
Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

author:Take stock of the lions

For about 135 million years, dinosaurs were the undisputed rulers of the planet. However, our planet has existed for much longer than the dinosaurs have ruled. It turns out that nature is very good at creating nightmare monsters. So, to think that dinosaurs were the only terrible inhabitants of our prehistoric history would be a huge mistake. From sea creatures much larger than great white sharks, to sky creatures much larger than giraffes, to elephant-sized sloths, they were also among the most terrifying and fascinating prehistoric creatures on Earth.

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

Hello everyone, I'm a master of inventory. In this issue, I will take stock of the 10 most powerful prehistoric animals that have ever appeared on the earth, and if you want to verify whether the "Siberian Tiger Hand-Torn Tyrannosaurus Rex" often said by Tiger Blow is true, you may wish to read the article carefully, and you will get a satisfactory answer. High energy ahead, please fasten your seat belt, we are on the road!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" >10, brachy bear</h1>

These giant mythical beasts may not compete with the largest bear species ever created, but the short-faced bear appeared hundreds of millions of years later. Their names come from the shape of their heads because of their "short faces". The bite force of these giant bears is much stronger than that of modern bears, even grizzly bears. Moreover, they have long legs and can run fast! Some short-faced bears found in La Brea asphalt pits in North America weigh more than 907 kilograms, and for comparison, modern polar bears can only grow to 725 kilograms. However, according to scientists' analysis, short-faced bears may even grow to 1587 kilograms and exceed 3.3 meters in length.

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" >9</h1>

Apparently, before the advent of the dinosaurs, our planet was filled with terrible prehistoric creatures. Another major example is the lidont, an animal that lived 260 million years ago, long before dinosaurs became the dominant predator. The 1.8-3 m long Lidont is a fast and ferocious predator, which allows it to rise to the top of the food chain. Of course, this is also due to their huge canine teeth, and these teeth are so large that they almost protrude from the jaw.

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" >8</h1>

Saber-toothed tigers lived in the Americas and did not become extinct until about 13,000 years ago, meaning they may have overlapped with early human inhabitants. Not only are saber-toothed tigers super carnivores with 15 centimeters of fangs, but there is evidence that they are hunted in droves! Many fossils of saber-toothed tigers have been found at the La Brea site, which may have been attracted there by prey trapped in asphalt, a thick substance that accumulates when crude oil emerges from the ground and then gets stuck on its own.

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" >7, Leviathan Meswell whale</h1>

The name of this extinct whale comes from the Sea Monster Leviathan in the Old Testament: "... When it rises, powerful people are terrified. For Herman Melville, author of the novel Moby Dick, Moby Dick, moby dick is about a hateful moby whale that terrifies Captain Ahab, eventually leads to his death and destroys his ship and crew. Leviathan whales are related to modern sperm whales and beluga whales and lived during the Miocene. It is 13.4 - 17.4 meters long, has a skull that is 3 meters long, and 40 teeth that are 37 cm long. This is the longest known tooth of all animals used for feeding, whether extinct or alive. They feed on large prey on the surface of the water, including other whales. The whale may have become so large because it is related to the direct competition for food by megalodon sharks.

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" >6</h1>

This giant and extinct shark has become one of the most famous prehistoric creatures, perhaps second only to rex tyrannosaurus rex. Megalodon is the largest shark species ever existed, and it is widely believed to look similar to the modern great white shark. However, the great white shark can only grow to 6 meters and weigh about 2268 kg, while the megalodon shark is estimated to be 18.3 meters and weighs between 50-100 tons. Megalodon was only extinct about 2.6 million years ago, meaning it often interacts with animals that still exist today, such as giant sea turtles, dolphins, and even whales.

