
Flowing golden years丨 miss Huang Jie

author:Qilu one point

Sister Huang is the same age as me, only half a year older than me, and it is said that they can call each other by name, but I have always called her Sister Huang. She is not only taller than me, but also has a unique "royal sister" style, dignified and elegant temperament, calm and calm, and a veritable image of a big sister.

Flowing golden years丨 miss Huang Jie

In 1995, the author and Huang Jie (left) were in Qufu Liuyi City

I met Sister Huang in the early 1980s and have been around for nearly 40 years. She was a police officer at the time, neighboring my eldest brother, living in a row of bungalows converted from the old prison. I often went to my eldest brother's house, and I met Sister Huang in this way. I am most envious of Sister Huang's appearance in a police uniform, which is cool and heroic.

Later, Huang Jie was transferred to the organization department of the county party committee, and the county party committee and the People's Bank of China were neighbors, and since then the two of us have come and gone. Later, Huang Jie served as the chairman of the county women's federation, I happened to be responsible for the work of women in the financial system, in addition to personal relations, we had a work intersection, often using the convenience of work to exchange some confusion in work, life, family, emotions or interpersonal communication. Slowly, Huang Jie and I became close friends without saying anything, which is often referred to as "girlfriend".

Flowing golden years丨 miss Huang Jie

2003 Participated in the Women's Federation Meeting Huang Jie (front middle), author (middle left fourth)

Flowing golden years丨 miss Huang Jie

In 2003, the financial system planted trees with the Women's Federation Huang Jie (right), author (middle)

Sister Huang and I often meet for lunch in the county party canteen, and sometimes cook at my house (my house is near the office building). Usually Huang Jie stir-fry, I brush the bowl. After eating, we lay in a bed in the morning and went to work together when we woke up.

Weight loss is the "career" of many women's lives, and Huang Jie and I are no exception, although we can't talk about obese body type, we still want to lose weight a little. Sometimes after work in the afternoon, I planned to eat together, after meeting in my office or her office, weighed and weighed my body, measured my calves and thighs, and weighed my waistline, And Huang Jie would say: "Forget it, let's eat an apple and go for a walk!" "It's exactly what I want.

Women are generally reluctant to "bump" with others, and of course I don't. But Sister Huang and I often buy the same clothes, but she is only one size older than me, several scarves are exactly the same, and even the head shape is slightly permed short hair.

At the end of the 1990s, the old city was renovated, the family building of the People's Bank of China was demolished, and the office building was temporarily unchanged. My new neighborhood is at the south end of Lifo Avenue (the office building of the county party committee and the People's Bank of China is at the north end of Lifo Avenue), and Huang Jie's house is about fifteen minutes walk from my house. On weekdays, we agreed to meet at the southern end of Lifo Avenue at 7:30 in the morning, and then walked more than 20 minutes along the beautiful Lifo Avenue to our respective offices. In the evening, if there is no socializing, Huang Jie and I will walk home along the Lifo Avenue under the sunset. The holy statue of the bodhisattva, the lifelike stone lotus flower, and the red begonia flower bear witness to our friendship...

Flowing golden years丨 miss Huang Jie

In 1999, the author and Huang Jie (left) on Lifo Avenue

In 2013, I went to live in the south, when Huang Jie was already the deputy secretary of the county discipline inspection committee. In 2016, she went to the city where I lived to handle the case, and we met in a hurry between her work. For three years, the two of us were worried about each other, and the moment we saw each other, our eyes were facing each other, and our eyes were full of tears. In everyone's eyes, the two of us, who had always been reserved, hugged each other tightly in front of her colleagues.

The year before I returned to my hometown, Sister Huang lived on the shore of Taibai Lake in the city. I went to see her and stayed at her house for the night. In the evening, we were walking by the lake, and Sister Huang was still wearing the same scarf that we had both worn many years ago. She tugged at the tassel of her scarf and said, "What about yours?" I said, "Keep it!" Then, the two looked at each other and smiled.

There was a small misunderstanding between me and Sister Huang, and a misdirected message almost broke our friendship. After half a month of silence, neither of us could bear to "give up" on each other. When I received the call from Sister Huang, the two of them didn't say anything, she was crying in her office, I was crying in my office, crying and crying, laughing, and meeting for a walk together at night, as if the message had never happened.

Flowing golden years丨 miss Huang Jie

In 1996, the author (center) and Huang Jie (left) are in Taishan

After so many years of friendship, Sister Huang is as close as my family. But on October 10 last year, Huang Jie suddenly told me that she had cancer. I thought that a miracle would appear, but I had no choice but to go according to people's wishes, but on August 10 this year, Huang Jie still left. To this day, I am still in a dream.

One day, when I cut my nails, I looked at my hand and said to my husband, "Sister Huang's hands are very slender and beautiful." As he spoke, tears flowed down his face...

About author:Liu Suping, pen name Quan Soul Jiang Yun, Shandong people in Wuhan, member of the China Financial Writers Association, editor of Shandong Financial Literature, articles scattered in newspapers, magazines and public accounts.

Flowing golden years丨 miss Huang Jie

One point number spring soul river rhyme

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Flowing golden years丨 miss Huang Jie