
International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

author:Popular Science Tianjin Cloud

The following article is from Earth Observer, author of Nemo Bugs

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin
International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Tianjin 25 important bird points are recommended

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Unexpected encounters with another self

April 1 is International Bird Love Day, birds, the most intimate wild animals for humanity. Because of them, it adds a beautiful brilliance to our lives. At present, Tianjin has recorded 452 species of birds, the number is uncountable, Tianjin is a good place for bird watching, bird watching, bird recognition, and bird affinity. We have sorted out 25 places suitable for bird watching in Tianjin, introduced the location of each bird spot, bird overview, and characteristic bird species for the reference of "bird people".

Still hesitating, quickly pick up the telescope, let's go~

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the distribution of important bird spots in Tianjin

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Every bird

In the eyes of the birds, they are all flying spirits

Every bird spot

Driven by wheels, it all becomes a wonderful trip

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

(1) Wetland bird watching points (mainly water birds)

01 Beidagang Wetland

★ Tianjin Beidagang Wetland Nature Reserve contains a number of bird watching points, such as the famous Beidagang Reservoir Area sections (such as 8,000 acres of fish ponds, sweet water well areas, four stations, etc.), the riverbed of the Single Flow River (including 10,000 mu of fish ponds, old Zhuyu ponds, etc.), Lierwan Reservoir, Shajingzi Reservoir, etc., with extremely rich species and numbers of birds.

★ There are 279 bird species recorded, including many taxa such as nomads, waders, climbing birds, songbirds, and birds of prey.

★ Every spring and autumn, when a large number of water birds migrate, hundreds of thousands of water birds roost and stay here; more than 30 species of birds breed in the summer; and some birds overwinter in winter. As such, this area is a bird spot to be observed all year round.

★ Representative bird species: Oriental white stork, black stork, 5 species of cranes, 3 species of swans, more than 10 species of wild ducks, 3 species of harriers, black-winged kites, long-eared owl, etc.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Black-winged kites – Photo: Jiang Huazhi

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of bird spots in the Beidagang Wetland

02 Hangu along the beach

★ Dashentang is the last fishing village in Tianjin. There is also a silt mudflat near the dashentang wharf that has not been blown in, making it the largest shelter for water birds in the area; the south side of the dashentang is close to the North Xinjiang power plant, and the pond at the inlet of the power plant and the reed swamp wetland reserved by the power plant are important climac stops, which are loved by water birds.

★ Birds are mainly plovers and gulls, as well as plovers, geese and ducks, and herons.

★ Spring and autumn are the peak migration periods for plovers and gulls; in winter, some gulls and geese and ducks overwinter.

★ Representative bird species: widowed gull, black-billed gull, red-breasted autumn sand duck, horned duck, cocked-nosed duck.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Cocky-nosed duck – from the web

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of the bird spot along the beach in Hangu

03 Aircraft Carrier Park Bird Point

★ It is close to the Nam Van Wetland, about 1 km north of it. The aircraft carrier theme park originally belonged to the Tianjin Binhai Tourism Zone, and is now assigned to the Sino-Singapore-Tianjin Eco-City in Tianjin Binhai New Area. With the Kiev aircraft carrier as the center, there are some silt mudflats in the north and south, which are the few remaining silt tidal flats in Hangu District, providing important habitat and feeding ground for waterbirds.

★ Spring and autumn plovers and gulls are at their peak; in winter, large numbers of remaining gulls overwinter.

★ During the peak migration of sandpipers and gulls in spring and autumn, water birds can be observed.

★ Representative bird species: widowed gull, small blue-footed sandpiper, spot-tailed sandpiper, white-waisted sandpiper, cocked-nosed duck.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

The Remains of the Gull – Photo: Rodin

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of bird points in the aircraft carrier park

04 South Bay Wetland Bird Point

★ The location of Mazu Cultural Park, nearby is the Statue of Mazu, the National Oceanographic Monitoring Center, and the National Oceanographic Museum, which originally belonged to the Coastal Tourism Area, and was first divided into the Sino-Singapore-Tianjin Eco-City. The wetland type belongs to the coastal wetland, and there are still large silt mudflats, which is a paradise for water birds and the largest wintering ground for gulls in Bohai Bay in recent years; however, in recent years, land reclamation, construction projects, fishing and other species have had a greater impact on birds.