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" >5</h1>

Plesiosaurs were a marine reptile whose appearance and disappearance occurred almost at the same time as dinosaurs, so it is understandable that people generally confuse them. If there's one type of plesiosaur that you need to be careful of, it's Slippery Toothed Dragon. The carnivorous beast may weigh more than 1590 kilograms, be more than 9.1 meters long, and its huge intact skull is nearly a quarter of its length. Of course, it also has a huge jaw and several rows of sharp teeth. This slippery toothed dragon lived in the Middle Jurassic Caroway stage. Because of its superior bite force and maneuverability, it is not limited by salt water and slowing down the continuous waste of energy, it can easily kill megalodon sharks.

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="50" >4</h1>

Fearsome animals occupy not only the ground and the water, but also have advantages in land, sea and air. Imagine a giraffe-sized predator with a wingspan of 10 meters and flying through the air. Aeolian pterosaurs lived in the Cretaceous Period, lived with dinosaurs, and may even have eaten smaller dinosaurs. But when Aeolian pterosaurs flew into the sky, the researchers thought they were graceful and powerful flyers. Their skeleton shape is very similar to that of modern birds, which also allows these creatures to carry about 250 kilograms of weight into the air, and may even be able to fly and glide for several days. Fossils show that they are covered with hair, which may help them regulate their body temperature during flight.

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="51" >3</h1>

This giant predator, also known as the Super Giant Crocodile, the Monarch Crocodile and the Muscle Crocodile, means "Muscle Crocodile", is an extinct crocodile. Strictly speaking, it is not a crocodile, but a distant relative of its, and the main difference is their size. The emperor crocodile is about 12.2 meters long, almost twice as long as the saltwater crocodile, which is the largest crocodile we have today. It also weighs around 8 tons, which means it can handle almost any challenge it faces. The good news is that the emperor crocodile can coexist with dinosaurs. Its skull is 1.82 meters long and has 132 teeth. This reptile from the Cretaceous period lived mainly in what is now Africa and South America.

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" >2</h1>

Like plesiosaurs, the dragon was a marine reptile, technically not a dinosaur. The dragon is about 18.3 meters long and is the largest of them. In fact, it was one of the most dangerous creatures that roamed the water during the entire Cretaceous period. It looks like a giant crocodile (especially its head) with only long fins. Scarily, the fin makes it more flexible in the water. The dragon is very fast and will deliberately swallow the entire shark!

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="53" >1</h1>

There is no doubt that I will put the best in the final introduction. Dinosaurs were once the rulers of the earth, dominating for more than 160 million years. By comparison, we humans have truly ruled the planet for only a few thousand years. As the king of dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus rex is undoubtedly the most powerful species in history. Tyrannosaurus rex is the largest of the Tyrannosaurus rex family, with a body length of about 11.5-14.7 meters and a head length of about 1.55 meters; an average weight of about 9 tons, and a maximum weight of 14.85 tons. What is more fatal is that the teeth of the Tyrannosaurus rex are up to 14.2 centimeters, the bite force is generally 90,000 Newtons - 120,000 Newtons, and the maximum end of the mouth can reach about 200,000 Newtons. Nowadays, we are surrounded by all kinds of tiger blowing, saying that "The Siberian tiger can easily tear the Tyrannosaurus rex by hand", and when you see me give you the real T-Rex, do you still think that this kind of talk is not nonsense?

Inventory of the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, the Megalodon is only ranked 6th, the Dragon Pressure Emperor Crocodile ranks 210th, the Short-faced Bear 9, the Lidont Beast 8, the Saber-toothed Tiger 7, the Meslean Leviathan Whale 6, the Megalodon 5, the Slippery Tooth Dragon 4, the Aeolian Pterodactyl 3, the Emperor Crocodile 2, the Canglong 1, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex

These are the 10 most powerful creatures in prehistory, do you agree with my ranking? What other animals do you think could be selected? Do you still think that the Siberian tiger can tear the Tyrannosaurus rex by hand? Feel free to write your thoughts in the comments section. I am an inventory master, if you like my article, don't forget to click the follow button, while liking the favorite and forwarding, thank you!