and megalodon remains have also been found in freshwater bodies, so the shark may live in both saltwater seas and freshwater rivers. The first megalodon sharks came to this historic arena about 20-23 million years ago; about 3.6 million years ago, they disappeared and were replaced by new species in the water.

Megalodon is a very large species, it can grow up to 14-20 meters long. As for the more common specimen, the so-called "typical megalodon" is about 10.5 meters long. Megalodons weigh about 30-35 tons, but some of them are likely to weigh up to 45 tons. Best of all, it has about 250 teeth in 5 rows, and after each tooth is broken, new teeth will grow out of the original place, and the average megalodon shark has about 40,000 teeth in its lifetime. In my opinion, it doesn't need to go to the dentist at all!

But it's worth mentioning that all the information we have about megalodon sharks is highly speculative, because most of us use the shark's teeth to tell us this story, after all, other remains are very rare. Megalodons have been rampaging through the ocean for a long time, so we don't have a lot of reliable data about their appearance. For a long time, the scientific community agreed that megalodons looked like great white sharks. Today, paleontologists believe it may look more like a whale shark or a sand tiger shark.

Inventory of 5 kinds of prehistoric animals that easily kill megalodon sharks, giant squid was selected, canglong only ranked 35th, Leviathan whale 4, giant squid 3, canglong 2, crocodile 1, dragon king whale

These fearsome beasts are active predators, and they usually prefer to eat small whales, big fish, and seals. Megalodon extinctions may have been caused by a variety of factors, with climate change making the oceans colder, exacerbating the competition problems for these sharks. They simply cannot adapt to the new world, and extinction is inevitable. Megalodon is a top predator and is the "god of war" in the minds of many friends. But today, the master will give you an inventory of 5 ancient creatures that can easily kill megalodon sharks and are already extinct. If you want to know if the dragon will appear, be sure to see the last, because the first place is born to defeat the megalodon shark. High energy ahead, please fasten your seat belt, we are on the road!

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Leviathan whales may be one of megalodon sharks' biggest competitors. It is also a top predator and one of the largest animals ever existed on Earth. The Leviathan whale lived in the Miocene, and different sources believe it may have spread throughout the ocean 12-13 million years ago or 10-9 million years ago. In any case, Leviathan whales and megalodons live together, which can be a headache for our shark friends.

Inventory of 5 kinds of prehistoric animals that easily kill megalodon sharks, giant squid was selected, canglong only ranked 35th, Leviathan whale 4, giant squid 3, canglong 2, crocodile 1, dragon king whale

As for the size of the Leviathan whale, scientists believe it is between 13.5-17 meters long. We don't know how much it weighs, but we have something more exciting — its teeth. This is the main weapon of the Leviathan whale, and its teeth are very large, each 36 centimeters long and about 12 centimeters in diameter. With these teeth, the monster could easily bite into the flesh of young whales and, of course, megalodons.

Leviathan whales and megalodons live in the same area of the ocean, so they may fight each other for food. The Leviathan whale has deadly and strong teeth, it is much smarter than the megalodon and is able to react to situations more quickly. So, even if the shark bites our dear whale friend, the smarter Leviathan whale should be able to handle the megalodon shark. A mighty Leviathan whale will not lose, it will be the winner of this shark-whale war.

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This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but we're talking about extinct species, so we can relax a bit. Giant squid can grow into a big guy, weighing about 500 kilograms and reaching up to 14 meters in length. You can assume that a smaller, lighter, boneless squid won't be able to beat a megalodon shark in a million years. Well, I still don't have to settle down so quickly! However, there is a way to make it win the battle against the megalodon.

Inventory of 5 kinds of prehistoric animals that easily kill megalodon sharks, giant squid was selected, canglong only ranked 35th, Leviathan whale 4, giant squid 3, canglong 2, crocodile 1, dragon king whale

If the megalodon attacks it in deep enough water, the squid can attack the megalodon with its strong beak and wrap it around it with its tentacles. It stops sharks from moving, and megalodons drown. Squids are clever, they know how to use tools when hunting, and they can successfully disguise themselves if necessary. I don't think the giant squid will take the initiative to fight the megalodon, but if it does happen, then I can only wish the megalodon good luck.

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The Dragon is one of the coolest scaly reptiles on the planet. It is a giant deadly monster that feeds on the large aquatic creatures of the ocean and is a formidable opponent of megalodon sharks. The largest species in this reptile family is Hoffmanni Mosasaurus, which lived 72-66 million years ago and could grow up to 17 meters long. Its body is thinner and easier to maneuver than modern whales. Huo's Canglong is the most advanced of the Canglong family, and it may have good eyesight. Its teeth can withstand very powerful bites, so poor megalodons will feel it fully on the skin.

Inventory of 5 kinds of prehistoric animals that easily kill megalodon sharks, giant squid was selected, canglong only ranked 35th, Leviathan whale 4, giant squid 3, canglong 2, crocodile 1, dragon king whale

Assuming who will win the battle between the two is a very speculative thing because there is an age gap between them. However, if the dragon uses all its advantages, namely bite force and vision, the megalodon shark is likely to lose this battle.

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The crocodile is a famous ancient crocodile that looks like a walking nightmare that terrorized the prehistoric lands. This ancient reptile was a top predator, feeding on large dinosaurs, large fish and even large turtles. It's fast, and it has a bone plate called "bone skin" that protects it from almost anyone. The adult crocodile is about 12 meters long (with a tail) and weighs about 7-8 tons, which looks a lot like the modern alligator.

Inventory of 5 kinds of prehistoric animals that easily kill megalodon sharks, giant squid was selected, canglong only ranked 35th, Leviathan whale 4, giant squid 3, canglong 2, crocodile 1, dragon king whale

So why do I think it can easily kill the megalodon? The reason is simple, the crocodile has a protective plate, an impressive bite force, and experience against larger animals. The crocodile eats big fish, so I think the megalodon must be very much in line with its appetite. Unfortunately, when the megalodon came into this world, it was long gone.

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Let's end our list with another top predator, the dominant predator of the time, the Dragon King Whale. The Dragon King Whale is a large animal that is comparable in length to a megalodon, ranging from 14-20 meters. The animal was once mistaken for a reptile, but it was actually a whale with huge teeth and a slim body. In their recipes, the Dragon King Whale eats only large sharks and fish. The interesting fact about this whale is that the Dragon King Whale is able to bite into and chew on its prey. If we talk about diet, the Ryuko Whale resembles its modern cousin, the Orca.

Inventory of 5 kinds of prehistoric animals that easily kill megalodon sharks, giant squid was selected, canglong only ranked 35th, Leviathan whale 4, giant squid 3, canglong 2, crocodile 1, dragon king whale

In the battle between megalodon and dragon whale, the latter will certainly kill the former in a second. Because the Dragon King Whale specializes in hunting large sharks, and has huge teeth and the power of the mammalian brain. In my opinion, the Dragon King Whale was born specifically to subdue megalodon sharks.

These are 5 ancient creatures that can easily kill megalodon sharks, who do you think is the first enemy of megalodon sharks? What other animal should also be selected? Can the Siberian Tiger of the aircraft carrier do it every second? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. I am an inventory master, if you like my article, don't forget to click the follow button, while liking the favorite and forwarding, thank you!