★ Birds are mainly plovers and gulls, as well as herons, geese and ducks.

★ Representative bird species: relict gulls, red-billed giant gulls, small blue-footed sandpipers, oyster-tailed sandpipers, and warp-billed sandpipers.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Red-billed Giant Gull – Photo: Rodin

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of the bird point in the South Bay wetland

05 Changlu Hangu Salt Farm

★ Changlu Hangu Salt Farm is located in the northeast of Hangu City, east to Bohai Bay, north to the North Xinjiang Power Plant. The habitat is dominated by salt ponds, which are important habitats for birds, sandpipers and gulls.

★ Birds are mainly plovers and gulls, as well as catfish, buzzards and herons.

★ Representative bird species: black-necked sandpiper, blue-footed sandpiper, crane sandpiper, golden-eyed plover.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Golden Plover - Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of the bird point of the Changlu Hangu Salt Field

06 Hangu City East Wetland

★ The wetlands on the southeast side of Hangu City are all saltwater wetlands with shallow water depths, which are mostly used for fishery aquaculture, and are important habitats for birds, important breeding grounds for cormorants and gulls.

★ Representative bird species: small sandpiper, fringed sandpiper, black-tailed sandpiper, white-winged floating gull.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

White-winged floating gull – Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of the bird point in the wetland east of Hangu City

07 Libin Bathing Beach

★ The beach bathing bird point is located on Gaoshaling Beach in Tianjin Binhai New Area, covering an area of nearly 66.67 hectares. The best bird watching spots are opposite the lido. The habitat belongs to the coastal wetlands, and the silt mudflats are a paradise for water birds. Once an important wintering ground for widowed gulls, the impact of development and construction has been decreasing in recent years.

★ Representative bird species: relict gull, silver gull, large sandpiper, great sandpiper, red-bellied sandpiper, black-bellied sandpiper.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Mongolian Silver Gull – Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of the bird point of the bathing beach (KoSha Ridge).

08 Rhubarb Fort Wetland

★ Tianjin Dahuangbao Wetland Nature Reserve is a municipal bird sanctuary. The habitat in the core area is dominated by reed swamp wetlands, and the dominant plants are reeds and narrow-leaved cattails; the buffer zone and experimental area are mainly based on fish ponds, supplemented by farmland and villages; and there is a sewage river in Beijing on the southwest side. It was once an excellent bird spot, but in recent years it has been developed so much that it is a great disturbance to birds.

★ More than 219 species of birds have been recorded, mainly water birds and birds of prey.

★ In spring and autumn, a large number of water birds migrate here to roost and stay here; in the summer, more than 20 species of birds breed; and some birds overwinter in winter. As such, this area is a bird spot to be observed all year round.

★ Representative bird species: grey crane, water pheasant, osprey, 3 species of harrier, 4 species of falcon, 3 species of reed flounder.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Kestrel – Photo by Sun Jingwen

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of the bird point in the Dahuangbao wetland

09 regiment PoWa

★ Tianjin Tuanbowa Bird Nature Reserve is a municipal protected area. Once a shallow lake, full of pits and ponds, reeds, aquatic weeds and birds, it is one of the United Nations Wild Rare Bird Sanctuaries. In recent years, it has been transformed, the water level has become deeper, and there are fewer water birds. There are more and more construction projects such as real estate in the surrounding area, and "people enter the birds and retreat".

★ According to the data of the past years, 200 species of birds have been recorded, including geese and ducks, plovers, gulls, herons, buzzards, and birds of prey, as well as a large number of songbirds and birds of prey.

★ Spring and autumn can be seen in two seasons.

★ Representative bird species: warty-nosed swan, white autumn sand duck, oriental plover, long-eared owl.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Long-eared Owl – Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of bird spots in Tuanbowa Wetland

10Lingang Wetland Park

★ Located in Tianjin Lingang Economic Zone, the total area covers an area of about 630,000 square meters. After reclaiming land, an "ecological wetland park" was built on the basis of land consolidation. The water area is vast, and the area of woodland and grassland is also remarkable. Due to the sparse population and the gradual maturity of the plant community, birds have begun to attract birds to inhabit, feed or even breed here.

