
80 literary allusions, read half of China's literary history

author:Baotou Federation of Industry and Commerce
80 literary allusions, read half of China's literary history

There are many famous allusions in classical Chinese literature, and after reading these 85 literary allusions, you can understand half of the literary history.

1. Spotted bamboo: Xiangfei bamboo. After Shun's death, Shun's concubines, Empress Dowager E, and Empress Dowager Ying wept on the Xiang water, and tears spilled on the bamboo, and the bamboo poles were marked.

Tang Liu Yuxi's "Tai Niang Song": "How to sprinkle this thousand lines of tears and sprinkle bamboo branches on the Xiangjiang River." ”

2. Bird with wings: The legend says that the quail has only one eye and one wing, so it must be two birds together to fly, metaphorically for husband and wife.

Tang Baijuyi's "Long Hate Song": "In heaven wish for BiYi Wu, in the earth wish for Lian Lizhi." ”

3. LianLi branch: Two branches that are born together, such as a loving couple.

4. Green Blood: Often used in conjunction with "Dan Xin" to celebrate the loyalty of those who sacrificed their lives for the country.

Yuan Zheng Yuanyou's "Song of Zhang Yushi's Death Festival": "Lonely loyalty is the heart of Ming Dan, and three years must be transformed into blue blood." ”

5. Great Wall: The Southern Song Dynasty general Tan Daoji called himself the "Great Wall". Later, he was known as a hero who could resist enemy invasion.

Song Luyou's "Book Of Anger": "Plugging the Great Wall into the air and promising itself, the fading sideburns in the mirror have been spotted first." ”

6. Cai Wei: In the last year of the Yin Dynasty, King Wu of Zhou cut Yin, and the sons of the Lone Bamboo State King, Boyi and Shu Qi, believed that this was a vassal and a king, so they stopped the horse and obstructed it. After Yin, the two did not eat Zhou Su, lived in seclusion in Shouyang Mountain, and ate Wei wei, and eventually starved to death. Later, he used this metaphor to hide in seclusion.

Tang Wangji's "Wild Hope": "There is no acquaintance with each other, and the long song is huai Caiwei." ”

7. Long pavilion: The ancient station set up a long pavilion about ten miles apart on the road, and a short pavilion set up in five miles for tourists to rest and send off. Later, "Long Pavilion" became synonymous with the place of farewell.

Song Liuyong's "Raining Bells": "The cold cicadas are miserable, the long pavilion is late, and the rain is at the beginning of the break." ”

8. Rusu: Quote from the ancient Music House "Drinking Horse Great Wall Cave Line": "The guest comes from afar, leaving me a double carp." Hu Tong cooks carp, and there is a ruler book. Later, it was synonymous with epistles.

Song Qinguan 'Treading Sha Xing': "Sending plum blossoms, fish passing rulers, building this hatred has no weight." ”

9. Ascending: Chongyang has the custom of ascending to the heights.

Tang Wangwei's "September 9th Remembrance of the Shandong Brothers": "The Brothers of Remote Knowledge ascended to a high place, and there was one less person planted everywhere. ”

10. Dongshan Gaoxiao: The Eastern Jin Dynasty Xie An resigned from the official to live in seclusion in Dongshan. The back refers to seclusion.

Tang Libai's "Liang Yuan Yin": "When Dongshan is lying high, he should get up late when he wants to help Cangsheng." ”

11. Du Kang: Legend has it that Du Kang invented wine. Later, it was used as a synonym for wine.

Three Kingdoms Wei Cao Cao's "Short Song Line": "How to relieve worries, only Du Kang." ”

12. Eastern Fence: Speaking of Tao Yuanming of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the South Mountain". Later, he used the "East Fence" to express the pastoral life or leisurely sentiment after the retreat.

Song Li Qingzhao's "Drunken Flower Yin": "After the East Hedge puts the wine at dusk, there are dark incense sleeves. ”

13. Cold Food: The name of the festival, one or two days before the Qingming Festival.

Legend has it that Jin Guo Jiezi pushed to live in seclusion in the mountains, Jin Wen used the method of burning the mountain to force him to come out as an official, and The jiezi could not push out and was burned to death. In honor of Jie, Jin Wengong forbade the raising of fire and only ate cold food on the day of his death. This section comes from this.

Tang Hanhong's "Cold Food": "Spring City is everywhere flying flowers, cold food East Wind Royal Willow Slope." ”

14. Khan Qing: In ancient times, the characters were written on the bamboo Jane, first burned the bamboo Jane to make it dry, called "Killing Qing"; because the bamboo Jane came out of the water like sweat when drying, it was also called "Khan Qing". The latter refers to book manuscripts and history books.

