
"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

author:Half a cup of chaste

The hottest international news in these two days is the United States and Iran. Iran's Revolutionary Guard commander was killed in the early hours of Friday morning in a drone strike at Baghdad International Airport authorized by President Trump. The commander's name is Qasim. Qassim Suleimani, who was preparing to leave the airport with several senior officials from an Iraqi militia backed by Tehran, was attacking their convoy by an American MQ-9 Reaper drone.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history


Who Major General Qassim Suleimani is, probably many people didn't know about him until after his death. But in the Middle East, this is really a well-known figure, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world-class figure, it is also extremely rare, a military politician and spiritual leader who is respected and loved by Iran from the government (religion) to the people. It is also the object of high-level and close attention of intelligence agencies around the world. Now, the dust is back, the earth is gone.

Regardless of politics and military, the US military's "beheading" is still quite beautiful from intelligence, presupposition, and implementation.

The so-called "decapitation operation" refers to the use of unconventional means between hostile countries, regions or groups to seize the lives of high-ranking figures and decision-makers of the other side.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

The history of the world is vast and soupy, but where the sun does not shine, for the sake of their own interests, such "decapitation actions" are still often seen. The famous "Jingke Assassination of the King of Qin" in Chinese history, in the sense, is not only an unsuccessful "assassination", but also because the target of the assassination is the King of Qin, Jingke is not impulsive, there is a premeditated Yan state behind it, and it is also a failed "decapitation operation". By analogy, the two successful assassinations in American history, the assassination of Lincoln (the Southern slave owners group) and the assassination of Kennedy (the case is still confusing and belongs to the old American infighting), which should be a successful "beheading operation".

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

Assassinate Lincoln

In terms of special agent operations, there are more successful or failed "decapitation operations" combat cases. Let's talk about a few of what we know.

1. On August 30, 1918, The terrorist Fanny Berger of the Right Socialist Revolutionary Party was killed. Kaplan's assassination of Lenin, although he did not take his life, caused great irreversible damage to Lenin's health. The case is still a topic of discussion among historians. There are rumors that there is a shadow of the British intelligence agency MI6 behind it. But so far, apart from the official conclusions of Russia (the USSR), no unified truth conclusions have been formed.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history


2. In May 1942, the Japanese army took the 9th Squadron of the 223rd Wing of the 36th Division (Snow Regiment) as the main combatant. Four commanders and 102 soldiers, including Squadron Leader Masako Shigeo, and 18 Chinese agents and interpreters led by Yugong Gendarme Cao Chang, with a total number of 124 people. It is equipped with sophisticated weapons such as heavy machine guns, heavy grenadiers, and small wireless communication machines. Going deep into the areas controlled by the Eighth Route of the Communist Party of China, the purpose of the operation was to find and reconnoiter the location of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the location of the quartermasters, the assassination of the head of the Eighth Route Army, and the disturbance of the central command organs of the Eighth Route Army.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

Mashiko's so-called "celebration banquet"

Although the advancing team did not achieve its final combat objectives in the end, the final fate was also its main elite force, and accurate information was obtained by Lin Yi (Mrs. Teng Daiyuan), a well-known intelligence leader of the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army sent a capable squad to fight special battles with special battles, hand-bladed at the Dadexing Restaurant in QiXian County. However, the advance team was still very effective in the initial operation, and the sacrifice of Zuo Quan, deputy chief of the general staff of the Eighth Route Army (former chief of the general staff), had a lot to do with the advance team.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

Eighth Route Army intelligence female Jellyn one

3. On the morning of April 18, 1943, based on the deciphered information on the whereabouts of General Yamamoto of the Japanese Navy, the U.S. military shot down his plane over the rainforest of Bougainville Island in the Pacific Theater, and Yamamoto Fifty-six crashed and died.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

Is6 Yamamoto

4. In 1943, the famous Tehran Conference issued the Tehran Declaration, which was attended by the Allied Triumvirate Roosevelt of the United States, Churchill of the United Kingdom, and Stalin of the Soviet Union. Before the meeting, Hitler sent a thousand or so Nazi agents to try to put these three into a pot. Soviet counterintelligence thwarted the plot. The incident was later adapted into the world-famous film Tehran 1943, a failed "decapitation operation".

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

Movie poster for 43 Years of Tehran

6. In July 1944, Klaus Klaus, Chief of Staff of the National Defense Forces (Supplementary Corps) of Nazi Germany Colonel Stauffenberg assassinated Hitler, unsuccessfully.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

Colonel Stauffenberg

7. On November 25, 1950, on the Korean battlefield, the US military air raided the volunteer army headquarters, and Peng Dehuai survived, but sacrificed Mao Anying. The accuracy of the attack is backed by a variety of accounts, from accidental and intelligence accounts.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

Martyr of Mao Anying

8. Since the late fifties, history's most famous "decapitation operation" has been more than 600 times, and the record of an unsuccessful miracle was born, that is, the CIA assassination of Castro.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history


9. The same is true of Chiang Kai-shek, from Sun Fengming and Hua Kezhi's "Assassination by the Morning Light News Agency" and Wang Yaqiao's "Assassination at Lushan Mountain", at the beginning of the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance, when the Japanese obtained intelligence to launch precision air raids, to the time when the Founding of the People's Republic of China, the CCP's Hidden Front in Sichuan organized and planned three consecutive assassinations (without success), and also walked back and forth several times on the brink of the "beheading operation."

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

Chiang Kai-shek

10. In December 1979, the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, led by the most elite special operations unit of the Soviet intelligence agency, "Alpha", parachuted into Kabul, directly took the Afghan presidential palace, and finally completed the combat objectives after fierce fighting. He executed the then Afghan President, Amin.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

Afghan Amin, executed by Soviet forces

11. In the early morning of October 25, 1983, the U.S. military invaded Grenada and captured the country's ruling and military leaders alive. Grenada at that time, the combatants (including Cuban aid) totaled about 4,000 people, and there was no heavy equipment. The U.S. military used 15 ships of various types, mainly including 1 aircraft carrier (Independence, displacement of 78,000 tons, carrying 85 aircraft), 1 guided-missile cruiser, 1 guided missile destroyer, 2 destroyers, and 5 amphibious ships including the 18,300-ton amphibious assault ship Guam; a total of 230 land-based and carrier-based aircraft and helicopters of various types; ground forces mainly including 4 battalions (5,000 people) led by 1 brigade headquarters of the 82nd Airborne Division of the Army, 2 battalions (700 people) of the 75th Regiment of Special Forces, and 2 battalions (700 people) of the 75th Regiment of Special Forces. Marine Corps 1 reinforced battalion (1900 men) etc. The above-mentioned troops are all from the US "Rapid Deployment Force". In addition, six countries, Barbados, Jamaica, Saint Vincent, Saint Lucia, Dominica and Antigua and Barbuda, have dispatched 396 detachments to cooperate with the United States military operation (Caribbean Peace Force).

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history

U.S. forces invade Grenada

12. On the morning of April 22, 1996, Dudayev, the chechen armed chief, sat in a white Mercedes and turned on a satellite phone in the wilderness about 30 kilometers southwest of Grozny. Locked by the Russian intelligence department, the military plane Su-24 on air duty received the data and immediately fired 2 anti-radiation missiles at the target. Dudayev was crushed.

"Spy" missile attack on Baghdad from the United States, gossip about successful or failed "decapitation operations" in history


There is also an example of the U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six capturing bin Laden alive.