
Major controversy? Mangshan soldering iron head and king cobra Who is the largest venomous snake in the world?


There has always been a debate between the king cobra and the mangshan soldering iron head, which snake is the largest venomous snake in the world? Dr. Chen Yuanhui, the discoverer of Mangshan soldering iron head, once thought that Mangshan soldering iron head was the largest venomous snake in the world, he once caught a 2-meter-long, 8.5-kilogram Mangshan soldering iron head, which was no different from the size of ordinary pythons, and it is said that someone also caught a Mangshan soldering iron head weighing 17 kilograms in the wilderness of Mangshan Mountain. Could it be that the Mangshan soldering iron head living in Mangshan is the largest poisonous snake in the world? Is the king cobra really not as big as the Mangshan soldering iron head?

Major controversy? Mangshan soldering iron head and king cobra Who is the largest venomous snake in the world?

Mangshan soldering iron head scientific name is also known as Mangshan original spearhead viper, they only live in The Mangshan National Forest Park in Yizhang County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, this snake body is a large venomous snake, the longest body length can grow to about 2 meters, generally weigh about 3 kg. Mangshan soldering iron heads are called "little green dragons" by the local Yao people because their whole body is mainly black-brown, interspersed with black-green or rust-colored spots, and the back is composed of yellow-green clumps, and the head of mangshan soldering iron heads is a huge triangle, shaped like a soldering iron, and they also have a distinct feature of a white tail. The number of mangshan soldering iron heads in the wild is estimated at 300-500, which is very rare, so it is also listed as a national first-level protected animal by the state.

Major controversy? Mangshan soldering iron head and king cobra Who is the largest venomous snake in the world?

King cobras are mainly found in the southeastern parts of Asia and can be found in China, South Asia and Southeast Asian countries. King cobra mainly preys on other snakes as food for large venomous snakes, king cobra body length is different, mainly depending on the distribution area, in our country is the smallest size, in our country the longest king cobra is 3.8 meters, and in foreign countries the king cobra can grow up to about 5.5 meters. King cobras have a dark brown back and an inverted "V" yellow-white marking on the back of their neck, without any cobra markings, and they do not have cobras like Indian cobras, Bengal cobras, Egyptian cobras and Chinese cobras. King cobras are not related to common cobras, other cobras belong to the cobra family, and king cobras become a family independently, they belong to the king cobra family, and they often use common cobras as predators. In addition, the king cobra is also a national second-level protected animal in China.

Major controversy? Mangshan soldering iron head and king cobra Who is the largest venomous snake in the world?

In terms of size and length, the king cobra can definitely crush the mangshan soldering iron head. Although the longest king cobra living in China is only about 3.8 meters, a giant king cobra with a length of 5.5 meters has been found in Malaysia. Mangshan soldering iron heads are generally about 2 meters long, so Mangshan soldering iron heads are much shorter than king cobras. Mangshan soldering iron head generally weighs about 3 kg, The heaviest Mangshan soldering iron head found on record is only 8.5 kg, although someone has captured the Mangshan soldering iron head weighing up to 17 kilograms in the wild, but the weight of the Mangshan soldering iron head is still not as good as the king cobra, the largest one of the king cobras recorded is found in Malaysia, a predator master spent a lot of effort to catch a king cobra that is 5.5 meters long and weighs about 30 kilograms in the wild, to know that some ordinary pythons are only about 5 meters in size, such as the African rock python is about 5-7 meters long, and the rainbow pythons in the Americas are smaller, they are generally about 2 meters long If this 5-meter-long king cobra encounters a rainbow python, it can be used as food. The amethyst python living in Australia has a basic body length of about 3-5 meters.

Major controversy? Mangshan soldering iron head and king cobra Who is the largest venomous snake in the world?

Therefore, the world's largest venomous snake is none other than the king cobra, although the Mangshan soldering iron head does belong to the large venomous snake in size, but they and the king cobra have no chance of winning the throne of the world's largest venomous snake.

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