Song Wentian's "Passing Zero Ding Yang": "Whoever lives since ancient times has not died, leave Dan to take care of Khan Qing." ”

15. Red bean: A plant in the south, also known as "acacia seed". The ancients often used it to symbolize love or lovesickness.

Tang Wangwei's "Acacia": "Red beans are born in the southern country, and a few branches are sent in the spring; may the king pick more, this thing is the most acacia." ”

16. Thrush: The Western Han Dynasty Zhang Chang was in love with his wife and once drew eyebrows for his wife. Later, it was used to describe the love of husband and wife.

Tang Zhu Qingyu's "RecentLy Try zhang shuibu": "Makeup strike whispered to the husband-in-law, when the depth of the thrush is not there?" ”

17. Jinwu: Legend has it that there are three-legged crows in the sun. Later, it was used as "Jinwu" as a synonym for the sun.

Tang Hanyu's "Li Hua Presents Zhang Eleven Signatures": "The jinwu seabed first flew in, and Zhu Hui scattered Qingxia kai. ”

18. Lao Song: A song sung when sending off guests at Lao Lao Ting. The former site of Laolaoting is in Nanjing, which is a famous farewell place in ancient times.

Tang Xuhun's "Farewell to Xie Ting": "Lao Ge dissolves the boat, and the red leaves and green mountains and rapids are rapids." The sunset wine is far away, and the wind and rain are all over the West Building. ”

19. Lou Lan: The king of Lou Lan was greedy for money and killed the Han envoys who went to the western region many times, and then Fu Jiezi sent an envoy to the western region to behead the king of Lou Lan. Therefore, "Loulan" often refers to the enemy of the border.

Tang Wang Changling's "Journey from the Army": "Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain, isolated city looking at the Jade Gate Pass." Huangsha wears golden armor in hundreds of battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it. ”

Tang Libai's "Plugging down the Song": "Willing to put the sword under the waist, straight to chop Lou Lan." ”

20. Dream Butterfly: Also known as "Butterfly". During the Warring States period, Zhuangzi once had a dream and turned himself into a butterfly. After the metaphor is dreaming, dreaming. Later generations used it to refer to confusing dreams and fickle things.

Tang Li Shangyin's "Untitled": "Zhuang Sheng Xiao dreamed of butterflies, and Wangdi Chunxin trusted the cuckoo." ”

Song Luyou's "Idle Tour" No. 3: "Sleepy in the window of the body of a butterfly, drunken inscription plain wall character perch crow." ”

21. Blue Bird: Legend has it that Emperor Wu of Han was sacrificing at the Yonghua Hall on July 7, when suddenly a blue bird flew from the west, and Dongfang Shuo said that this was because the Queen Mother of the West was coming. He later served as a messenger of the message.

Tang Li Shangyin's "Untitled": "Pengshan has no more roads to go here, and the blue bird is attentive to visit." ”

22. Three Paths: At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang's dictatorship, the assassin Shi Jiang resigned from the official seclusion, and "opened three paths" under the bamboo shade in the garden, only intersecting with Yang Zhong and Qiu Zhong. Later, it refers to the place where the hermit lived.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty Tao Qian's "Return to the Word": "The three paths are desolate, and the pine chrysanthemums still exist." ”

Tang Baijuyi's "Want to be with yuan ba bu neighbor first is a gift": "The bright moon is good with the three paths of the night, and the green poplar should be the spring of the two families." ”

23. Mulberry Elm: Legend has it that the sun sets on the ridge and the shadow of the sun shines on the mulberry elm tree. In this way, it is compared to the twilight, and the latter is a metaphor for man's old age.

Tang Liu Yuxi's "Reward Lotte Yong Old See": "Mo Dao Sang Yu evening, for Xia Shang full of heaven." ”

Tang Wangbo's "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion": "The Eastern Yu has been lost, and the Mulberry Yu is not late." ”

24. Shooting Wolf: Sirius, star name. The ancients thought it was the main invasion. Later, he used the metaphor of "shooting wolves" to fight against invading aliens.

Song Sushi's "Jiang chengzi • Mizhou hunting": "Will draw a bow like a full moon, look northwest, shoot the wolf." ”

25. Double carp: The ancients sent a letter and formed the letter into the shape of a double carp. Gu Le Fu "Drinking Horse Great Wall Cave Tour": "The guest came from afar and left me a double carp." This later compares it to letters.

