
Ji Kang into Luo – stunning the whole of Kyoto

author:The mountain has Fusu shyfs

The encounter between Ruan Ji and Ji Kang was very important for Ji Kang and made a fundamental change in his life. The reason why the "Bamboo Forest Tour" can become the most gorgeous scenery of the times, this core figure should be said to be Ji Kang; the most fundamental spirit of the bamboo forest, that is, the spirit of Ji Kang. However, if he had not met Ruan Yuan, with the usual origin of the Ji Kang family, no matter how high-profile and extraordinary he was, at most he would be a great hermit and would not be able to get the respect of the whole world. As Wang Anshi lamented:

Ji Kang into Luo – stunning the whole of Kyoto

Nguyen Nationality

Iroh has gone through two decays and has gone through poverty. One is a fisherman and one is a ploughman. If you don't meet at that time, you will grow old as a hero.

Tang Wu occasionally meets, wind tiger cloud dragon. King Xing was only talking and laughing. Until now, after a thousand years, who fights with the merits!

Only because of their encounter with the "Tang Wu Doll" is that they are really the "Wind Tiger Cloud Dragon". This was also the case with Ji Kang at this time. Although Ruan's social reputation at that time was not as good as that of He Yan and Xiahou Xuan, who were the voices of the beginning, he was already a celebrity at that time and was also recognized by society. Later, Ji Kang's stunning Luoyang, fame in one fell swoop and knowing Ruan Yuan were inseparable. Ruan Ji read Ji Kang's masterpiece, understood his demeanor, was amazed and liked him, he felt that there were such wonderful people in the world, how could he be buried? We must let everyone in the world know this wonderful person who is unique in the world.

When Ji Kang was twenty-four years old, he left Sanyo and came to Luoyang, Kyoto, for the first time. Ji Kang himself may not have thought that his trip to "enter Luo" would actually set off a sensation of "stunning" sensation in the whole of Kyoto. Just a few days after arriving in Kyoto, his name spread throughout the streets, and everyone was discussing Nguyen Si Jong's young "wonderful" friend. This sounds really incredible, more influential than the top stars carefully cultivated in modern times, is it true that people of that era were romantic to such a point that they saw a beautiful man with extraordinary demeanor and worshiped him like this? So what kind of charm did Ji Kang have that made the celebrities and people in the city fall to this place?

Ji Kang into Luo – stunning the whole of Kyoto

Ji kang

To say that Ji Kang's "fame in one fell swoop" in Kyoto is first of all his incomparably natural "temperament" and handsome appearance. It can be seen that a good-looking appearance and temperament do have a role in promoting social achievements. Just like when Nguyen Met Him, this person didn't seem to have grown up in this world, always with a kind of nature that made people feel how comfortable it was. He liked to argue about metaphysics, talk about music, and health, but apart from these, he did not care at all about "mundane things" such as real affairs and national politics. It is no wonder that people at that time thought he was a "god man", and in a place like Kyoto, where the political air dominated everything, he really "did not eat human fireworks". It's as unique as the people at the roots of the Imperial City who don't care about politics.

Ji Kang into Luo – stunning the whole of Kyoto

Luoyang, Kyoto

At this time, the famous people in Kyoto were either Confucian celebrities like Ruan Zhi, or they were the brothers of the metaphysical and flashy princes such as He Yan and Xiahou Xuan. Ji Kang's arrival undoubtedly found an accurate positioning for the "real celebrity" in everyone's heart. He was born detached, did not respect Confucianism, did not have the slightest bit of pedantry, everything was so dashing and natural, and he was also a very thorough metaphysician. Ji Kang's entry into Luo was also very meaningful to the entire Wei and Jin dynasties. He injected the freshest air into this great change of thought, making the vitality of metaphysics more lasting, and it is no wonder that people in later generations regarded Ji Kang as the highest standard of celebrities.

When Ji Kang first entered Luoyang, he was also prepared. He brought another masterpiece, which even the prime minister Wang Dao also admired - "Health Theory". The earliest health care in Chinese history can be traced back to the ancient times, and the famous article "Health Lord" in Zhuangzi is an article on the way of health, and the whole text is mainly divided into three parts. The first part points out that the most important thing in health care is to uphold the virtual way in things and conform to the changes and development of nature; the second part uses the story of Ding Ding to solve the cow as a metaphor for people's health care, indicating that the world and life must follow the laws of things, so as to avoid the entanglement of right and wrong and contradictions; the third part shows that the saints do not freeze in things, move with the world, swim in their hearts, be at ease with time, be poor in nature, fulfill their morality, and even the attitude of life of life. At that time, health care was already a serious science.

