
Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

author:Is it Ah Yao?

Fans are all too familiar with NBA stars' performances on the court, but they often don't know much about their lives off the court. So today I will take stock of the strange pets of a few NBA stars. However, we should remind you to be mentally prepared in advance, not all animals called "pets" are cute and loving.

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

Like many Americans, Bryant loved to keep dogs. Americans love dogs because they believe that dogs represent loyalty, so obsessive American dog owners often regard their dogs as family members, which can be seen from their names for dogs. They call dogs "he" or "she" instead of "it."

Bryant has had several dogs at different times, and his favorite is a black Labrador, because Kobe bryant is a Harry Potter fan, so Kobe Bryant gave this dog a unique name, that is, Crucio (Drill Heart Spell), an evil spell. We can often judge the personality and character of pet owners from what kind of pets people like to keep, and their attitude towards their pets. Kobe Crucio is very doting and well taken care of, as can be seen from the fact that he let Crucio swim in his luxurious pool, it can be seen that Kobe Bryant under the basketball court is indeed a loving warm man.

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

O'Neill's nickname is Big Shark, but the pet he chooses to keep is indeed the overlord of the forest, and the two seem to have no sense of contradiction together. O'Neill said, "There are only two people in the world who have one each, and that's me and the Prince of Dubai. "Words are full of pride. The lion tiger is the offspring of lions and tigers, and has a large body. Male tigers and lionesses mating, the offspring produced are called tiger lion beasts, and the offspring produced by the female tiger and male lions are called lions and tigers.

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

O'Neill said he named the beast Barkley, and it was his TNT commentator partner, NBA star Charles Buckley, "Charles, this is named after you." The former NBA star bought two rare Bengal white tiger cubs in 2005. He once took the White Tiger to his 34th birthday party. At that time, the white tiger was not yet an adult, and it snuggled up next to O'Neill like a kitten. O'Neill joked, "It was the craziest shopping of my life. Interestingly, the original beast cub, played in the hands of O'Neill, who was 2 meters 16, was very docile, like a kitten. O'Neill is a true tiger lover.

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

And the current Second Boss of the Lakers, James's good assistant Thick Brow Brother Anthony. Davis had a monkey, or a thumb monkey. The thumb monkey is one of the rarer species of monkeys and is also a very expensive species. The thumb monkey is a species of marmoset monkey and the smallest surviving species in the monkey population. The height of the thumb monkey is generally 10 to 20 cm, the weight does not exceed 100 grams, very small and cute. In order to take care of this super small pet, Brother Thick Brow also hired a nanny to take care of this little monkey. The current price of a single thumb monkey has exceeded $4,000, and it has to prepare a unique food for feeding it. However, the thumb monkey is indeed very cute, from the perspective of Davis raising the thumb monkey, the tall and mighty thick eyebrow brother still has a gentle side of the iron man.

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

Howard's pets are snakes, and Howard has more than 20 at a time. In addition to his obsession with exercising physical fitness, Howard also has a frightening hobby, that is, playing with his pet python. Looking at the way he skillfully plays, he must have established a very close relationship with the snake. In the eyes of ordinary people, Howard behaves like he is playing with fire, because the ferocity of pythons is unimaginable, and Howard is not only not afraid, there are many kinds of pythons in the family, and it is no exaggeration to call him half a python expert!

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

Russell recently posted a photo of him and his pet tiger at the pool on social media, which had a savage feel. Lion tiger beast plus black leopard cat, this is also too domineering. If this is a real pet, it must be the top match among NBA stars, and Russell is not afraid in the face of sharp teeth, and even grinned with the same teeth, revealing the tattoos on his arms, family, fearless. It really shows its fearless side.

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?
Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

As we all know, Thompson, as a well-deserved dog lover in the league, thompson adopted a bulldog named Rocoo long before entering the league. Thompson and Rocco are also very close, and they will take their dogs with them wherever they go. Even when a reporter asked the reporter whether to choose his good brother Curry or Rocco, Tang Shen did not hesitate to choose the latter, it seems that this relationship is not generally intimate!

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

As Thompson gradually made a name for himself, Rocco also became an Internet celebrity dog in the United States. Previously, a cartoonist created an exclusive comic story for Thompson and Rocoo, and Anta, a sneaker signing company of Tangshen, also produced an exclusive color shoe for Rocoo, which was coaxed by American fans! I have to say that rocoo's popularity is really too high!

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

The above said that raising is nothing, and his one is the most bizarre. General Arenas did a lot of strange things in his ordinary life, what a gun robbery, the dollar is used as a toilet paper. Unexpectedly, his pet is also very strange, Arenas spends $6500 a month to keep a shark in his home. After all, it was a shark deep-sea overlord, not an ordinary little goldfish, and the shark was huge and needed enough space to raise it. But the hobby didn't last long, and he stopped doing it soon after Arenas retired.

Do you know what pets NBA stars have?

I have to say that the players' preferences we really can't guess ah, NBA players there are many people who treat snakes as pets, Spurs Danny Green ~ Howard are snakes, it seems that foreign men like this kind of soft lying animals!


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