Tang Li Shangyin's "Sending Orders to Fox Langzhong": "Song Yun Qin Shu has been away from his residence for a long time, and the double carp has a paper book." "Pisces" is synonymous.

Tang Libai's "Gift to Hanyang Auxiliary Record": "Hankou Pisces White Scales, Ling Chuanru Su repays the lover." ”

26. Huang Li: Speaking of the "Book of Poetry • Huang Li", the Eastern Zhou Dafu Road passed through the ancient capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and saw that it was full of grasses, so there was a sigh of destruction of the Palace Sect Temple. Later, he expressed his sorrow and sentimentality for the country's past prosperity and decline.

Tang Xuhun's "Deng Luoyang Ancient City": "Hehuang is far away from the half wild artemisia, and the former people's city does not know this?"

27. ShangNu: Quote from Tang Dumu's "Bo Qinhuai": "Shangnu does not know that the country is very subjugated, and she sings backyard flowers across the river." "A merchant girl is a singer." Later, it was used as an allusion to drunken dreams and deaths regardless of the rise and fall of the country.

Song Wang Anshi's "GuizhiXiang": "Still a merchant girl, she sings all the time, and the back court remains." ”

28. Throwing pen: When the Eastern Han Dynasty ban chao was young, he made a living by copying official documents for the palace. He once wrote a lament that he wanted to emulate Fu Jiezi and Zhang Qian to make meritorious contributions to foreign lands and take the title of marquis. The latter refers to the abandonment of Wen Congwu.

Tang Luobin Wang's "Suwen City Wangjun Camp": "Throwing pens and thinking of Banye, Linrong wants Gu Xun." ”

Song Xin abandoned the disease "Water Tune Song Head": "Mo Xueban chao cast pen, even if he was sealed, he was haggard in the old border state." ”

29. Yangguan: Yangguan, ancient name, southwest of present-day Dunhuang, Gansu.

Tang Wangwei's "Sending Yuan Er envoy Anxi": "Persuade the jun to drink a cup of wine, and there is no reason for the west to go out of Yangguan." After composing a farewell song, it was called "Yangguan Song".

Tang Li Shangyin's "Drinking Mat Drama Gift to the Same House": "Singing the infinite stack of Yang Guan, half a cup of pine leaves is frozen." ”

30. Folding willows: In the Customs of the Capital City of the Han Dynasty, all those who sent distant guests were sent to Baqiao, east of Chang'an, and folded willow branches to give each other. After the finger farewell.

Tang Libai's "Spring Night Los Angeles Smelling Flute": "In this nocturne, the willow is broken, and who can't afford to be in the garden." ”

31. Bending the waist: Tao Yuanming bent his waist to the township children because he did not want to be five buckets of rice, so he resigned from the official and went into hiding, and the latter metaphor refers to the person who bent down.

Tang Libai's "Sleepwalking in Heaven and Leaving a Farewell": "Can An destroy the eyebrows and bend the waist of the magnates, so that I can't be happy?" ”

32. Lamentation: A metaphor for grieving, suffering, and displaced people.

Qing Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems of Self-Hai": "Three more sudden mourning and hongsi, in September there is no Huai Shui Mei." ”

33. Ba Ge: Also known as Ba Singing, Ba Chen, Ba Ren Song. Borrowed from vulgar works, more humble words.

Tang Li Qunyu's "From Pan Pudong River Tour To The BaQiu Throwers From Gongyu": "Ba Ge hides the white snow, and Bao wantsonly buries Lan Fang."

Yuan Xie Yingfang's "Water Tune Song Head And Send Reward Yuan Zi Yingxiao Temple": "Thank you for sending double carp, Bai Xueyang Spring Counting Songs, for me and Ba Zhen." More and "Yangchun White Snow" to write, express their own insignificance.

34. White-clothed dog: Also known as the white cloud dog, it is a metaphor for the vagaries of the world. From Du Fu's poem "Lamentable": "The clouds in the sky are like white clothes, and Si Must change like a dog."

Throughout the ages, everything in life is universal. Personnel changes are like floating clouds, one moment like white clouds, the next like a dog.

35. Offering parsley: Also said "parsley offering". There is a story in "Liezi Yang Zhu" that once upon a time, a person bragged about how delicious celery was in front of the gentry in the township, and after the gentry tasted it, they were "stung in the mouth and miserable in the belly".

Later, he used "offering parsley" to modestly call the gifts given to people thin, or the suggestions made were shallow.