Ji Kang into Luo – stunning the whole of Kyoto

Ji Kang health theory

Both the Treatise on Health Care and the Treatise on Sound and Sorrow influenced the entire Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and were recognized as two works of great ideological and literary value at that time. At that time, the celebrities talked about a formula, that is, one said first, the other came to "difficult", then argued, and then "difficult"... In this way, in the process of "arguing difficulties", expanding thinking, the organization will become clearer and clearer. If this person has not been "difficult", then everyone will respect him and praise him for his good conversation. Ji Kang's "Health Theory" mainly discusses the necessity and importance of health care, advocating the co-cultivation of the gods, especially the cultivation of the gods; proposing that health care should be seen in micro-knowledge, preventing micro-gradually, in order to prevent problems before they occur; requiring health care to be persistent, understand the reason, and put forward some specific health care paths.

Ji Kang into Luo – stunning the whole of Kyoto

Ji Kang Xiangxiu

In order to inspire Ji Kang to further expound his idea of health maintenance, Xiang Xiu, who often played iron with Ji Kang, wrote "The Theory of Uncle Nan Ji's Night Health", which was based on secular insights, affirming that "thinking of the five tastes of the mouth and thinking of the five colors" is "the principle of nature" and "the love of heaven and earth", advocating that "opening up nature, not being outside", and also believing that it is necessary to "be polite and polite", "to seek things, not to be righteous", thus pushing people's social psychology and desires, such as fame and fortune, etc., thus emphasizing the unity of "nature" and "famous religion". In response to his friend's difficulty, Ji Kang wrote "Answering the Theory of Difficult Health Maintenance in the Sub-Period", which further exerted his health care ideas, put forward the "five difficulties of health maintenance", and refuted the view that "people who practice more than Zeng, Min, obey benevolence and righteousness, and move to neutralize" but "do not swing their mood and anger, calm their spirits, and want to prolong their health" can be healthy, and further put forward specific health care paths.

Ji Kang's "Theory of Nourishing The Gods" is the most valuable chapter in the "Theory of Health Maintenance", and is considered by later generations to be a philosophy of life. Ji Kang and Xiang Xiu also had an in-depth debate about yangshen. They debate whether they want to renounce wisdom, suppress desires, and balance between "wisdom" and "desire", and the wealth of life. In the society at that time, wealth was a very practical issue. Xiang Xiunan: "Lust, good honor and humiliation, good leisure and bad work, all born of nature." "The great virtue of heaven and earth is born, and the great treasure of the saint is the throne", "The sublime is greater than the rich." "But the riches, the love of heaven and earth." Rich and noble is what people want. Ji Kang replied: "Rich and rich, many people, many people who cut down; savages have a long life, and those who are wounded are widowed", in the turbid world, they should go alone with the Tao, abandon their wisdom and leave their bodies, do not be moved by fame and fortune, status, wine, wealth, medicine, etc., be quiet and widowed, be cautious in speech, and eat and drink, "Follow the heavens and take nature, take morality as a teacher; play with the changes of yin and yang, and gain eternal life; let nature support the body, and the heavens and the earth are immortal." Xiang Xiu believes that wealth is the love of heaven and earth. If people are precious, then others will listen to you, and they will be able to do "righteousness" in the world; when people are "rich", they will have the wealth to accumulate the people to follow themselves, which are all valued by the ancient kings. Ji Kang believed that the throne and wealth are two different things, and the monarch exists for the whole world, not for the wealth of a person. The holy kings like the ancients, with all things as their hearts, are all in harmony with the world. Do not regard the world as your own private property, nor do you only pursue wealth, nor can you regard wealth as human nature.

Ji Kang into Luo – stunning the whole of Kyoto

In that era, after the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, not greedy for wealth and wealth, not admiring glory, almost became a ruler to measure celebrities, and in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, some well-known celebrities really refused to become officials and became hermits. After refuting Xiang Xiu, Ji Kang was still unfinished, and he issued the strongest voice of the times, leaving a loud slogan for future generations. That is to say, Ji Kang said in the "Theory of Interpretation of Private interests" - the more famous teachings and let nature go. The famous religion was the product of the combination of Confucianism and the Fa, and at that time, the Sima family represented the Confucian Hao family, which had begun to usurp the power of Cao Wei, and Ji Kang's view was undoubtedly openly opposed to the Sima family. This core idea of "letting nature" be clearly mentioned when publishing the "Theory of Health". Since then, the word "nature" has been continuously studied and expanded by scholars, and in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it has entered a higher level. The celebrities of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were obviously more frank, like Wang Xizhi and Xie An, who really could afford to say things like "true celebrities, self-style", and really played the word "nature" to the extreme. To say "Wei Jin demeanor", He Yan is flashy and does not know the wind flow; as soon as Ji Kang came out, he changed He Yan's faults and proposed to "understand nature and tell people what is the real wind flow; when he arrived at Xie An, he embodied Ji Kang's "understanding of nature" more fully. If Ji Kang's "nature is to solve personal problems, to flow freely in the mountains and forests, but Xie An's nature can be solved together with the national problems, and frankly flow through the world." #Headline History ## Ruan Zhi and Ji Kang ##Health Theory ##魏晋名士 #

Ji Kang into Luo – stunning the whole of Kyoto

Xie An

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