
18 mobile phones, 8 laptops, more than 40,000 yuan in cash... There were more than 10 thefts, and a "habitual thief" was arrested

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Peninsula all-media reporter Bao Fuyu correspondent Wang Bin

On October 18, on the day of the launch of the city's strike-hard "Thunder No. 14" operation, Ms. Sun, a citizen, sent a pennant with the words "Police Uncle Love You Oh" to the Fuxin Road Police Station of the North Public Security Bureau of the city to thank the police for cracking the theft case and recovering the stolen laptop computer that stored important information for herself. Slightly mischievous and warm words of thanks, let the police handling the case be greatly encouraged.

18 mobile phones, 8 laptops, more than 40,000 yuan in cash... There were more than 10 thefts, and a "habitual thief" was arrested

Recently, in accordance with the unified deployment of the substation, the police of the Fuxin Road Police Station went deep into the community to promote the installation of the APP of the National Anti-Fraud Center, and the abnormal behavior of a man attracted the attention of the police.

At 19:00 on October 4, 2021, the police of Fuxin Road Police Station came to a hotel on Wenzhou Road to teach anti-fraud and anti-fraud knowledge to the accommodation staff and promote how to install anti-fraud APP. At this time, a man saw the police, looked panicked, acted evasively, and prepared to leave. The police stopped it, in the conversation found that the man flashed his words, words were broken, the police helped him install the APP process, his hand has been shaking, the police asked whether he was unwell, found that the man's forehead has oozed beads of sweat.

18 mobile phones, 8 laptops, more than 40,000 yuan in cash... There were more than 10 thefts, and a "habitual thief" was arrested

The abnormal behavior of men has attracted the attention and vigilance of the civilian police. In the process of verifying identity, the man claimed that his identity card was lost and had not been replaced. However, according to the person in charge of the hotel, the man had registered with his own identity card when he checked in. Therefore, the police asked him to take out his identity card and cooperate with the work of the police. At this time, the man was emotional, refused to provide documents, and wanted to get rid of the shackles of the police and forcibly left the hotel. The police quickly put his limbs under control, and after nearly ten minutes of fruitless struggle, the man gave up his resistance and provided his identity card to the police.

After the identity of the police, Jiang Moumou, 45 years old, a native of Anqing, Anhui Province, has a previous conviction for theft many times. The police followed Jiang Moumou into the room where he lived for inspection, and the scene in front of him shocked the police: but in the room of about 6 square meters, there were two suitcases on the ground, and in the cabinet against the wall, there was 1 suitcase, 6 backpacks, 18 mobile phones, 8 laptops, and more than 40,000 yuan in cash, these items Jiang Moumou could not say reasonable sources.

18 mobile phones, 8 laptops, more than 40,000 yuan in cash... There were more than 10 thefts, and a "habitual thief" was arrested

The police summoned Jiang X back to the police station for review, and Jiang X confessed: In July 2020, he should have come to Qingdao from his native Anhui Province, lived in a hotel on Wenzhou Road, because he had no skills, he was good at eating and lazy, and after spending all his money, he "returned to his old business" and embarked on the criminal road of theft.

At about 2:00 a.m. on a day in mid-October 2020, Jiang Moumou came out of the hotel and patrolled along Wenzhou Road and Ninghua Road at night, pulling the doors of parked vehicles on the side of the road one by one, and then stealing a gray notebook in the trunk of an unlocked car. After tasting the sweetness, in the following days, Jiang Moumou repeated the same trick, repeatedly pulled the car door along the street, and stole tens of thousands of yuan in cash and a large number of laptops, mobile phones and other property in the roadside parking vehicles that never locked the door, and the total value of the property obtained was more than 200,000 yuan.

At present, Jiang Moumou has confessed to more than 10 cases of theft of property in the car, and the police are verifying them one by one. Jiang Moumou has been criminally detained by the police in the north of the city according to law for suspected theft.

On October 18, some of the victims who received a notice from the police at the Fuxin Road police station came to the police station. After making a record for the victim, the civilian police checked the details of the theft and the loss, and returned some of the stolen property. After receiving the stolen laptop that was returned, Ms. Sun, a citizen, burst into tears with excitement. One night in early October 2020, Ms. Sun parked her car on the side of the road near a residential area on Nanchang Road and forgot to lock the car door due to a momentary negligence. Early the next morning, she found that the laptop in the trunk of the car had been stolen. Because the notebook contains a large number of personal work data and personal wedding photos, travel photos and other photos, it is of great significance to Ms. Sun, and her emotions were out of control after being stolen. According to Ms. Sun, after receiving the call from the police, she could not believe her ears, her work and life were greatly affected by the theft of the computer, in order to retrieve the computer has been many times to the second-hand mobile phone computer market to inquire about the news, originally to find the computer has no hope at all, desperate when actually received a call from the police. This ecstasy of being born and regaining made her gratitude to the police "burst", so she made a pennant to express her true feelings and sent it to the police station to express her gratitude.

Coincidentally, at the scene of the return of the stolen items, another victim, Mr. Chen, also presented a pennant with the words "Sincerely do things for the people and help the people with all their hearts". He shook the hands of the policemen and thanked them one after another. A few days ago, Mr. Chen (49 years old, from the city) parked his car in the courtyard of his residence on Laiwu Second Road at night. When parking, a kraft paper bag containing more than 40,000 yuan in cash was placed in the co-pilot's storage slot in the car, and he forgot to close the door when leaving. At about 7 a.m. the next morning, Mr. Chen was driving and found that the cash in the car was missing. On October 10, the Fuxin Road police station contacted Mr. Chen to implement the police information, and told Mr. Chen that the cash had been recovered, and Mr. Chen, who had been suffering in anxiety and despair for several days, was overjoyed and immediately went to make a pennant. On October 18, Mr. Chen returned the stolen cash issued by the police and said excitedly: "After the money was stolen, I was very anxious in my heart, I didn't expect that so much money would be lost and recovered so quickly, thank you so much to the people's police, you are really the patron saints of the people!" ”

Police tips: When the public parks their vehicles, they must check whether they are locked, so as not to give lawbreakers an opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to cause damage to their own property. After discovering the theft, please call the police immediately so as not to miss the time to solve the case.

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