36. Pillar: Legend has it that in ancient times, Ozai met a woman under the bridge. He waited for a long time, did not see the woman coming, when the river soared, flooding the bridge, and Ozai refused to leave in order to keep the covenant, hugged the bridge pillar, drowned in the water, and then figuratively kept the covenant.

Tang Libai's "Long Gan Xing": "If you always hold the pillar letter, you will go to the Wangfu Platform."

37. Ice Heart (Ice and Snow):

(1) Using the crystal of ice and snow as a metaphor for the loyalty of the heart and the nobility of character. For example: "Luoyang relatives and friends are like asking each other, a piece of ice heart in the jade pot." (Wang Changling, "Pod Rong's Jacket Sends Xin Gradually")

(2) Noble mental nature, the ancients used "pure as jade pot ice" as a metaphor for a person's bright and upright mental nature. Another example: "We should remember the linghai for many years, the lonely light shines on itself, and the liver and lungs are all ice and snow."

In Lingnan's one-year career, his personality and conduct are as crystal clear as ice and snow.

38. Grass and trees: The prosperity of grass and trees reflects the desolation, in order to express the feelings of prosperity and decline.

Song Jiangkui's "Yangzhou Slow": "After ten miles of spring wind, do all the buckwheat green." "Ten miles in the spring breeze, the very prosperous Yangzhou Road is now covered with green grass and wheat, and it is desolate." The old garden is barren and the willows are new, and the Ling song is sung in the spring. "The willows on the barren platform of wuguo's old garden have grown new branches, and I think of the song and dance here, and the grand scenery is more beautiful than the spring light." It is desolate with the lushness of the willows.

Tang Yuxi's "Wuyi Lane": "Wild grass flowers by the Suzaku Bridge, the sunset at the mouth of Wuyi Lane." "The former prosperity of the Suzaku Bridge has disappeared, the side has been overgrown with weeds and wildflowers, the Wuyi Lane has lost its former grandeur, and the sunset reflects the dilapidated and desolate alleyway

39. Chan Juan: The original refers to a beautiful posture, mostly used to describe women. Because people often refer to the moon as a beautiful woman, they also call the moon Chan Juan. surname

Su Shi's "Water Tune Song Head": "I hope that people will be long-lasting, and thousands of miles will be cherished together."

41. Rusu: Speaking from the Ancient Music House's "Drinking Horse Great Wall Cave Line": "The guest came from afar and left me a double carp." Hu Tong cooks carp, and there is a ruler book. It is later synonymous with epistles.

Song Qinguan's "Tasha Xing": "Sending plum blossoms to the stages, passing on the rulers of the fish, and building this hatred has no weight."

42. Carving Worms: Quotes from The Han Dynasty Yang Xiong's "Sayings of the Law": "The child carving insects seal carved strong men do not do it." Later metaphors for insignificant techniques, mostly referring to literary techniques.

Tang Lihe's "South Garden": "Looking for the old carving insect in the chapter, Xiaoyue hung a jade bow when the curtain was hung." Don't see the Liao sea every year, where does the article cry autumn wind? ”

43. Cardamom: Cardamom is a perennial herb. Later, the woman's age of thirteen or fourteen was called cardamom age.

Tang Dumu's "Farewell": "Lou Lou Yuanyuan more than thirteen, cardamom head in early February."

44. Fengshao: Originally referred to the "National Style" of the "Book of Poetry" and the "Departure from The Sorrows" of the "Chu Ci", and later referred to excellent literary works or literary style.

For example, Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Spring": "Qin Emperor Han Wu, slightly lost literary style; Tang Zong Song Zu, slightly inferior to the wind."

45. Ancient Music:

(1) Guan Shanyue - music house tune, more write about the parting feelings of Zhengshu.

For example, Wang Changling's "Seven Songs from the Army": "The pipa dances for a new sound, and it is always guan shan old farewell." ”

(2) Plum Blossom Fall - the name of the tune.

Li Bai's "Listening to the Yellow Crane Tower Playing the Flute with Shi Lang Zhongqin": "The jade flute is blown in the Yellow Crane Tower, and Jiangcheng May", "Falling Plum Blossoms". ”

The flute sound of "Falling Plum Blossoms" imagines the scene of plum blossoms falling in the sky, and then the plum blossoms fall to produce an awe-inspiring feeling, which is in line with the poet's state of mind at that time. In this way, the poet thinks of plum blossoms from the flute, from the hearing to the vision, and depicts the feeling of snubbing in a synaesthetic way.

(3) Neon Dress Feather Song - It is said that it is a music and dance song changed by Tang Xuanzong, which mainly expresses the scene of song and dance.

