
The Municipal Construction and Planning Bureau organized the viewing of the anti-corruption movie "Dream Keeper"

author:Yulin Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission

On the morning of May 25, all the organizational organs of the Municipal Construction and Planning Bureau, the leaders of the bureau's subordinate units and party members collectively watched the anti-corruption movie "Dream Keeper".

The film "Dream Keeper" is a film with the theme of "fighting tigers", which tells a series of intricate suspenseful events triggered by the collapse of a bridge, unveils the face of corrupt elements "dirty hands full of evil spirit" layer by layer, and presents the true color of discipline inspection cadres who are "upright and have two sleeves and a clean wind". Reflecting the party's confidence and determination in the work of punishing corruption since the Eighteenth National Congress, it is a film full of warning and educational significance.

After the end of the movie-watching activities, the hearts of all the staff were greatly shocked, and everyone said that watching an anti-corruption and honesty film is to receive a "positive energy" education and undergo a baptism of thought and soul. It is necessary to always establish a vigilant consciousness and uphold a correct stand and attitude in the face of major issues of right and wrong; we must use the party constitution and party rules and party discipline to restrain ourselves, adhere to the bottom line, never forget our original intentions, and become dream keepers who "hang high in the sun in the soul"; we must correctly exercise the power entrusted by the party and the people, work conscientiously, scrupulously perform our duties, and make our due contributions to the development of various undertakings in urban and rural construction and planning.