
10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

author:Fan Shadow Round Table Pie Movie

"Aquaman" was released a week late in the United States, and in its first week it went head-on with nostalgic rivals Mary Poppins Returns and Bumblebee, and the hero still had a slight victory, winning at the box office with 67.4 million.

Like other movies, Aquaman hides a lot of Easter eggs and cameos that can only be seen by audiences who are very careful or have a deep understanding of movies. Did you know that Julie Andrews also appeared in Aquaman in Merry Man 2?

And director Wen Ziren's "girlfriend" Annabelle also has a cameo role? It doesn't affect your understanding of the movie, but today we'll take a look at 10 things about the Neptune movie that you may not have noticed.

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

1. The story of "Aquaman" is closer to that of Aquaman in DC's New 52 Universe Comics.

"Aquaman" was previously one of the more comedic characters in DC, and it was not until 2011 that DC's new 52 series of comics gave Aquaman a more complex personality.

New 52 screenwriter Geoff Johns is also involved in the film's story ideas, so you will find that the film story and the New 52 'Aquaman' story actually have a lot in common, such as Arthur, who struggles between the identity of land and sea, or has the support of Mae La, and the challenge of facing the monsters and black manta rays in the trench kingdom.

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

2. Temra Morrison, who plays Arthur's father in the movie, is jason Momma's idol.

One of Temra Morrison's best-known characters is Jango Fett, a bounty hunter in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

Jason Momma was inspired by Temra Morrison's 1994 "Once Were Warriors" about how to play Drogokao in A Song of Ice and Fire, and it was he who contributed to the role of Tom Curry by Temla Morrison, and acted like a fan on set who saw an idol.

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

3. Wen Ziren decided: The Atlanteans did not necessarily have to open their bubbles to speak, and everyone thought of them too complicated.

Because in Justice League, Maela had to open her bubbles to talk to Arthur, but this setting was abolished in Aquaman.

The narrator said: This may be the right decision, otherwise every time the Atlanteans speak, it will be a bubble, and it will be endless...

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

4. Jermaine Hansu continues to run dragon suits in superhero movies.

Djimon Hounsou of guardians of the galaxy has a performance in Aquaman, but it's normal that you can't see it.

Because... He's the king of the Mermaid Kingdom, and he'll play a wizard in the next DC movie, Thunder Shazam, but I don't think anyone will recognize him after that.

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

5. The film is heavily influenced by HP Lovecraft.

Not long after Tom meets Queen Atlana, a copy of The Dunwich Horror by HP Lovecraft is pressed underneath the lighthouse crystal ball to pay homage to the writer.

Although it is not a horror film, traces of Wen Ziren's past horror films can still be found in "Aquaman", especially the shadow of the "Cthulhu Mythos" created by HP Lovecraft can be seen everywhere in the underwater world of "Aquaman".

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

6) Isn't this Adam Stanheight in Chainsaw Horror?

Adam in "Chainsaw Horror" is played by Ray Werner Leigh Whannell, Ray Werner and Wen Ziren are good partners for many years, in addition to the performance, the two also co-wrote the script of "Chainsaw Horror" and continued to cooperate in the "Latent" series.

This time, Leigh Whannell also made a cameo appearance in the film as the freighter pilot.

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

7. Randall Park, is that you?

Another actor spans Marvel and DC!

FBI agent Jimmy Woo, who chases Ant-Man Scott in Ant-Man 2: The Hornet Appears, turns into Stephen Shin, a mad scholar obsessed with Atlantis, in Aquaman.

And obviously there will still be scenes in the sequel. I have to say that it seems that Randall Park has a thriving career after marrying Jessica, the tiger mother.

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

8. Octopus Topo.

In the comics and cartoons, Topo the Octopus has always been Arthur's loyal companion underwater, and is also a more comedic character.

Although it is a pity that he does not have much role in the movie, when Arthur first dueled with King Orm at the bottom of the sea, he still gave him a big close-up (spoiler: he is the octopus that beats the drum, because the Topo comic book setting will have multiple instruments).

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

9) Do you know that Julie Andrews has a cameo?

Julie Andrews is such a well-known actor, how can there be a cameo without a close-up?

Because her cameo is so obvious that she doesn't need a close-up ~ but she doesn't show her face, only a voice. The voice of the underwater monster "Caratson" is her.

As she usually performs some healing roles, not many people associate her with this underwater monster, but Julie Andrews's voice is elegant and majestic, giving the monster more characteristics.

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

10, Annabelle also came to the bottom of the sea adventure?

When Maela and Arthur meet Nudis Vico on the bottom of the sea in the shipwreck, what flashes in the corner is the terrifying doll on land ~ Annabelle...

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

In this picture, Patrick Wilson should have wanted to say to Annabelle: I went to the bottom of the sea and you followed me to the bottom of the sea, what do you really want?

Annabelle: Even at the bottom of the sea I can do it, do you think you can get rid of me so quickly?

10 fairly interesting Easter eggs in Aquaman, how many did you find?

Friends who haven't seen this ghost doll at all, do you want to see it again for her? Ha ha

In addition, after watching "Aquaman" and then watching "The Conjuring", I think director Wen Ziren really loves Patrick Wilson, and the styling in "Aquaman" is really beautiful.

What other Easter eggs have you seen? You can leave a message to share it!