Tang Baijuyi's "Long Hate Song": "Yuyang Hao agitated and broke the neon dress feather song." ”

(4) Backyard flower - that is, the Yushu backyard flower, which is said to be the music made by the Southern Dynasty Hou Lord, which is a beautiful sound.

Tang Dumu's "Bo Qinhuai": "The merchant girl does not know the hatred of the country, and sings the backyard flowers across the river." ”

(5) Yang Liu Qu - The music house tune "Yang Liu Zhi", sometimes also known as "Folding Yang Liu", mainly writes about military life, from Liang, Chen to the Tang Dynasty, mostly for the words of injury, mainly to remember the recruitment of people.

Tang Wangzhizhuo's "Liangzhou Words": "Why should qiangdi complain about yang willows, and the spring wind does not pass the jade gate." ”

Tang Libai's "Plugged Down Song": "The flute smells the folded willows, and the spring color has not been seen." ”

(6) Difficulty in walking - ancient songs, many words of hardship and parting sadness.

Tang Liyi's "Congjun Beizheng": "After the snow in the Tianshan Mountains, the sea breeze is broken, and the horizontal flute blows "Difficult to Walk". ”

(7) Alpine flowing water - also known as "flowing water mountain". Legend has it that during the Spring and Autumn Period, Yu Boya was good at playing the piano, and Zhong Zi was good at listening to the piano. Whenever Bo Ya played the tune about mountains and flowing water, Zhong Ziqi felt that his piano sound was like a majestic mountain and a mighty river. After Zhong Zi's death, Bo Ya sighed ignorant of the sound of the music to perceive the high quality of the music.

Ming Tangyin's "Love Song of the World": "The clear wind and bright moon are inexhaustible, and the mountains and rivers are similar." Xin Abandoned Disease "Gurudwara Golden Gate": "The strings of the flowing water and the mountains are broken, and the angry frogs swallow themselves." ”

46. Autumn leaves: Pronouns are things that convey affection. Zhu Shuzhen's "Hate Spring": "Biyun believes in the dream of labor, and the red leaves become poems and think of autumn." It is said that the Tang Dynasty Lu Wo found a piece of autumn leaf with a poem written on it from the ditch outside the palace wall and treasured it. Emperor Xuanzong let the palace daughter marry, and the palace maid who Lu Wo chose the scarf happened to be the one who inscribed the poem on the autumn leaves. The latter borrowed finger to convey love with poetry.

Yuan Gaoming's "Erlang Shen Qiu Huai": "The ruthless red leaves are biased towards the Royal Gully Stream, and the verses are clearly eternal spouses, and they hate the scenery and hate it." ”

47. Honghu: According to the "History of Chen Shijia", Chen Sheng, the leader of the peasant rebel army at the end of Qin, rarely had the ambition of Honghu, and later unveiled the uprising in Dazexiang. Later, he used the metaphor of "honghu" to have lofty ambitions.

Song Wuqian's "Eight Voices of Ganzhou": "Correct the head to see the bird, and fly high from afar." ”

48. Hua Bi: "Zhuangzi Foreign Objects": "The lord of man does not want the loyalty of his subjects, and loyalty may not be believed, so the wu members flow in the river, and Cang Hong died in Shu, hiding his blood for three years and turning into jasper." Cang Hong was a courtier of the Zhou Dynasty and was exiled to Shudi without sin. After he committed suicide in Shudi, the locals hid his blood in a jade box, and three years later the blood turned into jasper. Later, he also used "green blood" and "Cang Honghua Bi" as metaphors for upright and upright people who were wronged and died for the just cause or who were loyal.

For example, "Dou E'e's Grievances": "It was not I Dou E who made such a headless wish, and the grievances of the commission were not shallow... This is our Chang Honghua Bi, Looking at the Emperor Crying Crane. Zhu Dunru's "Magnolia Slow": "Turning into the west head of the blue sea, the sword walk asks who to collect."

Gu Yanwu's "Gift to Zhu Jianji Four Auxiliaries": "I was worried about the collapse of the three armies in Jingkou, and I said that Yangzhou was besieged for seven days. The blue blood has not disappeared from the battlefield, and the white head meets the old conquest. ”

Qiu Jin's "To Wine": "Buy a treasure knife at all costs, and the mink qiu is also proud to exchange wine." A heart of blood is diligent and precious, and the wine can still transform the bitao. ”

49. Huai Orange: Refers to filial piety to both parents. The classic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wu Zhi, Lu Ji Biography": "At the age of six, he saw Yuan Shu in Jiujiang, made an orange, and carried three pieces of performance, went, and fell to the ground. The saying goes: 'Lu Lang is a guest and is pregnant with orange?' He replied, "I want to return to my mother." 'It's amazing. ”

Tang Zhanghu's poem "Sending Wei Shangshu to the Zhenzhou Camp" reads: "Wu Yuanzhong is a festival, and Lu Ji is filial piety."

