
Chengdu people, they are such people attached:


A few days ago, I wrote a "Shanghainese",

Nearly 20,000 people read it, and the response was not bad.

Someone suggested, old Zhan, just write a series,

Write about Beijingers, Sichuanese, Wuhanians, Cantonese...

This suggestion is very interesting and can't help but be moved.

But to be honest, although old Zhan has been in Beijing for decades,

What kind of people are Beijingers? It's not easy to generalize, I'm afraid it's not easy to write.

As for the Sichuan people, Lao Zhan was originally a Sichuanese!

However, Sichuan has a vast territory and mountainous basins, which are very different, and it is also a little difficult to really write.

But Chengdu people, may be easier to write.

Because, I have been in Chengdu. In the overseas version, it also went to Chengdu specifically,

In-depth interviews, wrote a "Cozy Chengdu".

Then write a "Chengdu people".

What are the characteristics of Chengdu people?

Different angles can be summarized differently.

I thought that Chengdu people have "three good".

Here is the good, should read four sounds, hobbies, like the meaning.

One is delicious.

Chengdu people are delicious, that is famous.

Nowadays, no matter which city in the country you go to, you will find a variety of dining snacks.

However, if you want to talk about the variety of food, Chengdu says that it is the second, and no city is willing to say that it is the first.

Someone once made a statistic that there are more than 30,000 large and small restaurants in Chengdu!

If tourists try one a day, how much time does it take?

Exactly 80 years!

Because it is delicious, I delve into it. Eat good, and want to eat better.

Sichuan cuisine, represented by Chengdu, not only has many tricks, but also dazzling,

And a variety of practices, continuous improvement, repeatedly create new products.

Accumulated over time, self-contained, it is known as "new Sichuan cuisine".

Big restaurants, things are beautifully done, that goes without saying.

Some streets and alleys in Chengdu, a small façade, there will also be a unique "fly restaurant",

Walking into these restaurants, the taste is really delicious and "there is no need to swing", it is simply "Bashi hurts"!

Not only eating out, there are many tricks, that is, at home, which Chengdu people do not have their own one or two unique jobs?

There is no doubt that the family men in Chengdu can make a good dish.

Grandpa likes to cook, Dad learned,

Dad likes to cook, son learned,

Generations of inheritance, proud of this, happy to be tireless,

The inheritance of customs and culture is more or less the same.

Visit a friend's house in Chengdu, you will have a deep understanding.

The second is to play well.

Chengdu people not only like to eat, but also like to play.

The birthplace of farmhouses that have sprung up all over the country is Chengdu.

Chengdu city people, on the weekend, have nothing to do, they want to play some new tricks in the countryside,

When you get to the farmhouse, first set up the table and play mahjong!

Don't like rubbing, get together, watch cd-ROM videos.

When it's time to eat, a good table of steaming Sichuan dishes is put on the table,

Well, come and go, eat and eat, walk up and walk...

Chengdu people summarize this weekend life as —

Playing small mahjong,

Look at the crooked video,

Eat spicy hot.

This is not to count, some people went to Chengdu in the middle of summer, and heard that the master went to Dujiangyan to play!

When I arrived at Dujiangyan, I looked up,

Good fellow, on the water, even set up a table of hot pot!

Diners soak their feet in cool water,

The hands are still operating in the hot pot,

Eating that is called pleasure, that is called ease!

When you arrive in Chengdu, no matter the street teahouse, outsiders will see a scene and think it is particularly fun.

Someone lay flat on a bamboo chair, his eyes slightly closed, and his face was extremely comfortable.

The other was holding an ear spoon made of small bamboo skewers, small pompoms and other ear-pulling tools.

As if carving a work of art, he was carefully plucking the ears of the recliner,

After the ear is taken out, it will also flick the tool with its fingers to make it make a Weng Weng sound,

Let the person lying on the chair who is half asleep and half awake hear this sound, and the feeling of numbness and crispness in his heart...

Chengdu people have a colloquial saying called "good play"!

That is a very high evaluation and admiration for life.

The third is idleness.



On the other hand, it is the last two words of idleness!

Pondering carefully, idleness is not entirely derogatory.

Think about it, delicious, good to play - no time, just eat and play!

Therefore, most people in Chengdu do not pursue a lifetime of hard work.

If you earn almost, why make yourself so tired!

A man and a woman play friends, if the man is particularly motivated, he only knows the work in his heart,

The woman probably skimmed her lips and shook her head, Ah yo forget it, bye.

