
spectacular! Dragons appear to absorb water in the waters of Zhuhai

author:Guangzhou Daily

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This afternoon, there was a spectacular scene of dragon water absorption in the waters of Zhuhai, and many netizens photographed the spectacle of "dragon water absorption" in the middle of Lovers Road.

From the distance of lovers road, the water column of the vast sea high above the sky is very spectacular!

The so-called "dragon absorbing water" is a tornado that occurs on the surface of the water, the water is sucked into the air by the air flow, due to the high pressure around the air, the middle air pressure is low, so it can absorb water and rise, forming a column of water, connecting with the clouds, it looks as if the legendary dragon is absorbing water, so it is often called dragon water absorption. If a tornado occurs on land, it is a normal tornado.

The meteorological department said that the reason for the phenomenon of dragon water absorption is due to the hot weather and sufficient thermal conditions in Zhuhai some time ago, and in recent days it has been on the edge of subtropical high pressure, prone to heavy rainfall clouds.

Guangzhou Daily all-media text reporter: Chen Zhijia

Guangzhou Daily all-media video reporter: Chen Zhijia

Guangzhou Daily All-Media Editor: Shen Qian