
Fangcheng County Maternal and Child Health Hospital to create a civilized city volunteer service is carried out

author:Henan Simulcast

In order to further enhance the civilized traffic awareness of the general public, create a civilized, smooth, safe and orderly road traffic environment, and help Fangcheng County create a civilized city in the whole country, in accordance with the deployment of the County Civilization Office and the Party Committee of the Health and Health Commission, on October 26, Lu Bang, president of the Fangcheng County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Yao Jianhong, secretary of the party branch, and Chen Shiqiang, chairman of the trade union, led 4 party member volunteers to the section of duty from Yuzhou Road to Jianshe Road to carry out the "civilized traffic and safe travel" party member volunteer service activity.

Fangcheng County Maternal and Child Health Hospital to create a civilized city volunteer service is carried out

The civilized traffic duty period, are the peak period of urban traffic, late autumn and early winter morning and evening are the two times of the day with low temperature, at 7:30 in the morning, the party members and volunteers of the hospital came to the duty point on time, holding the "civilized traffic" command flag to assist the traffic police to direct traffic.

Fangcheng County Maternal and Child Health Hospital to create a civilized city volunteer service is carried out

The party members and volunteers who "wear red vests, wear little red hats, and hold command flags" have become a beautiful "civilized landscape" in the city, and this red color is even more colorful because of the volunteers' tireless work, serious responsibility, and loyalty to their duties.

The creation of civilized cities across the country is in full swing, and the party members and volunteers of Fangcheng County Maternal and Child Health Hospital have sown the seeds of "Chuangwen" to the surrounding areas with the responsibility of everyone, starting from me, leading more citizens to participate in the "Chuangwen" volunteer activities, jointly maintaining the civilized image of Fangcheng, and contributing their own strength to "Chuangwen".

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