In their spare time, Chengdu people like to do three things,

One is to play cards, the second is to drink tea, and the third is to go to the restaurant.

When you arrive in Chengdu, you will find that there are mahjong tables everywhere, and you can make pairs at any time.

Some small shops, when no one is there, the owner invites the neighbors to fight!

The guests come, buy something, sit down and play together!

As for the teahouses, the streets and alleys are everywhere! Moreover, there are people sitting there, and it is very hot!

So you will feel strange, hey, why don't these Chengdu people go to work?

In fact, some people work in teahouses.

Especially some bosses, who ask people to talk about business, are in the tea house.

The two of them drank and talked, while swinging the dragon gate array, and things were unconsciously appropriate.

Things are agreed and each other is happy! Well brother, noon restaurant, I invited!

In the urban air of Chengdu, it seems that there is a leisurely and loose atmosphere at any time,

If you want to go a little faster, panic to do something, it seems to be a little out of tune with the surrounding atmosphere.

More than ten years ago, Old Zhan led a few young men to Chengdu for an interview.

Within a week, I found out that these guys were all getting lazy!

So, simply name my article "Cozy Chengdu".

Therefore, Chengdu calls itself "a city that doesn't want to go when it comes."

It is also delicious, playful, and idle (here is good, should read three sounds, very good).

Such a city, why would you be willing to go?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="106" > attached:</h1>

Cozy Chengdu

Reporter Zhan Guoshu

Just walked out of Chengdu airport, first saw an advertisement Chengdu, a city that did not want to go when it came.

"When you come to Chengdu, why don't you want to leave?" The reporter wants to hear more about it.

"Because Chengdu is very comfortable." Xiao Xu, the Information Office of the Municipal Government who received us, looked at himself with a pleasant face.

Ease - ancient poetry. The poem says: "The ease of security, the ease of moderation." It depicts a spiritual feeling that is comfortable from the inside out.

Cozy - Sichuan dialect. Whoever feels that this matter is very satisfactory to me, is in a good mood, and feels good, he will say, "How comfortable!" ”

If it feels particularly good, it will be upgraded to "Andrea" or "Easy to Pull".

Comfortable Chengdu people, what are you really comfortable?

First, the comfort of the table

Chengdu people, they are such people attached:

Chengdu people love to eat and eat, and have long heard of it. This time I went to Rong for an interview, and Fang knew that this was true.

Let's start with two small things.

First, the next day after arriving in Rong, the reporter called from Wuhou Temple to the city center, and after getting on the bus, he chatted with the driver about Chengdu snacks, and the driver suddenly came to be interested: "Delicious things, it's just too much!" Eat hot pot can go to the imperial city of the mother, taste the best snack to go to the dragon copy hand, as well as husband and wife lung slices, old mother's hooves, skewers of incense, fat intestine powder... There is too much to eat, and Bashi (comfortable) is very yo! "The brother of the ordinary one is simply a living map of Rongcheng cuisine!"

Second, before leaving Chengdu, I got together with several news colleagues to talk about Sichuan cuisine cooking, whether it was the boss or the editor, everyone made a good dish, and everyone was a master of the spoon. Some specialize in small stir-fry, some are good at stewing, and some have a special experience of hot pot seasoning. Not only can it be said that the specific operation of the head is the Tao, but also can be sublimated from theory, counting out the ugly and ugly, so that we laymen are stunned to hear it, and even admire it.

"Do you guys eat like this?" The reporter quipped.

"The people take food as the sky, and eat first!"

"Eating is also enjoyment, and eating well is the last word."

"Haven't you heard that 'everyone is a gourmet, everyone is a chef' in Chengdu?"

It is worthy of engaging in news, on the rationale, on the outline of the line, straight to the theme!

Peers also introduced that Chengdu people eat, there are two major characteristics.

One is to like to eat out, especially daily dinner, the economically well-off people needless to say, is the general residents, as long as there are still two spare money on hand, after work, most of them will lock the door, leisurely wandering, to the street side of the "fly restaurant" comfortable sitting, to three or five small stir-fry, on a few plates of cold dishes, eat a sweat, belly rolling round, this only wipe the mouth, enjoy the fun.

The second is that even if you eat at home, you will never make it up, first get to the vegetable market to buy back a variety of vegetables, eggs and meat, onions and ginger as ingredients, and then tie the apron after returning home, pull away the posture, fry and fry, and make a good dish, then sit on the table and taste slowly.

