
Pseudo-Niang Lao Eight On LGBT Series: Anti-String Master Ye Zihan (Qiu Yunpeng)


Mysterious and common group LGBT

Pseudo-Niang Lao Eight On LGBT Series: Anti-String Master Ye Zihan (Qiu Yunpeng)

LGBT is an acronym for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender. In the 1990s, because the term "gay community" could not fully reflect the relevant groups, the term "LGBT" came into being and gradually became popular.

Hello people, I am the pseudo-niang old eight, cough, China's first pseudo-niang tutor.

Therefore, in contact with the vast LGBT community, there are naturally many stories to tell everyone.

Today, I will introduce you to you: heroine: Ye Zihan. Former name: Qiu Yunpeng

One was originally GAY, then became a CD, became a TS, and finally became the protagonist of a woman.

Pseudo-Niang Lao Eight On LGBT Series: Anti-String Master Ye Zihan (Qiu Yunpeng)

Ye Zihan: When it comes to dressing up as a woman for the first time, Zihan herself describes herself as "disgusting", but the return rate of walking on the street that time can be said to be 200%. Of course, after the first time in my life, I went farther and farther.

Ye Zihan: Be a person who really faces yourself.

Pseudo-Niang Lao Eight On LGBT Series: Anti-String Master Ye Zihan (Qiu Yunpeng)

When she was young, Ye Zihan dropped out of school and began to mix in society, contacting more people and slowly being affected.

No technology, no talent, no diploma, he had a hard time, and later met the "big sister" who was willing to take him in the bar, and he recognized the anti-string for the first time, because of his delicate appearance and naughty personality, after several years of hard work, he has become a pillar. Heaven gong as beautiful, 05 years later the pseudo-bride appeared, the anti-string also began to gradually enter the public vision, the opportunity came, Ye Zihan with the courage of the art essence first with the anti-string identity into everyone's vision, was rated as "anti-string of strange flowers", at the same time, Song Xinduo, aesthetically born, anti-string small wild cats, etc. have been killed, (of course, the old eight we are already a big god at this time, the anti-string official has my boutique stickers, so now called the pseudo-bride mentor is not empty. )

Later, he slowly became farther and farther away on this road, which was both the identity of a pseudo-bride and the anti-string profession, during which he had a good relationship with Du Haitao and was also praised by some people.

Pseudo-Niang Lao Eight On LGBT Series: Anti-String Master Ye Zihan (Qiu Yunpeng)

Qiu Yunpeng

At the age of 20, he couldn't find a personal photo of himself dressed in pure men's clothes, and of course I remember that when he was 19 years old, he was already fully women's clothes.

Pseudo-Niang Lao Eight On LGBT Series: Anti-String Master Ye Zihan (Qiu Yunpeng)

So the concept does not have to be entangled, you can think of it as a pseudo-bride, can also be said to be an anti-string, can also be said to be A TS, (the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television does not allow pseudo-brides, but anti-string is still OK)

All in all, it is still a sentence: live a true self.


China's first pseudo-niang mentor: pseudo-niang laoba

Focus on LGBT, beauty experience, and dimensional culture.