
From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

author:Van Murai gourmet baking

"Haven't you eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?" This is a common saying of ordinary people, used to describe the most ordinary things. But if I ask you, "After eating durian, have you seen the whole process of durian growth?" "I believe that 99% of people can't answer. Today, follow me to see the whole process from flowering to fruition, durian growth, after watching it, do you still think durian is expensive?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >1</h1>

As we all know, durian has a strange "smelly" smell, which is a tropical fruit that smells and eats fragrantly, known as the "King of Fruits". The best durian in the world is none other than the Malaysian "Musang King", followed by the Thai golden pillow durian. The main production areas are mainly distributed in Southeast Asia: durian originates in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Sri Lanka, Singapore and other places, and is also planted in Guangdong and Hainan in China.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

The title of "King of Fruits" of durian is not vain, a durian is equivalent to the nutrition of 3 chickens, note that it is 3 chickens, not 3 eggs, and the nutritional content is leveraged! Durian is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, fat starch calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements. In addition, it also contains 7 kinds of essential amino acids, of which the glutamic acid content is particularly high, which can improve the body's ability to adapt to stress.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

How to identify the real "Musang King" durian.

The reason why Musang King durian is delicious is that it has strict technical requirements.

1) Musang King durian requires natural maturity and pursues "melon ripeness". The origin of the durian tree is tied under the "net pocket", the natural ripe durian fruit fell in the net pocket, to ensure the maturity and integrity of the fruit. The fresh durian fruit is then frozen at an extremely fast speed with liquid nitrogen, transported in the cold chain, and shipped to the world. It turned out that the durian we had eaten on the road was actually "liquid nitrogen extremely fast freezing", and we had seen it for a long time!

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary
From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

2) Authentic Musang King durian with a "five-pointed star" on the butt. In general, the fruit has a brown five-pointed star-shaped top, and the individual yellow shells are less obvious.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

3) Authentic Musang King durian, durian thorns are relatively fat, cylindrical, very strong, very far apart.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

4) Never buy a cracked durian. Normal Musang King durian from mature to the hands of customers, will not crack. Then some unscrupulous traders in order to sell the "cracked slow-selling durian" as soon as possible deliberately said that the crack is naturally mature, misleading consumers. It is undeniable that the ripeness of the durian in the rift may be very high, but with long-distance transportation, the fresh durian flesh is exposed to the air for a long time, and it will definitely be infected by bacteria, so do not buy the durian of the rift.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

5) Authentic Musang King durian, the flesh is golden yellow, the color is relatively dark. The sweet flesh like ice cream, the smoothness of cheese, the soft sticky sweetness and the milky aroma will challenge your taste buds.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" > 2</h1>

Do you believe that durian grows on the trunk of a towering tree 15-20 meters high? The durian tree was originally a tropical deciduous tree of the Kapok family. The name "Durian" is still given by Zheng He! Legend has it that during the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He went to the West, passed through Southeast Asia on the way, tasted the local specialty fruit, felt very delicious, but unfortunately this fruit can only be ripe once a year, so it was named "Nostalgia", and later generations took its harmonic sound, which was called "durian". It seems that Zheng He was the first person in China to eat "durian"!

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

Fruitful durian tree

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

Towering durian trees

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" >2.The whole process of durian growth from germination, flowering to fruition</h1>

1) Durian is a pure tropical crop, the average temperature during growth is required to be above 22 °C, and it can be planted in areas without frost damage. Authentic Musang King is a specialty of the Malaysian state of Pahang, where the average temperature is around 26 degrees.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

2) The ripening period of durian is from November to February of the second year and from June to August, and the age of the tree is 7-8 years before it bears fruit, and an adult durian tree can produce about 80 durians or less. Durian is a deciduous tree, and the picture below is just budding.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

3) After about half a month, the buds grow larger and larger, a bit like peppercorns.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

4) After another 20 days, the flower buds are even larger, looking about the same size as "dates".

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

5) Durian blooms from June to December of each year. In about 50 days, the durian tree bloomed with beautiful white flowers. Compared with the "smelly" taste of durian, the taste of durian is still very fragrant, durian is a poly umbrella inflorescence, each order up to 3 to 30 flowers, the whole tree has tens of thousands of flowers. The durian orchard in full bloom is still very beautiful, and the durian is still more amazing!

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

6) After the flowers are gone, they begin to bear fruit, and the small durians at this time are like long-thorned dates, but most of the fruits cannot grow naturally, and most of them will soon fall off until the last ripe 80 or less. This is a gradual process that does not reach the natural shedding of nutrients, and the natural growth of sufficient nutrients into fruitful fruits.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

7) The once flower clusters are gone, and the lonely durian fruit grows day by day.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

8) Under the durian tree for about 80 days, malnourished, not growing well, naturally falling off, pruned by fruit farmers, most of the eliminated durian fruits scattered on the ground, early into nutrients once again to supply the mother with the nutrients needed for growth. The fallen durian fruit is a bit like the green walnuts of autumn, and the burrs at this time are still soft.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

9) For about 100 days, the jagged durian fruit hangs on the durian trunk, because the flowering time is different, the nutrients absorbed during the growth process are different, the size of the grown fruit is also different, and the ripening period is also different.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

10) For about 120 days, ripe durian fruit will automatically fall from the tree. In order to protect the fruit, the grower covers the tree with a layer of net pocket, and the ripe durian fruit will fall into the net pocket, ensuring the integrity of the durian fruit.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

11) Local growers will quickly freeze the ripe durian fruit in liquid nitrogen at -200 degrees Celsius, and then put them in a cold storage of -18 degrees Celsius or a refrigerated truck of -18 degrees Celsius to transport them to the world.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

12) After more than 120 days, the fruity, sweet and smooth durian fruit has entered the global supermarket and entered thousands of households.

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="82" > summary</h1>

Durian from germination, flowering, to the fruit of the whole process, from 30,000 flowers, to the fruit of 80, understand the whole process of durian growth, you will understand the price is so high!

From flowering to fruiting perfectly shows the whole process of durian growth, do you still think that durian is expensive after watching it? 1. Durian fruit 2.Durian tree 2.Durian fruit 2.Durian from germination, flowering to fruiting growth process summary

Have you ever seen a real durian tree? Do friends have any ideas about the price of durian, do you like to eat durian? Welcome to discuss in the comments section.

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