Song Fancheng da's "Sending Professor Zhan Daozi to raise relatives at the ancestral shrine": "Get off the horse and start to worship oranges, but now he is at the edge of the white clouds."

50. Return pearls: In ancient times, pearls were produced in the Hepu territory, but local officials were very greedy, and pearls were automatically moved to other places. Meng of the Eastern Han Dynasty came here to be a taishou to eliminate corruption and abuse, and pearls returned to Hepu. Therefore, the "return of pearls" is used as a metaphor for officials to be clean and honest.

Tang Dumu's "Ten Rhymes of Li Changshu of Chun ri Yan Prefecture": "Today, zhu shou, what year will it be to hold the lang?"

51. Huai Orange: Refers to filial piety to both parents. The allusion comes from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, "Lu Lang is a guest and pregnant with oranges?" ”

Song Fanchengda's "Sending Professor Zhan Daozi to Raise Relatives": "Get off the horse and start to worship oranges, but now he is by the white clouds." ”

52. Chicken: The Analects record that after Zilu had fallen on a trip with Confucius, he met an old man who was working, and asked him, and because Zilu's attitude was very respectful, the old man stayed with Zilu to stay, and also killed chickens to make rice and treated him kindly. Later, "chicken" was used specifically to refer to the meals of the guests.

Tang Meng Haoran's "Passing the Old Man Zhuang": "The old man has a chicken and invites me to the Tian family." ”

53. Kunshan Jade: A metaphor for outstanding talents.

Tang Liu Yuxi's "Sending Li Zhong to Chuzhou": "Remembering that Junjun first obtained Kunshan jade, he joined hands with Yangzhou." ”

54. Pear Garden: Pear Garden was originally a fruit garden garden in the Emperor's Forbidden Garden, which was used as a place to teach song and dance during the first year of Tang Xuanzong's new year, and cultivated a large number of outstanding music and dance performers here, which had a profound impact on history. Later generations of xiqu classes often used "Pear Garden" as their pronoun, and opera artists were called "Pear Garden Disciples".

55. Willow Bank: The ancients had the habit of folding willows to bid farewell, and later used "willow bank" to refer to the place of farewell.

Song Liuyong's "Raining Bells": "Where is the wine awake tonight?" Willow shore, dawn wind and moon. ”

56. Liu Camp: refers to the military camp, and the "Records of History" records that during the reign of Emperor Wen of Han, the Han army divided into Bashang, Thorn Gate, and Xiaoliu to prepare for the Xiongnu, and the main leader of the Xiaoliu camp would be Zhou Yafu. Zhou Yafu's camp was disciplined and the military appearance was neat, and even Emperor Wen and his entourage had to obtain Zhou Yafu's permission before they could enter the camp. Later, it was also called the disciplined barracks.

Tang Baorong's "Gift to General Li Di": "The fine willow camp is imprisoned in stone, and the peace wolf fire is high." ”

56. Nampo: Refers to sending off at the water's edge. Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs and River Boy": "Fight with the son and go east, send the beauty Xi Nanpu." "The waterfront of the "Nanpu" guide surface, the ancients often sent farewell to relatives and friends in Nanpu, and later often used to refer to the farewell place.

Song Fancheng's "Hengtang": "Nanpu spring comes to a green river, and the stone bridge Zhuta two are still there." ”

57. Southern Crown: Refers to prisoners. For example, Luo Binwang's "Cicadas in Prison": "The sound of cicadas in the west land, the deep thinking of the southern crown guests." ”

Tang Libai's "Staying at Night Lang Is Unpredictable": "The Northern Que Sage Song Taikang, the Southern Crown Gentleman is in the wilderness." ”

58. Green Plum Bamboo Horse: From Li Bai's "Long Gan Xing": "Lang rides a bamboo horse and goes around the bed to get green plums." Living together for thousands of miles, two small guesses. "Describe the innocence of men and women as children, but also refer to the partners who have known each other since childhood.