It is precisely because everyone loves to eat, everyone is good at doing, so in Chengdu, I am worried that I can't find a good restaurant, so I can go to a small restaurant on the street and ask two dishes to come out, which is absolutely exquisite and authentic!

Chengdu people who love to eat and can also eat will naturally give birth to various practitioners who serve these "delicious mouths". Rongcheng's famous "Fei Ge" is the most popular radio food host for men, women and children. Every afternoon, before dinner, FeiGe, who speaks very quickly and wittily and humorously, will definitely "meet you" on time: all the listeners, friends, diners and brothers, today Fei Ge will take you to a newly opened restaurant. To say that this hot pot, that hard is famous, fei ge went in, only to eat two bites, oops, I can't wait to take off my shoes and pull up my pants and simply jump down! Ge Laozi is so rare that his tongue is almost bitten off...

Fei Brother was on fire, followed by a Lan Sister, speaking of eating, crisp and sweet, "saliva ticking", and his mouth was even more slippery than his brother. The two competed, naturally the audience benefited, and the hungry worms of the dear diners were all hooked out of the belly!

Because Chengdu people love to eat and eat, restaurants will try to change their patterns in three days. Sichuan cuisine innovation is the most rapid among all chinese cuisines, and "new Sichuan cuisine" has become its own style, with hundreds of dishes.

Because Chengdu people love to eat, the number of restaurants in Chengdu is also reasonable. Some people have calculated that there are more than 30,000 large and small restaurants in Chengdu, and if tourists taste one every day, each family will eat it again, and it will take a whole 80 years!

Good guys, 80 years! The comfort on the table of Chengdu people, the reporter can be regarded as a lesson.

Second, the comfort on the bamboo chair

Chengdu people, they are such people attached:

There are many restaurants and tea houses in Chengdu. At the end of the street, under the shade trees, a few bamboo chairs are a teahouse.

"Why do Chengdu people like tea so much?"

"Go to the People's Park and take a look."

At 8 a.m. the next day after arriving in Rong, the reporter came to the People's Park in the city center, which is one of the most popular places for Chengdu people to drink tea. The park is huge and does not charge admission. As soon as you enter the gate, turn left to see an open-air tea house. It is said that it is open-air, in fact, there are pavilions, tea sheds, thousands of bamboo chairs and wooden tables, spread out in the sky, that formation, first of all, let you be a little surprised and shocked. It's spring, a little cool, not many tea customers, the seats are not yet full, but the hustle and bustle has become. The sun is shining and sifting through the trees, and the atmosphere is very warm. The reporter came to the corner of the tea house and sat down next to several white-haired old people to see that they were drinking tea while shuffling cards and rubbing hemp.

"Is the old man a unit?"

"No, it's not. In the 1950s, I studied together, I knew, and now that I am retired, I came here to drink tea. ”

"Do you live far from here?"

"There are near and far. Make an appointment, come every day. ”

"How much does it cost to stay here for a day?"

"You see, it's cheap." Following the old man's gesture, the reporter saw a signboard and read: 8 yuan per person. Lunch is free.

"4 yuan is the cost of tea, 4 yuan is the money for lunch." One meat and one vegetarian, ba fit very much. ”

The old man was smiling, and that smile came from the bottom of his heart.

Well, 8 yuan, drinking a day's tea, and sending lunch - the low consumption of ordinary citizens in Chengdu can be seen here.

While talking, someone next to me shouted: "Don't speak loudly, now convey the document!" It turned out that this was another wave of retired teachers from a democratic party in Chengdu, about twenty or thirty people, who came here to hold a symposium to convey and study documents related to the Property Law. The teachers put the tea table together, placed melon seeds and peanuts, and listened to the transmission while bumping the melon seeds. After the document is delivered, followed by playing cards, drinking tea, and swinging the dragon gate array.

"So many people, public reimbursement?"

"What a reimbursement." Ding-dong cats (dragonflies) bite their tails and eat themselves! It's what you call the AA system in Beijing. It's a lot of fun! ”

In Chengdu, after work, leisure time is mostly spent in tea houses. Therefore, the environment and seats for drinking tea must not be exquisite. Chengdu tea houses, mostly bamboo chairs. Bamboo chairs, slightly shorter than ordinary seats, have a reclining backrest at the back and curved armrests next to them. The backrest armrests are designed according to the proportions of the human body, slightly leaning back, gently supporting each other, not wide or narrow, just right. "You don't want to get up when you sit up." Between half back and half sitting, you can drink tea, you can play cards, you can chat, you are really tired, and you can also squint comfortably.

