
Real Estate Agent Shady Part III: Telephone Bombardment

author:Lei Yu tells stories

The company came a new employee, a twenty-year-old boy, the college entrance examination did not go to college, after graduation to go to the auto repair factory to work for a year, feel that the work is too tired, and too honest, always bullied by the old employees, and then can't bear it, resigned to stay at home for a month.

Under the pressure of his parents, he went to the Internet café to do two months of network management, the work and rest was too chaotic, could not stand it, his parents entrusted him to let him come to our company to work.

This person doesn't look very bright, the store manager doesn't want it, but it can't cover the district-level soft and hard bubbles. The introducer is a district-level buddy, can't erase his face, and the store manager has a bad relationship with the above, and the district-level of course gave us this chore.

Fortunately, in only ten days in this month, the store opened three orders, a new set of disks, two sets of second-hand houses, the performance of more than 40,000, the manager of the pressure reduced a lot, full of glory, he took this new employee around all day to see the house, hand-in-hand teaching how to call, but also supervise him to memorize the company manual.

This person's face is not the material for sales, talking and doing things is indeed dull, but with a cynical face, eyes like two and a half rounds, looking at people always squinting, making people uncomfortable, in the face of customers later, how to gain trust?

After four days of recommendation calls, I couldn't even speak clearly, and I sat next to me, and my ears were often Rory's awkward words, and I listened to it really uncomfortable, so I said to him: If you can't remember the recommended words, write down the words in the book, and when you call, you will read and say, there will be no mistakes!

He turned to me and said, "Brother Li, I forgot the words, and I was afraid to talk to the customer."

This man was really stupid, when I first joined the company, I memorized the words one day, I said: Take out the book, I said you remember.

He immediately took out his notebook, found a pen, and said: Brother Li, you say, I remember.

I coughed and said: Big brother or big sister, hello, I am Leshan as a home intermediary Xiao Zhang, sorry to call you, please ask you recently have the intention to buy a house? This is the first paragraph.

He wrote very slowly, and I repeated it, waited for him for half a minute, and then said: If, he said no intention, you say, Oh, I'm sorry! Because here is a very cheap house, three bedrooms, two living rooms and double bathroom, 99 square meters, with decoration, only 520,000, if you have a need, you must come to see, the opportunity can not be lost! Since you don't need it, I wish you good health and all the best!

After waiting for him for more than a minute, I continued: If the first paragraph ends, people say, is there any cheap, or there is any house recommended, then just tell him about this house, understand?

He said he understood, looked at me stupidly, and I smiled and said, "Then you remember!"

Watching him write it down, I said again: If he is not interested in this house, then you ask him what kind of house he wants, he will definitely tell you, and then you will write down his requirements, be sure to record these parameters of the house - elevator or stairs, decoration or water, area, several rooms, location, price - understand?

The man's head was so stupid that I told him three more times before I wrote it down completely.

I went on to say: If someone is interested in the house you are talking about, you ask him when he will come to see the house today? If he says what time it is, you tell the store manager that he will arrange the next thing. If he says he's not available today, you ask again, tomorrow morning or afternoon to see the house, remember, you can't ask when to come to the house tomorrow, but ask tomorrow morning or afternoon, because the former you give him a broad choice, he will not know how to answer, and finally either tell you that there is no time, or tell you that tomorrow will say, and the latter he will think in his mind whether it is morning or afternoon, caught in the thinking of choosing one or the other, and finally can only choose between the two you give.

He looked at me as if he understood, and as soon as I drew a comparison, he understood, watching him write down the words on the paper.

I laughed: Don't you write down everything I say! Just tick the key places and know in your heart! If he tells you to come to the house tomorrow morning or afternoon, you must write it down and tell the store manager that he will arrange it. If someone says that they are not available for the next day, you ask them when they are free, and he will definitely say a few days, and then you still have to write it down, call him every other day or two, understand?

He said "understand" and remembered, like a well-behaved teenage kid burying his head in class.

I asked him to call the source phone thirty times next to each other, and when he was done, he went to the store manager, he nodded, and went to do it.

This person really doesn't understand human feelings, and I'm not your master, helping you for free, you don't even have a word of thanks? Fortunately, I am not a mean person, otherwise I must not bully you to death?

Just when the landlord asked me to see the house, I went out, delayed for more than half an hour, and then returned to the store.

Seeing that he is recommending to customers: Big brother, don't buy a house? Do you always have to buy a house? What the? ......

