
The finale of "Octagonal Pavilion Mystery Fog": The murderer is the most pitiful person in the whole play

author:Miss Lin
The finale of "Octagonal Pavilion Mystery Fog": The murderer is the most pitiful person in the whole play

The 12-episode series "Octagonal Pavilion Mystery Fog" starring Duan Yihong, Hao Lei, Zu Feng, Wu Yue and Xing Minshan has finally been updated, and the real murderer has also surfaced. I have to say that without watching the complete set, I can't guess the real murderer.

The finale of "Octagonal Pavilion Mystery Fog": The murderer is the most pitiful person in the whole play

Because, unbeknownst to him, he killed Xuanzhen.

When the police interrogated Ding Julie, he admitted to killing Zhu Shenghui, but when the police asked him if he killed Xuanzhen, he kept denying it, not only did not admit to killing Xuanzhen, but also insisted that Meimei was Xuanzhen.

Among them, in addition to his unconscious killing and mental illness, more is unwilling and unwilling, and he is unwilling to accept this fact, but has always rejected and denied.

In the 19-year homicide, because the testimony given by witnesses was that the murderer was a woman, it has been misleading the direction of the investigation. When the police finally locked on to Commander Ding, they quickly visited and learned of his experience, and then formally investigated Commander Ding.

Commander Ding has had transvestites since he was a child, and when he was very young, he often wore his sister's skirt, and finally his move was naturally not accepted.

The first time I wore my sister's dress, I was beaten up by my father. However, this did not make him restrained.

The finale of "Octagonal Pavilion Mystery Fog": The murderer is the most pitiful person in the whole play

In that era, due to the lack of knowledge and the backwardness of thinking, the parents of the Ding family did not have many thoughts because of Ding Julie's unusual preferences: Is there something wrong with this child? Do you want to take it to the doctor? Rather, he unilaterally felt ashamed and did not even want to recognize the son.

Including his three older sisters, mentioning this younger brother decades later is also full of disgust.

The finale of "Octagonal Pavilion Mystery Fog": The murderer is the most pitiful person in the whole play

Growing up in such an environment, Ding Julie's personality and psychology were distorted, which was also forgivable. Therefore, when he met Xuanzhen, he was fascinated, unilaterally believing that they were one and should not be separated, and also thinking that Xuanzhen felt the same as him.

Under various psychological effects, behavior begins to cross the line, no longer appreciating, but wanting to possess.

The finale of "Octagonal Pavilion Mystery Fog": The murderer is the most pitiful person in the whole play

When he imprisoned Xuanzhen, he was stimulated by Xuanzhen's shouting of "perverted" and "second-handicap", completely out of shape, out of control, and strangled Xuanzhen to death. At this time, he did not know that Xuanzhen was dead.

When he returned to the scene again, Xuanzhen was gone. Because his wife discovered this secret and knew the cause of Xuanzhen's death, in order to protect her husband, she disposed of Xuanzhen's body.

The finale of "Octagonal Pavilion Mystery Fog": The murderer is the most pitiful person in the whole play

Therefore, Ding Huanlie felt that Xuanzhen was just gone and left.

In fact, he is also a very poor person.

In psychological research, there is a saying of "memory illusion". In the book "Memory Illusion", it is also clearly mentioned that we may be persuaded by the memories described by others to mistake other people's memories for our own.

We will identify our childhood memories as real events, and internalize the information provided by others as part of our past experiences. One person induces another person to produce false memories by channeling imagination, which is an extreme form of fiction.

Apparently, under the influence of mental illness, Ding Julie developed the illusion of memory. He was reluctant to accept it, and at that time he had the illusion that his wife was telling him to go home, so his memory was changed. Coupled with the fact that the truth is not what he wants to see, he never wants to wake up.

Such a Ding Huanlie, in the final analysis, has a lot to do with the original family.

If his parents can treat his problems correctly and take him to a psychologist in time, he will have a healthy personality and life.

Liu Ting, once a "national moral model", also liked to dress herself up as a girl since she was a child, and even did not want to go to the men's toilet.

When I was young, I was also prevented by my parents, but my parents still accepted this child, not like Ding Julie's parents, who felt that this child brought them only shame.

As an adult, Liu Ting went to see a psychologist accompanied by his mother, who diagnosed it as a "congenital heterosexual disease". This disease is because when patients are born, they have a phenomenon of automatic disapproval of their own gender and a strong sense of identity with the opposite sex.

Apparently, Ding Julie also suffered from the same disease. However, he was not as lucky as Liu Ting, and he was able to get the support of his mother to go for sex reassignment surgery. The family did not support and others did not understand, resulting in Ding Julie becoming a lonely person, unable to be released in his heart, suppressed for too long, and became a disease.

The octagonal pavilion mystery fog has an answer, but the tragedy of Ding Julie has become a foregone conclusion. This story also warns us, as parents, how to guide children? How to choose to be a partner? As a friend, how to face it? It's all worth pondering.