In addition to drinking tea, the tea house also has some other services and enjoyment: for example, selling snacks, plucking ears, polishing shoes, listening to reviews, watching performances, etc. Pluck your ears, as if chengdu only has it. Ear diggers are equipped with ear spoons, long brazes, short brawls, long pompoms, short pompoms and other tools, not only gently give you ears, make you itchy and crispy, very useful, but also for head, shoulders, neck massage, often pulling out, tea guests have fallen asleep, snoring loudly.

No wonder Chengdu people love tea so much.

When outsiders come to Chengdu, there is one thing that is incomprehensible: why are there so many people drinking tea during the daytime working hours, and are chengdu people not working?

The chengdu people's answer was: "Where is the work?" Many of those who drink tea are at work! People have brought business to the tea table, the atmosphere is good, talking casually, while leisurely while getting things done, why should they go to the office. ”

Indeed, the reporter saw white-collar people in many tea houses discussing official affairs, some with small books in front of them, and some more crisp, and moved laptops to the tea table.

The ease on the bamboo chair is naturally not limited to the bamboo chair in the tea house. In recent years, Chengdu bars and cafes have sprung up and opened one after another. The reporter once sat in the "60s" bar and the "Liangmuyuan" café, and its atmosphere and business were hot, no less than that of coastal cities such as Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Needless to say, the Chengdu people in the bar and café have the same relaxed expression as the teahouse makers.

Third, the comfort between the mountains and the wilderness

Chengdu people, they are such people attached:

Restaurants teahouses, all in town. The chengdu people who are looking for ease are not willing to be confined to a corner, so they extend their senses farther and farther into the mountains on the outskirts.

The rise of farmhouses is one example.

At the beginning, some Chengdu people who liked to have fun and play new tricks drove to the suburbs on weekends, feasted on the great rivers and mountains, and breathed fresh air, but what about this lunch?

It doesn't matter, come to our farmhouse for a light meal. The chickens and fish around the house are all ready-made. The green vegetables and turnips in the field are fresh and the beans are fresh. "Point kill" is made now, good bass yo!

How much does it cost?

It doesn't matter how much money it costs, just look at it and give a little on the line!

If you want it, you have to make a deal!

In this way, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, Chengdu people on the weekend, almost out of the city, to the surrounding mountains to enjoy the beauty of nature, the joy of farming.

At the end of the day, drinking tea and playing chess and mahjong, occasionally watching small videos, each person is only about ten yuan, the people in the city think it is very cheap, and the farmers also feel that it is quite cost-effective (all cash income).

Chengdu has been aggrieving for more than ten years. In recent years, the "five golden flowers" that have bloomed opened up have pushed this leisure method to the extreme.

The "Five Golden Flowers" are also in five villages on the outskirts of Chengdu that are mainly engaged in farm stays. These five villages, the soil quality is not good, located in the high-voltage line through the area, the construction of high-rise buildings is not allowed, grain production is not easy to develop, only to raise flowers and vegetables for a living. Under the planning and leadership of the district and township government, the villagers transformed the five villages into Huaxiang Farmhouse, Happy Merlin, Jiangjia Vegetable Field, Dongli Chrysanthemum Garden, and Lotus Pond Moonlight. This village specializes in plum trees, that village only plants chrysanthemums, one village and one product, each with its own characteristics. Attract the people in the city, look at it and be amazed, and don't want to leave when you come. Nowadays, "Five Golden Flowers" has become a major brand in Chengdu, and foreign cities, provinces (and even foreign ones) have come to visit.

What is intriguing is that many places take the scriptures back, but they find that there is not much inspiration, and it is difficult for the golden flowers to bloom. why? One of the reasons is that Chengdu's natural climate is good, it is warm all year round, and you can drink tea outdoors every day. The second reason is the leisure nature of Chengdu people, who like to go to the mountains and wilderness to find comfort. This is not something that can be "learned" in a moment and a half.