59. Blue Eyes: According to legend, the famous Ruan Of the Three Kingdoms Wei dynasty can be blue and white eyes, and the eyes that are hated, the eyes look up or to the side, showing contempt or hatred; for those who like or respect, they will face him squarely, and the blue and black eyes will be in the middle, showing respect. When he saw Ji Kang's brother Ji Xi, he treated him with white eyes, and when he saw Ji Kang, he used green eyes, and then "green eyes" meant liking or being serious about people.

Tang Dufu's "Short Song Line" "Zhongxuan Loutou has a deep spring color, and the blue eyes sing and look at My Son." ”

60. Please: Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent his young vassals to South Vietnam to persuade the South Vietnamese Dynasty. The final army said, "Please give me a long wisp, I will definitely capture the king of South Vietnam." "After the metaphor of killing the enemy to repay the country.

Song Yuefei's "Manjiang Hong, Looking at the Central Plains from Afar": "Sighing the rivers and mountains as before, a thousand villages are few. On the other day, he asked the Miao Ti Rui Brigade to cross the Qinghe Luo with a whip. ”

61. Qin and Jin: During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Qin state and the Jin state were married, and later the marriage between the two surnames was called "the good of Qin and Jin". The first fold of the second book of "The Tale of the West Chamber": "Lose the family door, willing to marry the hero and become Qin Jin." ”

62. Qinser: A metaphor for the harmony of husband and wife feelings, the Book of Poetry "Lady of the Verses, Qinser Youzhi." It is also a metaphor for the friendship of brothers and friends, Chen Ziang's "Spring Night Farewell Friend Poem": "Leave the church and think of the Qinser, don't go around the mountains and rivers." ”

63. Victory: In the Spring and Autumn Period, king Zhuang of Chu undertook the Northern Expedition, Chen Bing Luoshui, and showed off his strength to the Zhou Dynasty. King Ding of Zhou sent Wang Sun Man to comfort Chu Shi, and King Zhuang of Chu asked Wang Sun Man about the size and weight of Jiuding, the heirloom treasure of the Zhou Dynasty. Later, he used the metaphor of "winning the crown" to usurp power, and now he often compares itself to seeking to seize it.

64. Wuliu: Tao Yuanming's "Biography of Mr. Wuliu": "There are five willow trees next to the house, because they think it is a trumpet." Later, Wuliu became synonymous with the hermit.

65. Wu Hook: Refers to swords and sharp swords. Xin Abandoned Disease", "Water Dragon Yin Deng Jiankang Appreciation Pavilion": "I looked at the Wu hook, the railing was photographed all over, no one would, and I would like to climb the mountain." "By looking at Wu Hook and patting the railing, he expressed his poetic feelings of intending to serve the motherland and make meritorious achievements, but no one understood."

66. Xie Family: In the poems, "Xie Family" is often used as an allusion, and the meaning is not the same.

(1) The use of Xie An and Xie Xuan's family affairs means that people have grace. In "The World Speaks New Languages and Speeches", Xie An once asked his nephews: Why do people always want their children to be good? His nephew Xie Xuan replied, "For example, Zhilan Yushu wants to be born in Jieting'er." This means that Xie An's children pay attention to demeanor and demeanor, and their clothing is dignified and generous like Zhilan Yushu. Therefore, it refers to people with grace.

Song Xin abandoned the disease in "Qinyuan Chun, Dieling Xichi": "Like the children of the Xie family, the clothes and crowns are like a court household, and the car rides gracefully."

(2) Refers to the matter of the landscape poet Xie Lingyun. The "Book of Song and the Biography of Xie Lingyun" says: Lingyun yuHuiji Mountain "repair camps and other industries, take the mountains with the river, and enjoy the beauty of seclusion". Later, I used this matter to refer to the beauty of home.

67. Yangguan: Yangguan, ancient name of Guan, southwest of present-day Dunhuang, Gansu.

Tang Wangwei's "Sending Yuan Er envoys to An Er": "Advise the jun to make a cup of wine, and go out of the west to Yangguan without a reason." After composing a farewell song, it was called "YangGuan Qu".

Tang Li Shangyin's "Drinking Mat Drama Gifts to the Same House": "Singing all the Yang Guan infinite stacks, half a cup of pine leaves frozen quite li."

68. Holding the ear of the ox: The ancient princes made a covenant to each person to taste a mouthful of animal blood, and the people who established the alliance personally cut the ear of the ox to get the blood, so they used "holding the ear of the ox" to refer to the lord of the alliance. The "Left Biography" records: "Princes of the League, who holds the bull's ear? "Post-often refers to being in a leading position in a certain area.