★ More than 30 species of birds have been recorded.

★ As a very good place for daily bird watching practice and cultivation, you can watch birds all year round.

★ Representative bird species: common tern, yellow reed snapper, black water chicken, hill sandpiper, small bird.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Yellow Reed Flounder – Photo: Rodin

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of bird spots in Lingang Wetland Park

11 Houtai Wetland

★ Houtai Wetland is located on the west side of Tianjin, adjacent to the Outer Ring Road on the east side and the Northwest Ring Road on the west side. Houtai Wetland is pleasant and lives in the city, covering an area equivalent to 2 water parks and 1.5 Meijiang ecological zones. It has a large water environment. On the north side, there is still some woodland and barren grassland, which is a paradise for forest birds. Unfortunately, since the construction of the city park began in 2014, the bird condition has deteriorated.

★ There are 115 bird species recorded.

★ As a very good place for daily bird watching practice and cultivation. After the construction began, the bird condition deteriorated.

★ Representative bird species: common cormorant, white-browed duck, yellow-breasted bunting, red-necked bunting, purple-winged starling.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Ordinary Cormorant – Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of bird points in Houtai Wetland

12 at bridge reservoir

★ Yuqiao Reservoir is located in the east of Jixian City, Tianjin City, is one of the national key large reservoirs, the maximum inundation area of 250k ㎡ (normal water storage level of 86.8 k ㎡), the normal storage level of the reservoir 21.16 meters. Due to the wide water surface and deep water depth, there are fewer species of water birds that can adapt.

★ About 120 bird species are recorded.

★ Spring and autumn two migration seasons, watch the water birds.

★ Representative bird species: black stork, cygnet, red mallard duck, common cormorant, etc.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Little Swan - Photo: Sun Jingwen

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of the bird point in the Bridge Reservoir

13 Qingdianwa

★ Qingdianwa, the full name of Qingdianwa Flood Storage and Detention Area, is located in the southwest of Jixian County, east of the right embankment of the Zhou River, south of the left embankment of the Yang river, with a total area of 150 square kilometers, with a total storage capacity of 230 million cubic meters, which is an important part of the comprehensive flood control system of the Ji Canal, playing an important role in cutting peaks and slowing floods, prolonging the discharge time, and alleviating downstream disasters. The Qingdianwa area is rich in farmland and arable land, which can provide sufficient living conditions for birds.

★ Wintering birds are mostly forest birds, which can be used as a reserved bird watching point in winter.

★ Representative bird species: great bustard, grey crane, wheat chicken.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Crested wheat chicken - Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of the Qingdian Bird Point

14 Alone to reduce the estuary

★ The Duliu River reduction river is an important flood channel in Tianjin and an important line of defense for flood control in the south, which belongs to the Daqing River system. It mainly undertook the task of flooding the Daqing River and draining water into the sea, and built a tide-proof gate for workers, peasants, and soldiers at the mouth of the sea. The siltous mudflats on the north and south sides of the estuary provide excellent habitat and feeding ground for water birds traveling from south to north. In recent years, due to the construction of the Nangang Industrial Zone and the invasion of interfluille rice grass, the estuarine habitat has been declining day by day, and the species and number of waterbirds have declined sharply.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin
International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of the bird point at the mouth of the solitary stream

15 Seven Caspian Seas

★ Located in the southwest of Ninghe County, Tianjin, the Seven Caspian Sea is one of the many lagoons that have remained in the Tianjin Plain during the sea retreat process since the late Holocene, and later evolved into freshwater swamps, which belong to the swamp wetland. The area is vast, low-lying, water source is sufficient, for the perennial water storage depression; the middle and east and west sides of the tide, thistle transport, Yongding three major rivers through, plant community to reeds as the dominant species. The Seven Caspian Sea is a paradise for birds and an important transit point for migratory birds.

★ There are 258 bird species recorded, including stray birds, wading birds, walking birds, climbing birds, songbirds, birds of prey and other taxa.

★ In the spring and autumn migration seasons, the migratory bird species are more abundant, and in the summer, there are a large number of breeding terns, which is spectacular.

