
Pork stew with bream

Pork stew with bream

Ingredients: 1 large bream, 250 grams of pork, 6 dried mushrooms, 2 dried red peppers, 2 fragrant leaves, green onion and ginger to taste.

Pork stew with bream

Directions: 1. Soak the mushrooms in water, rinse and cut into strips, leaving the mushroom water.

2. Wash and cut the bream into cubes and cut the pork into cubes.

Pork stew with bream
Pork stew with bream

3. Heat the oil pan and add an appropriate amount of salad oil to the slippery pan, pour off the excess oil and fry the fish cubes until golden brown on both sides.

Pork stew with bream

4. Fry the sliced ginger, dried red pepper, fragrant leaves and stir-fry the pork in the remaining oil until it is white.

Pork stew with bream

5. Add shiitake mushrooms, drizzle with cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, green onion knots and soaked shiitake mushrooms and boil for 30 minutes.

Pork stew with bream
Pork stew with bream

6. Open the lid and put the fish cubes in the pot and mix well and continue to cook for 20 minutes.

Pork stew with bream

7. Cook the rotten meat and fish and sprinkle with green onions to fry the pan.

Pork stew with bream

Tip: The taste is delicious, and it will be better if you use pork belly.