The reporter went to Rong for an interview, went to see the "five golden flowers", came to the Jiangjia vegetable field, which specially rented land for the people in the city to "plant and play", and saw two young women wearing long skirts squatting in the vegetable field to work. The reporter approached and asked, the sister was more generous, took the initiative to reply: "We are in the city, come down to grow vegetables, you have to ask what." ”

"Grow vegetables in the city?" It's really fresh. Is the vegetable patch yours? ”

"Certainly not ours. We rented it. Farmers are given 800 yuan per year for each plot of land, and they plant seeds to help manage them. The harvest counts as ours. If you can't finish eating, farmers can also sell on behalf of you. On Sundays, when there is nothing to do, I will come down to grow vegetables, not only easy to play, but also to bring my children to cultivate their character of loving labor since childhood. ”

Wen Jing's sister added: "You see this dish, more water spirit, pick it down, just get it in the farmer's house, green food, fried and eaten, good Bashi yo!" ”

It seems that the two of them really have the true meaning of comfort in the mountains and wilderness, which really makes onlookers envious.

Chengdu has more farmland, and Chengdu is close to the landscape. The most famous landscapes, one is Dujiangyan and the other is Qingcheng Mountain. Every summer, in the evening, many Chengdu people like to drive to Dujiangyan to drink beer. In the sweltering heat of the previous year, the days were so hot that tens of thousands of people gathered to drink beer on the banks of the tributaries of Dujiangyan! Smart shopkeepers set up square tables in shallow water, drinkers have to take off their shoes and socks, wade through the water, soak their feet in the water, drink beer, wash shells (chat), and blow cool breezes, that comfort, that dashing, it's almost comfortable!

As for Qingcheng Mountain, it has become a resort for Chengdu people to relax and recuperate for many years. Some have built a "second residence" under the mountain, and some have come to live here for a long time after retirement. More is to steal a few days of leisure, come to the bottom of Qingcheng Mountain, rent a peasant house, eat peasant food, everything is all inclusive, do not care about anything, really live a few days of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely see the South Mountain" paradise life.

"Is it expensive, how much is january?"

"Eat and live all inclusive, seven or eight hundred yuan."

Fourth, the ease of the heart

Chengdu people, they are such people attached:

Why is Chengdu so comfortable to live? Why do Chengdu people like to seek comfort in life?

These are two questions that the reporter wanted to figure out during the interview.

The answer to question one is relatively simple, Sichuan is the country of Tianfu, Chengdu, just like a pearl embedded in it. Surrounded by mountains, a green space in the middle, the climate is very good, and Dujiangyan. According to the words of a Chengdu native, "Living in such a place, you can't live unsettled if you want to." ”

The answer to question two is more complicated. To this end, the reporter had a discussion with well-known people in the social and cultural circles of Chengdu To discuss why Chengdu people like to seek comfort so much, and what kind of personality characteristics they have.

The more consistent view is that the ease on the table, the ease on the bamboo chairs, and the comfort in the mountains and fields all stem from the "ease in the heart" of Chengdu people, and the personality of Chengdu people has the following characteristics.

One is peace.

Peaceful and not impetuous is a common feature of Chengdu people. From the appearance, you can see that most of the Chengdu people are kind-eyed, peaceful, and calm. On the streets of Chengdu, it is rare to see people quarreling and making trouble. Even if there is, you don't have to worry, let alone fight, there is a good chance that it will be noisy and noisy, even if it is scattered, it will never be able to fight. Unlike some cities, it is hot and irritable, and without a few words, "Ge Laozi" punches it over.

Speaking of peace, one writer concluded that the rich in Chengdu are less stubborn, and the literati in Chengdu are less hallucinatory. One is material, the other is spiritual, and the two people on the commanding heights are still relatively restrained.

What about ordinary people? Of course it was also peaceful. In Chengdu, even if workers are laid off, there are very few people who shout and scream with white faces or even look for death. "Ten thousand yuan has ten thousand yuan of elegance, ten dollars has ten dollars of exquisiteness, you can go on." They still eat and sleep, drink tea and rub hemp, and even lead a puppy on the street, leisurely wandering, not in a hurry.

Look at the Chengdu restaurants, no matter how big or small, there are very few emperors and palaces, but they are mostly named after old mothers, cloth clothes, second brothers, little sisters and the like. The more civilians the better, the closer to the people, the more popular.

The second is inclusion.

Tolerance, not narrowness, is another characteristic of Chengdu people.

In Chengdu, the reporter has interviewed some foreign white-collar workers, migrant workers and tourists, and their common view is that Chengdu is a city where people are easier to get along with, do not cheat, and whoever comes can tolerate it and feel more comfortable.