★ Representative bird species: grey crane, white spoonbill, osprey, common tern, black-browed reed warbler, etc.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Black-browed reed warbler – Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of the Seven Mile Seabird Point

16Qinglongwan River (Heron Forest)

★ Qinglongwan River (Heron Forest) is located in Baodi District, Tianjin, at the confluence of Chaobai New River and Qinglongwan River, belonging to the old forest along the river, the main tree species are locust and elm. The west and north sides are dominated by rice fields, supplemented by arid arable land, and many ditches and rivers, providing a more suitable habitat for birds.

★ The forest birds migrating in spring and autumn are more abundant, and the summer is especially characteristic of heron breeding, and hundreds of herons breed at the same time, which is spectacular.

★ Representative bird species: egret, pond heron, cowback heron, night heron, common kingfisher, Chinese climbing finch, etc.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Zhonghua Panque - Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of the bird point of Qinglongwan River (Heron Forest).

Note: Bird watching points of other wetlands include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) Erwangzhuang Reservoir - Shangmatai Reservoir - Daxing Reservoir - Yongjin Reservoir Group; (2) Dongli Lake - Huanggang 1st Reservoir - Huanggang 2nd Reservoir - Beitang Reservoir Group; (3) Yingcheng Lake Reservoir; (4) Guangang Lake; (5) Yadian Reservoir. The above five bird watching points are all constructed wetlands (reservoir ponds), and the water depth is generally deep, which can provide habitat for swimming birds and diving birds; but the human disturbance is more serious. The above bird watching points have accumulated less bird information and will not be described in detail here.

(2) Bird watching points in urban parks (mainly forest birds)

17 Nankai University

★ Nankai University is located in Balitai, Nankai District, Tianjin, a famous university. The campus is surrounded by water on both sides, and the types of habitats on campus are diverse, with woodland, grassland, water, etc., creating a better space for birds to inhabit, forage and breed. It is one of the main bird watching points in the city, and has a rich record of bird watching over the years.

★ There are 88 bird species recorded, mainly forest birds.

★ As a very good place for daily bird watching practice and cultivation, you can watch birds all year round.

★ Representative bird species: Dai Chrysanthemum, Longitudinal-bellied Owl, Common Kingfisher, Mercerizing Starling.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Longitudinal-bellied owl - Photo: Jiang Huazhi

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of the bird point of Nankai University

18 Water Park

★ The water park is located in Nankai District, Tianjin, with a large water surface and many people. The original good bird spots, such as bonsai garden and Kobe garden, due to too many people, coupled with the transformation in recent years, have become no longer good, very regrettable. Nevertheless, it occupies a very important position in the bird watching points in the city, attracting many bird lovers.

★ There are 60 bird species recorded

★ Representative bird species: square-tailed grebe, daisy, blue songbird, two kinds of point chin, a variety of willow warblers, long-eared owl, common kingfisher, night heron.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Fang Weihao - Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of the bird spots in the water park

19Nancuiping Park

★ Located in Nankai District, Tianjin, Nancuiping Park is the most distinctive natural landscape park in the central urban area. Formerly known as Duishan Park. It was completed and opened in 2009. It covers an area of 335,000 square meters, of which the mountain covers an area of 121,000 square meters, the area of the surrounding landscape is about 85,000 square meters, and the main peak of the mountain is 52 meters high, which is the highest ground point in the city. Nancuiping Park is full of artificial vegetation.

★ Since its inception, the shrub-based plant community has gradually matured, the bird species have increased, and more than 30 bird species have been recorded.

★ Representative bird species: Northern Suzaku, White-waisted Crested Finch, Red-bellied Grey Finch, Brown-browed Rock Wren, Yellow Reed Flounder, Black Water Chicken.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Northern Suzaku - Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of bird spots in Nancuiping Park

20 Tai Fung Park

★ Tai fung park is located in the territory of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone on the shore of the Bohai Sea, which is a large-scale artificial landscape park built on the former saline-alkali beach, and is the most distinctive landmark urban landscape in Binhai New Area. The total area of the park is 216,000 square meters. Woodland and grassland are the mainstay, with some waters, and are an important stopover for coastal migratory forest birds, and there is no shortage of wonderful bird records in spring and autumn every year.

★ Due to geographical relations, migratory birds migrate through the season, and the species and number of forest birds are more numerous. There are 117 bird species recorded.

