
What books are worth reading?

author:Read Time Magazine

Everyone knows that opening a book is beneficial, and reading is very helpful in life, but where to start with the choice of books? Walking into the bookstore, the sea of books is vast; e-commerce websites are even more dazzling, and the number of books recommended by major media and publishing institutions is huge, and it may feel boring to randomly pick one. The selection of calligraphy provided by reading promoter Mai Mai in "You Are Only One Step Away from a Better Life Reading This Thing" may help you a little.

What books are worth reading?

First, you can use the Following Others method. Paying attention to your favorite book reviewers and reading promoters, and selecting books based on their book reviews and book lists is a less labor-saving method. These people are exposed to more books, their judgment of books is more accurate, and their promotion also has reference value. There are also authors you like, and recommended books can be found to see. People who are in love are more likely to have similar tastes. If you have an idol and the idol happens to like to read, you can also read the book he likes. For example, Li Jian recommended Leonard Cohen's "Book of Longing", and Yi Qianxi's fans can read "Robinson Crusoe", "The Little Prince", "Red Rock", "Explanation of Words"... Reading the books that idols like will deepen their understanding of the person and have a deep exchange.

You can also choose to assemble authorship. If you like a certain work of an author, look for other works of that author. If you read Liu Cixin's "The Three-Body Problem", if you feel amazing, you can also watch his other science fiction works, most of which are in line with taste. Like Keigo Higashino's "Relief Grocery Store", you can naturally find his "The Dedication of Suspect X", "White Night", "When the Prayer Ends"... Like Yan Geling's "Lu Gang Yan Zhi", you can watch "Little Aunt Duohe" and "Ma Ge is a City"... Collecting a writer's work can see their style changes in different periods, and it doesn't matter if you get tired of it one day, the wealth you have acquired is already rich enough.

What books are worth reading?

The method of touching melons with vines is more interesting. If you read a good book, if the characters and events in it make you interested and have the desire for further research, you can follow the vine to find more books to read, and read a book thicker and thicker through expansion. For example, the Israeli scholar Yuval Harari's "A Brief History of Mankind", "A Brief History of the Future" and "A Brief History of Today" involve many fields of knowledge. After reading it, I will definitely have gains in human history and artificial intelligence-related works. If you read Su Shi's poems and are suddenly interested in his life experience, you can look for "The Biography of Su Dongpo".

There is also the topic of reading. If you're interested in a field, pretend to be researching a topic, writing a paper, or even writing a book. With the idea of doing scholarship, I will find the relevant bibliography to read, and look at the views and practices of each family, which will be more in-depth. Wheat collected books on reading because he liked to read, and later came up with the idea of writing one himself. Even if you don't have the idea of writing a book, digging deeper into a certain field will bring more possibilities to your life. If you can find a few friends to discuss together and share the feeling of reading, you will get double happiness.

What books are worth reading?

The methods of these selections are highly applicable. Think about how often I do this myself. Whenever I came across a favorite article in a magazine in middle school, I would pay attention to the author's name and pay extra attention to it from then on. When I saw excerpts from famous books in Youth Digest, if the language style and storyline were enough to attract me, I would go to the original book to see. For students, starting a large tome on their own often requires opportunities, and it may be better to start with the sweet zone.

When watching film and television dramas, I will also expand by going along with the vines, from an episode of the "National Treasures" program about the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, to reading "Qin Mystery" that tells the history of the Qin Dynasty, and combined with the experience of watching the Terracotta Warriors in the museum, the whole family will discuss it together. Reading is very fun, the world is all reading, when the barrier is broken, the harvest is not only knowledge, but also the fun of stirring ideas and the intimacy of emotional communication.

Source: Reading Times, No. 6, 2021 (Original title: How to choose a book worth reading)

Author: Yan Han

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