On the streets of Chengdu, there are many small restaurants and spicy hot food stalls. There, you will often see a slip of parking BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Chery, Alto, tricycles, bicycles. Next to a cleaner, maybe squatting billionaire Liu Yonghao is nibbling on skewers, and then turning back, you may have a face-to-face with a star who often appears on TV, and he may be chatting with a brother who is eating spicy and hot. They nodded and smiled at each other, and no one thought anything strange.

A Writer in Beijing once lamented that what kind of celebrity comes to Chengdu will dissolve into it and disappear into it.

On Qingcheng Mountain, a palace near Chengdu, there are three Guanyin statues, one is the Taoist Guanyin: holding the dust in hand and riding a dragon under the feet; the other is the Buddhist Guanyin: holding a bottle in the hand and a lotus flower under the seat; the other is the lay guanyin: the costume is bright, like a noble woman.

Three and one, peaceful and tolerant of each other.

Sichuan cuisine, set Cantonese cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Lu cuisine of the strengths. Sichuan opera has both the clarity of Peking Opera, the length of Qin Cavity, and the lingering of Yue opera. This, too, is a kind of inclusion.

The third is humor.

Witty, not sad, can be regarded as another characteristic of Chengdu people. Witty, both optimistic, funny, humorous, but not exactly the same thing, the mystery, must be slowly tasted.

The humor of Chengdu people can be expressed at any time, and you can stroll the streets and look at the names of those restaurants: the nine bowls of the commune, the mutton soup of Sun Erniang, the temptation of the tip of the tongue, the first love of duck lips, the dragon goose paw, Qiao Yiqiao strange stir-fry, the eye brother field snail, fry a little... The more "weird" the more interesting it is, and the more it attracts diners. On the day the reporter went to Rong, he dined in the "Three Gu Garden" opened by the Wuhou Ancestral Hall. The waiter served a plate of fried chicken, there were 8 grains of garlic around the yard, the host please guess the name of the dish, the reporter repeatedly guessed unsuccessfully, the result was "magic calculation", the mystery was revealed, and everyone was happy.

There are two things that can also explain the humor and humor of Chengdu people: a man named Jiang Decai once bought a page on the front page of Chengdu Business Daily to express his love for his lover. Another man was even more sophisticated, and on a hillside in the suburb of Shixiang Lake, tens of thousands of tulips of different colors were arranged in english: I LOVE YOU.

At the symposium, the female writer Jie Chen said that Chengdu people attach great importance to whether a person has interest (called "good or bad" in Chengdu dialect). Let's just say that girls talk about friends, other places, either have money or status, almost done. Not in Chengdu. She once listened to two beautiful girls chatting on the bus. One said, "Why didn't you talk to him, Sir, the chief?" The other dao, what a sub-director yo, melon's, a little bad to play, blow!

Peaceful, inclusive, witty. Among the three, there are you and me. Perhaps because of this, Chengdu people like to seek peace and tolerance in a witty and joking way. Between husband and wife, husbands are often willing to laugh at themselves as "ears". Between neighbors, no matter what contradictions are encountered, giggles and a few jokes are enough. The mantra that Chengdu people hang on their lips is "non-existence". No matter how serious the matter, the phrase "does not exist" disappears.

Is there anything wrong with the people of Chengdu? Of course. Too much pursuit of comfort, too easy to satisfy, is the consensus of most people at the symposium. There are three examples of this, one is that most of the private entrepreneurs in Chengdu have little ambition, achieve a certain scale, and no longer do it. Second, the laid-off workers in Chengdu like to pick and choose when they are re-employed, work hard and tired, do not work, and prefer to stay instead of suffering. Third, Chengdu people do things, not very punctual, said good 3 o'clock meeting, 3:30 people can arrive at good.

Of course, people anywhere will also have problems and deficiencies. Xiao Xiao did not hide the great virtue also. The pursuit of ease is human nature, and the key is to distinguish the boundaries: the pursuit of ease at work is obviously inappropriate, and the pursuit of ease in life is beyond reproach. This is another consensus of the symposium.

Because of this, the reporter's "comfortable Chengdu" depicts the living state of Chengdu people rather than the working state. If anyone likes to be more truthful and wants to stand up and pick a thorn, it will make the author and the reader not "comfortable".

At this point, the reporter will use the two Chengdu words he just heard to conclude this article:

Living in Chengdu is a good and comfortable life.

Chengdu, a city that can't get out of when it comes.

Originally published in People's Daily Overseas Edition 2007-05-15 Page 04