He saw me and said: Brother Li, after making more than two dozen phone calls, basically not buying, the only buyer I met heard me ask what kind of house I wanted, and said that I didn't know.

I said: This kind of phone, thirty can have an appointment out of the good, when I made ten days of phone calls, forty or fifty a day, only to make an appointment out of three customers.

He said: How did these calls come from, it doesn't feel like buying a house? The attitude is very poor, many words are hung up without saying a word, some direct scolding, only a few can talk to me a few words.

I said: are the company's employees turned over hundreds of times, some a month will receive more than a dozen, some of the day morning, middle and evening are called, already annoyed, the purpose of your phone call, is to find a needle in a haystack, while training their own telephone recommendation ability, as well as honing the ability to resist sales setbacks, this line encounters a lot of bad things, telephone recommendation is a hurdle that must be crossed, if you can't even understand this, then don't do this line.

He said: No wonder the attitude is so bad, I am harassed all day, I will not have a good word, how did these customers come?

This person's problem is more, anyway, it is okay, just chat with him, I said: some are customers who have been brought before, there is no deal, some have been bought, but the source party has not been removed, it is left on the system, some are the sales department to buy the list of unsold customers, some are colleagues have received call consultation, and what sales department in front of the parking phone, some rich landlords and so on, all kinds of things, you have no customer source now, only do this.

He said: I look at the follow-up, these customers have been for several years, there is a month to go to the phone more than twenty times, it is not easy to find a house to buy ah!

I said: Leshan thousands of people do this line, our company's number of people is only a few percent of the whole day, these customers have been bombarded by telephones for several years, new employees like you are all over again, the attitude is not good is normal. This line is like this, doing countless things, most of them useless, and occasionally one thing is useful, and a month is enough.

He said: It seems that it is not easy to sell a house!

I said: Of course, it is not easy, selling a set may earn tens of thousands, it can be easy to see the ghost, so good to sell is not everyone to do this line of work? You don't care so much and keep making at least thirty phone calls a day.

In the afternoon, the store manager brought the customer back, checked his work, listened to him make a few phone calls, said that the problem is not big, in a few days on the line, I thought to myself, this person can still do things, Mu Ne a little may be a good thing.

Then the manager told you to start calling the landlord: you click on a listing, first see which area the house is in, the elevator is still multi-storey, the decoration is still clear water, and then simulate a customer in your heart, when you call the landlord, you say that the customer has seen another floor in this community, how much less than yours, you have to say the real number here, people hang 500,000, you say that the set is 460,000, the decoration is almost what, the customer feels good, that is, the floor is not appropriate, here you are smart, you hit this set of floors low, Let's say that people want to be low, that set of floors high clouds, one example after another, understand? Then ask the landlord, the price of another set of selling or not, if you sell, tell the customer, try to bring the customer over to see, understand?

I smiled in my heart, he knows a fart! There are too many ways in this, this young man's head is not good, it is not easy to clarify the customer recommendation, you still let him make such a complicated landlord call?

The young man said: Why is this done?

The store manager darkened his face and said, "Why?" In order to make you quickly learn to call the landlord, learn to chat with the landlord, and, you make these calls is useful, if people reduce the price, you can drop 50 to 460,000, less than 40,000, more than 6 percent of the total price, you can send a task to apply for a price, later sell the house, you will have 3 percent of the performance, you don't underestimate this 3 percent, the commission is 15,000, there are 450 percent, the commission is 30 percent, there are 135 pieces, enough for you to eat a month's breakfast. Also, such a house you tell me, in case it is lower than the market price, I look for a house to see, the transaction everyone has a share, this is not only one or two hundred, how many performance you have now has as much as the basic salary, in case each person has 3000 performance, you have three thousand wages this month, understand?

I couldn't help but say: Big brother, you say that people can't understand such a complicated thing!

The store manager smiled: Let him know first, use it slowly, otherwise he doesn't know the meaning of doing things every day!

Three days later, the man did not come, sent a message to the store manager, saying that he was not suitable for this business, and went to find other jobs.

I also know that sending messages to the store manager seems to have learned to treat people and things a little.

The store manager was a little sad, said: Look at this person honestly, I thought I could keep it, I told him so much insider, I didn't expect this to go, I don't know how to squeeze our real estate agent behind the back in the future!

I said: What are you afraid of, how long can you do this business?

The store manager patted me on the shoulder: Can you say something good?

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