
Elephant, Essay, Watchman

author:Haigo loves the game

Foreword: Write an essay on "Elephant", which clearly explains the various problems of society, warns the people not to be chaotic and trapped by chaos, and helps the lost to find truth and reason.

Text: The word watch is a heavy word. In our real life, there are many watchmen, and they may be right next to you. They are a special group. Their hearts are heavy, and so are their souls. Watchmen, they are a group of people who suffer in pain and waiting. They are full of expectations and give up expectations. Who are they? Today we're going to talk about the Watchmen. I hope that through my article, more people can realize this problem and see this social phenomenon; I also hope that in the future life, we can give them a little warmth and understanding, kindness and tolerance.

There is no shortage of people in life who see some of the loss of loved ones. Some of them will never come back, and some will have a chance. They watched over the loved ones of their lives. Maybe it's parents, husbands, wives, children; it's friends, lovers, comrades-in-arms... This is a regret in their hearts, and it may be unforgettable.

What is the heart of watchmen who have lost their loved ones in an accident? Grief, helplessness, reluctance to mention, this is a loss, is a regret. It is extremely immoral to hope that we can give them an optimistic and positive attitude towards life, to understand their paranoia, rather than to be embarrassed, and to use it as a material for harm.

Many people who die naturally, no lack of people still leave a deep nostalgia for their living relatives, and they cannot forget it. People have life, old age, illness and death, this is the norm of life, and it is dispersed with the wind, everything is relieved. Death is nothing but a new beginning, believe it! They will always bless us and always guard us in memory.

And that's just part of the Watchers. Let's look at some of the other Watchmen below, who may be more worthy of attention and understanding, more in need of help and kindness.

The relatives of those criminals, they are also watching over their relatives in prison. We cannot deny a man completely just because he has sinned, so should we also pay attention to them? If a person is not a sage, who can be blameless? These watchmen, their hearts are incomparably complicated. Some insist on waiting for the return of their loved ones, and some give up waiting for the end of the wait. They are also lonely, miserable, and tangled. I can't describe their hearts. I often wonder if our society should give criminals more warmth and love. They may be confused and make a big mistake, but we can't hurt a person who confesses to sin anymore, can we? Therefore, I hope that we can correctly look at criminals and their relatives, and give them warmth and better integration into society. At least we can't despise them. I also hope that these watchmen can persevere, who does not want to be a family and get together? Of course, choose to give up. There's nothing wrong with that, but you have to be ashamed! Otherwise it's just the beginning of a new trouble.

There are also watchmen who are watchmen who can no longer live normally due to illness. For example, infectious diseases, cancer, paralysis... They watched for the miracle to appear, hoping that their loved ones would return to a healthy state and even come back to life. They are extremely helpless and pitiful people, and they hope that we will be kind and give them spiritual and material support. And I also made it clear to them: everything is the best arrangement, just face it calmly, and if the obsession is too deep, it will only become more and more painful. Take pleasure in your misery and give yourself and your loved ones the happiest smile.

Postscript: I hope that friends who are fortunate enough to read this article will pay attention to these watchmen in their lives.

Perhaps an act of understanding, a warm greeting, can give them motivation and hope.

These people, most of them are tragic ends to life.

Some people commit suicide by abandoning themselves.

Some people retaliate against others and go back to prison.

Some people are insane and regret for life.


I don't want to see the world suffer.

I wish all watchmen can break through the shackles of their own spirit, realize great love, sublimation of great freedom, end watchman as soon as possible, and start a new life!

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