
Bird's trash talk is divided into 4 levels: Mad J Dr. A, vying for the second SS level, how crazy is the SSS?

author:Basketball Skills One

If Joe is the strongest player, Bird is the best player in NBA history. In addition to all kinds of riots, Bird's garbage words can be said to have reached a state of trance, and even Jordan once fell under his garbage words. Today we will take a look at Bird's invincible garbage words, and by the way, classify these golden sentences.


Bird's trash talk is divided into 4 levels: Mad J Dr. A, vying for the second SS level, how crazy is the SSS?

Generally speaking, we try to treat our predecessors with respect, but Bird is an exception. In a game against the 76ers, Bird, who scored 42 points, saw Dr. J score only 6 points and kept chanting in the latter's ear: 42:6, 42:6... Although he was addicted, Dr. J was not used to Bird and directly beat Up Bird, which was the only scene in Bird's career where garbage talk overturned.

S Rating: "Who of you is defending me", "I will fight with my left hand in the next game"

Bird's trash talk is divided into 4 levels: Mad J Dr. A, vying for the second SS level, how crazy is the SSS?

The prestige of the Pistons Bad Boy Legion must have been heard by everyone, but such a defensive iron army could not do anything in front of Bird. In a game between the two teams, Bird effortlessly beat the Rodman who was defending him to the scalp, and what was even more murderous was that after completing a difficult goal, Bird ran straight to the Pistons bench and asked: Who are you defending me? Chuck sent someone, or I'd have to cut 60 points. The only thing that can make the Bad Boy Army suffer is Jordan.

Bird's trash talk is divided into 4 levels: Mad J Dr. A, vying for the second SS level, how crazy is the SSS?

The Pistons bad boys couldn't help Byrd, let alone the other team's defenders. So after many boring wins, Bird said something harsh before the game against the Blazers: I play with my left hand in the next game, and leave my right hand to the Lakers of the Magicians. Unexpectedly, Bird really played with his left hand all his regular time, and scored twenty points in the third quarter. In the last quarter and overtime, Bird, who wanted to get off work quickly, moved the real grid, and he quickly harvested the game in exchange for his right hand, easily killing the Blazers with 47 minutes, 14 boards and 11 assists.

SS Rating: "What is your stadium scoring record", "Are you all here to compete for second place"

Bird's trash talk is divided into 4 levels: Mad J Dr. A, vying for the second SS level, how crazy is the SSS?

What happens when you get into Bird? The 1987 bull told us the answer. When they came to Chicago to play an away game that year, the Bulls staff accidentally lost Bird's free ticket, which made Bird feel very unhappy. So before the game, Bird found the Bulls head coach and said: What is your scoring record in the stadium? When the game started, Bird scored like a nobody, scoring 33 points at half-time. If the game had not entered garbage time early, the Bulls' score record in the stadium would probably not have been saved.

Bird's trash talk is divided into 4 levels: Mad J Dr. A, vying for the second SS level, how crazy is the SSS?

In the era of the classical mid-throw hegemonic league, Bird was the strongest shooter deservedly, and he also practiced three points to the extreme. No, since the NBA three-point contest was held, Bird, who has participated in two consecutive years, has won two consecutive championships with an invincible posture. And in 1988, before the start of the third three-point game, Bird, who aspired to dominate the three-point game, sprayed at the other players in the locker room before the game: Are you all here to compete for second place? Later, in the main game, Bird did not even take off his warm-up clothes and easily won the championship, without giving others the slightest chance to punch in the face.

SSS Level: "I'm going to kill you here"

Bird's trash talk is divided into 4 levels: Mad J Dr. A, vying for the second SS level, how crazy is the SSS?

Bird at the crucial moment is always the deadliest presence on the field, not only has outstanding killing ability, but most importantly, he can spray you with doubts while killing you. In the final moments of a game against the Supersonics, Bird, who had paused back on the field, walked unhurriedly to the opponent's bench, then pointed to an empty space and said: See that place? Brother will kill you there! A few tens of seconds later, Bird really shot the killer goal in the position he was pointing to, and the level of garbage and the strength that must be achieved by loading X are also no one.