
Which protein powder is better? Which flavor is more delicious? Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of 6 protein powders: Whey protein is suitable for bedtime intake: Casein is best for vegetarians: Another best choice for pea protein vegetarians: soy protein is suitable for not eating dairy products, or lactose intolerant trainers: almond protein is suitable as a health food: collagen 217 Finally:

author:217 fitness nests

If you are losing weight, or gaining muscle, know the amount of protein in your diet. But many people do not know that the source of protein intake is different, and the protein contained is also different, such as whey protein, casein, collagen, soy protein and so on. And the characteristics and advantages of each protein powder are not the same.

Which protein powder is better? Which flavor is more delicious? Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of 6 protein powders: Whey protein is suitable for bedtime intake: Casein is best for vegetarians: Another best choice for pea protein vegetarians: soy protein is suitable for not eating dairy products, or lactose intolerant trainers: almond protein is suitable as a health food: collagen 217 Finally:

The main whey proteins and caseins we see in the market are mainly whey proteins, and plant-based proteins, such as soy protein, are becoming more and more popular with many people.

However, each protein has its own characteristics and advantages, and even if whey protein and casein dominate, they cannot replace other proteins.

So, many people have "Which protein powder is the best?" Which taste is best? Which additives are the least?" and other issues. Let's talk about the advantages and characteristics of each protein, and see which one you are suitable for?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > all-rounder: whey protein</h1>

Milk and dairy products are rich in whey protein, and whey protein is a complete protein, so it can better serve the human body. And whey protein contains the most leucine, which can maximize the stimulation of muscle protein repair synthesis after training. This is incomparable to other proteins.

Which protein powder is better? Which flavor is more delicious? Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of 6 protein powders: Whey protein is suitable for bedtime intake: Casein is best for vegetarians: Another best choice for pea protein vegetarians: soy protein is suitable for not eating dairy products, or lactose intolerant trainers: almond protein is suitable as a health food: collagen 217 Finally:

Moreover, whey protein is highly "plastic", it can be mixed with a lot of people's things, and then flavored different flavors, such as making milkshakes, mixing with oats, bananas and so on to add flavor.

Of course, it also has weaknesses, such as some lactose intolerant people, after ingesting a certain amount of whey protein will cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > suitable for bedtime intake: casein</h1>

Like whey protein, casein is derived from dairy products. Milk, for example, contains nearly 80% casein, while 20% is whey protein.

Casein is also a complete protein, but unlike whey protein, casein is more slowly absorbed. So, in many studies, consuming casein before falling asleep is more likely to increase protein synthesis during sleep.

Which protein powder is better? Which flavor is more delicious? Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of 6 protein powders: Whey protein is suitable for bedtime intake: Casein is best for vegetarians: Another best choice for pea protein vegetarians: soy protein is suitable for not eating dairy products, or lactose intolerant trainers: almond protein is suitable as a health food: collagen 217 Finally:

For example, in 2015, Dr. Tim Snijders of Maastricht University found that some people who consumed 27.5 grams of casein before bedtime had significantly increased their muscle size and strength.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > best for vegetarians: pea protein</h1>

Whey protein and casein, while absolutely on the market and popularity, are one of the main options for vegans.

Which protein powder is better? Which flavor is more delicious? Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of 6 protein powders: Whey protein is suitable for bedtime intake: Casein is best for vegetarians: Another best choice for pea protein vegetarians: soy protein is suitable for not eating dairy products, or lactose intolerant trainers: almond protein is suitable as a health food: collagen 217 Finally:

Studies have shown that pea protein after resistance training and endurance training is as effective as whey in stimulating muscle growth. So, for vegans, pea protein is a good choice.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > another best option for vegans: soy protein</h1>

There have been rumors that soy protein can reduce testosterone hormone, which is not conducive to muscle synthesis, so most exercisers have abandoned this source of protein intake.

However, a 2018 study published in Scientific Reports found that consuming soy protein did not significantly alter the state of the male hormone.

In addition, when performing resistance training, soy protein is equally effective compared to the effect of animal protein in muscle strength and fat loss, even if the effect is slightly worse, but it is also one of the main sources of intake for vegetarians.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > suitable for trainers who do not eat dairy, or lactose intolerance: almond protein</h1>

Almond protein is a new darling in the market and is one of the main protein sources for lactose intolerance and vegans. And because of the unique flavor of almonds, it is very popular. It can also be added to a shake, or when baking, not only to enhance flavor, but also to increase nutrients.

A serving of almond protein is usually rich in minerals such as dietary fiber and calcium in addition to rich protein.

Which protein powder is better? Which flavor is more delicious? Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of 6 protein powders: Whey protein is suitable for bedtime intake: Casein is best for vegetarians: Another best choice for pea protein vegetarians: soy protein is suitable for not eating dairy products, or lactose intolerant trainers: almond protein is suitable as a health food: collagen 217 Finally:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > suitable as a health food: collagen</h1>

For some women, collagen is no stranger. Some merchants will also add the concept of collagen for marketing, so collagen has also become a new darling in recent years.

Some merchants advertise collagen health foods that maintain hair, improve skin, and strengthen joints and muscles. But in fact, collagen health food and collagen are actually two concepts. Collagen health foods come in the form of collagen peptides, which are not complete proteins.

Collagen is not good for muscle repair because it is not an essential amino acid. As for the study of collagen on joints and skin, most of them are now sponsored by manufacturers, so we are not commenting now.

However, 217 suggests that students who love beauty can consume collagen in the form of food, which may have certain benefits for the skin.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > 217 finally says:</h1>

The above is the classification of the more common proteins, and their use in certain scenarios. It is summarized as:

Whey protein is the most common; casein is suitable for eating before bed; collagen powder is best for health food; vegetarians and non-dairy products can choose pea protein, soy protein and almond high protein.