★ Representative bird species: common nighthawk, brown-bellied woodpecker, square-tailed plover, blue-tailed plover, red-throated grebe, white-throated ibis, tabby plover, Baoxing Plover, White-browed Plover.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Brown-bellied woodpecker – Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of the bird spot in Tai Fung Park

21 Liu Garden Nursery

★ Liuyuan Nursery belongs to the Flower and Seedling Service Center of Tianjin Municipal Landscape and Garden Committee. Founded in 1953, sitting on more than 2,000 acres of high-quality land, the main business is to cultivate, produce and sell various types of high-quality seedlings. Woodland is the mainstay, with many trees and shrubs, which is a better habitat for forest birds.

★ Bird observations are still poor, with about 30 species currently being recorded.

★ Representative bird species: 2 species of embroidered eye birds, 2 species of chin, 3 species of Berau.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Red-winged embroidered bird - Photo: Sun Jingwen

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of the bird point in the Nursery of Liu Garden

22 Willows Park

★ Liulin Park is located in Hexi District, on the south bank of the Haihe River. Liulin Park has a long history, the park is rich in qiao, shrubs and herbs, and the community is relatively mature; the north side of the park is extremely Haihe. Woodland and rivers interact to create a relatively good habitat for birds. In recent years, due to its disrepair, it has basically become the greening base of the Hexi District Garden Bureau.

★ According to the perennial records of Chen Tengyi and others of the Tianjin Medical Specialized Bird Watching Association, the number of bird species is 63 species.

★ Representative bird species: Plover, willow warbler.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Brown Willow Warbler - Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of bird spots in Willow Forest Park

23 Changhong Park

★ Changhong Park is located under the overpass of Changjiang Road and Hongqi Road in Nankai District, Tianjin, formerly known as Wandu Park. Changhong Park was completed and opened in 1986, the park covers an area of 33.9 hectares, of which the water surface accounts for 12.5 hectares; more than 50 species of plants, the terrain and landform lack of changes, and the landscape effect also lacks layers. However, due to the abundance of aquatic habitats, it still attracts a wide variety of birds to inhabit, feed and breed here.

★ About 40 species have been recorded.

★ Representative bird species: Wren, Blue Song Wren, White-browed Eagle, Red-throated Bird and other forest birds

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

White-browed Ji Harrier – Photo: Ma Kaiyu

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of bird points in Changhong Park

24 Xigu Park

★ Xigu Park is located outside the intersection of Guangrong Road and Qiaobei Avenue in Tianjin, and the east bank is the North Canal. Originally a farm of the Railway Bureau, it was converted into a park in 1958 and covers an area of 31.77 hectares, of which 6.67 hectares are water areas. Construction was completed in 1958. The whole park takes the natural scenery as the main tone, and the plants in the park are luxuriant and varied, with six plant viewing areas such as begonias, purple weeds and moon seasons. The winding strip lake creates a diverse habitat, and the isolated island mountain in the lake is surrounded by water on all sides, connected by a bridge and the outside, which is very quiet.

★ There are currently 33 recorded bird species.

★ Representative bird species: brown willow warbler, swallow and other forest birds; common kingfisher.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Ordinary Kingfisher – Photo: Jiang Huazhi

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic map of the location of the bird point in Xigu Park

25 Tianjin Normal University

★ The new campus of Tianjin Normal University is located in Xiqing District, covering an area of 3,500 mu, of which the construction area is 860,000 square meters, but the water area is about 1,000 mu, accounting for about one-third. The types of habitats such as waters, woodlands, grasslands, and shrubs on campus are relatively rich, and there are a large number of relatively inaccessible sections, which provide superior conditions for birds to inhabit, forage and reproduce.

★ There are currently 156 recorded bird species.

★ As a great place for daily bird watching exercises, bird watching lectures and internships, bird watching is available all year round.

★ Representative bird species: common kingfisher, sparrowhawk, brown-backed burrow, crested crest, long-eared owl, black-tailed gull, etc.

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Black-tailed Gull – Photo: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin

Schematic diagram of the location of bird spots in Tianjin Normal University

Author: Mo Xunqiang

International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin
International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin
International Bird Love Day - 25 important bird spots in Tianjin