69. North Star: Originally referred to the North Star. In the Erya, it is said: "The North Pole is called the North Star." Later, it was used as a metaphor to refer to the monarch or the respected person, and also to the imperial capital, such as Wang Bo's "Preface to the Pavilion of the King of Teng": "The terrain is extreme and the south is deep, and the pillar of heaven is high and the north is far away." ”

70. Lettuce perch: Refers to the flavor of the hometown, and publishes the "Biography of Xu Shu Zhang Han": "Because of the autumn wind, it is the wuzhong lettuce, lettuce soup, and sea bass, and it is said that 'life is too expensive to be suitable for Zhi'er, how can he be bound to the eunuch for thousands of miles to be a famous lord and return according to orders.' ”

Later people will miss their hometown and abandon their official positions and retreat into the thoughts of the perch. Zhang Hanzi Ji Ying, so Xin abandoned the disease "Water Dragon Yin Deng Jiankang Appreciation Pavilion" Yun; "Hugh said that the perch can be a good one, as far as the west wind, the season eagle returned? ”

71. Cidi: Allusion name, canonical "History" volume 111 (Wei General Hun Riding Column Biography). Huo resigned from the mansion rewarded by the king.

It shows the demeanor of a famous general who is "the Xiongnu are not destroyed, why should the family be", and the patriotic idea of putting the country first. Later, he used the metaphor of "resignation" as the patriotic spirit of the country and forgetting the family.

Tang Dufu's "Ten Rhymes of the Evening View of the Western City of Fenghe Yanzhong": "The first word loses high righteousness, and the picture recalls the ancients." ”

72. Chicken Mouth Cow Queen: Warring States Policy: "It is better to be a chicken mouth than a cow queen." "The parable prefers to be in charge where the situation is small, rather than to be dominated in the place where the situation is large.

73. Three Friends of the Cold Year: Refers to pine, bamboo, plum. Pine and bamboo do not wither in winter, and plums are hardy and flower, so they are called "three friends of the cold year".

74. Autumn water: Metaphor refers to the eyes, describing the urgency of hope. The second fold of the third book of "The Tale of the West Chamber": "Looking through him in the autumn water, I hurt him with a faint spring mountain." "Spring Mountain, finger eyebrows."

74. Three feet:

(1) Referring to the law, in ancient times, the law was written on a three-foot-long bamboo strip, so it was called "three-foot law".

(2) Refers to the sword, the length of the sword is about three feet, so it is used to call the sword. Book of Han: "I take three feet in cloth and take the world." ”

75. Artifact: Refers to the throne and power. Lao Tzu: "I will want to take over the world, and I see that I have no choice." The world's artifacts, can not be done. ”

76. Qinggen: Quote from the Book of Poetry, Zheng Feng, ZiYuan: "Qingqing Zizhen, leisurely my heart." Mao Chuan: "Qinggen, Qingling, the student's obedience." "Hence the use of it to refer to the reader.

Tang Dufu's "Folding Sill Line": "The green mantle is trapped in mud, and the white horse general Ruo Leitun is." It can also be used as a synonym for magi.

77. Tao Zhu: During the Spring and Autumn Period, he crossed the alias of The Doctor Fan Li. According to legend, after he helped his master to destroy Wu, he left the country of Yue to Tao, was good at managing his livelihood, and accumulated a lot of wealth, so later generations used Tao Zhu Gong or Tao Zhu to refer to rich merchants.

78. Wing Chun Cai: Xie Daoyun of the Eastern Jin Dynasty once compared snowflakes to snowflakes dancing with the sentence "Not as if the willows rise because of the wind", and his uncle Xie An greatly appreciated it. Later, she was called "Yong Shu" or "Wing Chun Cai" as a woman who was good at chanting.

For example, the fifth time in "Dream of the Red Chamber", "Can sigh and stop the virtue, who pity Yong Shucai." In the middle, Yong Shu refers to Lin Daiyu's extraordinary poetry talent.

79. Chasing deer: "Book of Han": "Qin lost its deer, and the whole world chased it away." Yan Shigu's ancient note quoted Zhang Yanyue: "Take the deer as the emperor's throne." Later, he used the metaphor of chasing deer to rise up and compete for the world.

80. Zhou Gong Spit Feeding: Describe the thirst for meritocracy, the corporal of lixian. According to the "Records of History", when Zhou Gong was eating, he spit out the rice from his mouth several times, lest he lose his talent because of the slow reception of the magi.

Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms", "Short Song Line": "Zhou Gong spits and feeds, and the world returns to the heart." ”

(Source: Poetry Review)