
"Chainsaw Horror" actor Tobin Bell takes on a new scene

"Chainsaw Horror" actor Tobin Bell takes on a new scene

Tobin Bell

<b>Recently</b>, actor Tobin Bell, known as "Mr. Vertical Saw" by netizens, took over the thriller "The Deep End", which was directed by Matt Iskandari, a horror film director who has directed "Victim" and "Devil's Partner".

In the film, Tobin Bell plays the brothers of Nora Jane Nun and Alexandra Parker, whose bodies were found three weeks later on Monday, when the sisters were tied to the depths of the public pool by the killer with glass wire.

The film's screenplay was co-written by Matt Iskandary and Michael Hawkvist, and Marc Myers, producer of The Experimenter and The Manson Family's Holiday, will co-produce the film with Fernando Szew, Sharon Bordas, and Hannah Pillemer.

Tobin Bell, who starred as John Kramer in seven Chainsaw Horrors, portrayed this insane and crazy character. In addition, he starred in a number of thrillers as "evil people" such as serial killers. His works include "Good Guys", "Evil Neighbor on the Fourth Floor", "Buried Alive", "Alice in a Ghost", "Haunted Dark House" and so on.

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