
Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

author:Triad Life Weekly

Life is like a proper tube of lipstick. Sometimes it lights you up, and sometimes it inspires you. It is a touch of brocade that can be carried in every woman's delicate makeup box. No matter how willful you are, no matter how wrong you are, it is only a mistake of a few hundred dollars at a time. Each of us can afford it, and everyone doesn't mind creating a makeup look at the self we want. Too many colors, bought, too many colors, also fill our seemingly small but important lives.

Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy
Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > berry color</h1>

After a difficult day in the workplace, sitting in a taxi back from the company, she often felt sad. During the long hour of traffic jams, she did not say a word at all, and the driver was also shocked by the suffering of her silence. At that moment, she felt that she was very isolated and lonely in this city, and the only thing she felt in her mind was that she could "catch" her, as if it was just a tube of lipstick. She pulled out her makeup mirror, patched up the color she had chosen today, then pulled out her phone and modified her destination. She was going straight home, but she thought she'd better go to her favorite restaurant tonight.

It was a membership restaurant that made her feel warm and relaxed. She walked in the door, walked to the seat where she used to sit, nestled in the couch, and ordered a glass of red wine and a 137-calorie dinner. It wasn't until after the first sip of wine that the headache she had just had in the car caused by her overactive mind was relieved somewhat.

Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

The wounds caused by those workplaces are, after all, old and sad. She hates the ugliness of human nature, but a person in this society can not escape the ugliness of human nature.

At this noble lady's Western restaurant, she swallowed her loneliness with red wine. The seat she used to sit in always looked into the mirror in the distance. She sometimes looked at her reflection in the mirror with a glass of wine and had a positive narcissism. At this point, the berry-colored lipstick is printed on the cup in front of you. Lips are red as blood.

Women in the workplace are not qualified to cry, because one is that they don't want people to see their weakness, and the other is afraid of makeup. She also had an early meeting the next day and had to get up early. So tonight, she can only drink one glass of red wine, and only these two hours of relaxation.

She sometimes felt tired at the thought of the next day and the pile of mundane tasks to be completed. The old-school view at this time always feels that a woman should find a male shoulder to rely on at this time to help her. However, can the heaviness of women themselves be solved through men? Can the other gender give the answer?

The city is filled with too many men who don't understand them; or men who understand them, they never find. At some point, she felt like she was starting to be disappointed with an entire gender. When talking to them, she always felt that there was a glass wall in front of her. They seem to be "listening", but they don't actually listen to anything. A professional woman is shrewd, capable, and professional, but sometimes, at the most inadvertent moment, she realizes that she is still being looked down upon. She never did, and was taken seriously.

Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

Berry color may be a color that many straight men don't like, and it is obviously not a good color, especially the dark berry color. However, I don't know when she started, but she herself liked this kind of color number. Those male colors were too slight for her after all, and she felt that her life needed to be heavily colored.

But what is the price of this freedom? Maybe it was loneliness, maybe it was a misunderstanding, but only she knew that such a day was actually not too bad. Because those so-called orthodox days in the eyes of the world, the lives of those people, from all these aspects of her, she did not feel how happy they were, or really happy, or that kind of women, the kind of women she envied, the kind of people she wanted to be.

All kinds of days are hung in the air, and everyone's life is neither so good nor so bad. The berry-colored woman had a strong pain of being cut by life, but she was still red.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > orange</h1>

Sometimes, when she buys a few lip glazes in the mall, she will feel that she is walking towards the peak of her life. One of them, she painted it and felt that her whole face was bright. It's orange but more red, and it doesn't paint people like a pumpkin, but it also has a slight change than the classic positive red.

If a woman's face is a canvas, lipstick paints the kind of life they want. She was empty about what the life she wanted was. She is also confused about what a person's life should be like. But sometimes, a counter always shows up with a few colors that she especially wants at the moment. Looking at the fresh self created by the fresh lipstick in the mirror, she felt that some of the old baggage had been thrown away.

Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

Life requires metabolism, and in this era, they use various means to carry out their own renewal.

There are times when any job is unhappy. In the workplace, everything is cold and cold. But sometimes, a fresh, light lipstick really made her feel like she could leave them in an instant. "You can be better, you can be far better," lipstick said to her. So she carried it on her back and walked to the thorns that still belonged to her.

The orange lipstick represents a woman who is still hopeful about life, or wants to make it hopeful. It's positive, there's a touch of warmth, but more importantly, they don't mind being bright. In society, brightness is sometimes good, but brightness is sometimes easily blocked. The orange-colored woman didn't mind externalizing it at all. They don't want to distort themselves too much to get professional benefits, nor do they want to carry out their lives through unnecessary subjugation.

Orange is a kind of harmony, a kind of indication, a kind of self-confidence that can be generated without the need for positive red, and the aura is full of fire.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > red</h1>

Many women will at some point feel that they suddenly need a positive red lipstick. That could be the moment when she first felt like she wanted to be a lady, or that she was a lady. So, they put on the first small black dress in their lives and put on a touch of red lipstick. They had their first date, sitting in a Western restaurant, full of expectations for him, full of expectations for love. It was the moment of the arrival of true love, the beginning of the classic love, as defined in their minds, and so they painted it.

Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

Regardless of the outcome of this date, I think these women will remember how they felt when they first put on red lipstick. It represents maturity, but it is not the kind of vicissitudes of maturity, but the maturity of fermentation just right. Positive red lipstick may represent a moment of self-culmination. At that moment, everything is full, and this positive red is what you really deserve. That night, you were the protagonist without compromise.

After that, although life is always gray, the first time you painted it red, it was always there. In the dead of night, you can never forget how hot you were.

If a desperate housewife drinks in her own home, she still requires herself to wear full makeup and red lipstick, even though she starts drinking at ten o'clock in the morning. In her drunkenness, she tried to regain its former glory, and that glory was red.

Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

Or a young girl who, when she first buys cosmetics, may not buy anything, but just buy such a tube of red lipstick. Facing the mirror, she slowly painted it with her still unskilled technique, but only for a moment, her girlhood bid farewell, and in the mirror, she ushered in a truly mature woman.

Women, for a long time, have been suppressed a lot, and have been silenced for a long time, so what color, more than red, represents shouting and expressing attitudes? You'll paint it on your birthday, and you'll paint it when you're more marked as your home. Positive red seems to be a common color in every woman's makeup case. Too often, we all need to shout.

Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy
Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

As life moves forward, every woman will have a variety of different lipsticks, all kinds of different colors. It is colorful, splendid, forward-moving, or low, melancholy, rebellious. It flaunts or emphasizes your ego. In turn, because of the different lip colors and experiences, you also redefine the colors you have painted. In the forest of lipstick, we lose ourselves and look for ourselves, in the satisfaction of color possession, who cares if others like their colors? Lipstick, after all, is just a carnival about the self.

Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

Zhang Yuehan

He has published a collection of essays, "The Hustle of a Man," and a novel, "Flowers like a Pupil." The works focus on women's self-growth, emotional confusion, and urban psyche.

Personal name: Moon Cold Light Topic (ID: zhangyuehan1214)

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > new issue, click on the product card below to purchase


Many of the problems encountered by women in the workplace can be solved by men? But sometimes a tube of lipstick can light up the new issue of life berry color with orange color and red color, click on the product card below to buy

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