
Nanping City held the first vocational skills competition for the fire protection industry

author:Fujian Rule of Law News

Fujian Rule of Law News - Straits Rule of Law Online October 28, October 26 to 27, Nanping City's first fire industry vocational skills competition was held in Yanping District Dachang Fire Rescue Station. 62 commanders and fighters of the national comprehensive fire rescue team from all districts and counties of the city, full-time government firefighters, fire control room practitioners and other fire industry elites participated in the competition.

Nanping City held the first vocational skills competition for the fire protection industry

This competition is the largest, largest and most influential comprehensive fire industry vocational skills competition held in Nanping City in recent years. During the two-day competition, they need to complete the fierce competition of fire fighting combatants, emergency rescuers, fire equipment maintenance personnel, fire fighting facility operators, and fire communication personnel in 5 competition items and 14 competition modules.

In the end, the Jian'ou, Wuyishan and Shaowu teams won the top three overall team results, and the Yanping and Songxi teams won the team comprehensive results excellence award. Gu Li, a representative team of the special service station, won the fire fighting combatant competition project, Chang Ahui, the representative team of the special service station, won the emergency rescuer competition project, the Songxi representative team Huang Tao won the fire equipment maintenance competition project, and the Wuyishan representative team Feng Yongqiang won the first prize of the individual competition of the fire communicator competition.

(Reporter Tang Xiannian Correspondent Zheng Zhensheng Li Yang)