
Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

author:Movie Rotten Tomatoes

Unconsciously, it has entered November, and it has also reached the winter season.

At the beginning of November, an old movie starring Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron is reminded of Sweet November.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

This remake of the 1968 film of the same name, directed by Pat O'Connor, was still a hot topic after its release at the time - some people even classified it with "Sleepless Nights in Seattle" and "Electronic Love", and was the bible manual for hollywood's three major love books.

As a love movie, although it is not like "Notting Hill" and "Seattle", it firmly occupies a place in film history, but most people who have seen it will be sentimental.

The original clichéd love is precious because it is not obtained.

After all, all the beauty in this world cannot withstand the excitement of the old times, and the promise that has not been fulfilled is a regret but also the most precious.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

The whole movie story is not complicated:

A proud, indifferent and workaholic male protagonist Nelson, a nervous and slightly cheeky female protagonist Sarah. The two met because they violated traffic rules and took the continuing education exam together.

As soon as she appeared, the heroine Sarah was particularly cute in the film, with a beautiful short hair, small pink clips with bangs, a heavy and loose dress, brown retro round-toe leather shoes on her feet, and an army green satchel.

When I went to take the exam, I was still holding a bag of food, and I accidentally scattered it on the ground.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

And the first thing the little cutie said to Nelson was, please pick up that sausage for me, thank you.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

When the examiner said that she was not allowed to eat in the examination room, she still took out the chocolate hidden in her clothes, secretly took a bite and put it in.

During the exam, She was robbed of Herka because Nelson wanted to cheat, causing her to have her papers confiscated.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Sarah naturally did not give up, and she was indignant in her heart, and when Nelson finished the test, she wanted to seek justice.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Seeing that Nelson didn't like to answer, he ran downstairs to Nelson and asked Nelson to take her home.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Nelson naturally refused at first.

But Sarah is a very casual and willful person.

Seeing Nelson's indignant expression, she simply shouted downstairs, saying that the male protagonist was an exhibitionist and would play hooligans.

The move embarrassed Nelson, but Sarah got her way.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Before it was over, Sarah, who had been sent home, made her own little calculations to help Nelson get out of her psychological obstacles.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

She asked Nelson to move in with her, to live her way of life, to stay away from the hustle and bustle, not to ask about the world, but to simply enjoy life.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

And Sarah emphasized that the next October is almost over, and we can start with November 1st.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Nelson, of course, refused, thinking Sarah was a lunatic.

Seeing this, I believe that most viewers are more repulsive to the role of Sarah, although she has cute and pleasing features in her personality, but at present, it is more of a nonsense and unreasonable trouble.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

But the dramatic conflict unfolded like this, in fact, the film here laid a lot of foreshadowing for the future.

For example, Sarah, a person with leisurely feelings and a slow life, has an indescribable sense of urgency about time.

For example, when the exam paper was confiscated, after the examiner told her that she would not be able to make up the exam in thirty days, she suddenly showed a lost expression on her face and muttered that it would take thirty days.

For example, she stressed to Nelson no more, no less, to be together for thirty days.

All of this seems to be paving the way for the subsequent plot.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Nelson, who rejected Sarah, seemed to be cursed, first his current girlfriend proposed to break up, and then he was fired by the boss for delaying his job.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Sad and desperate, Nelson suddenly thinks of Sarah, and he finds Sarah and promises her a one-month contract to the couple.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Sarah is such an interesting girl.

In the past love movies, the heroine will be shaped into a perfect image with a gentle personality like water, kind and generous and optimistic and cheerful.

But this movie uses a lot of details to show the heroine's playfulness and informality, the imperfections of her personality, and the tenacious vitality she has with a free and savage growth.

She can run freely by the sea and roll over the beach with three dogs;

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Or two people return to the old house of the male protagonist's childhood and dance in nostalgic emotions.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

She is bold and optimistic, showing her love for life all the time, friendliness to the people around her, yearning for freedom, and the positive and vivid vitality that makes Nelson infatuated with this little demon girl.

Such a woman who can enter the depths of the soul will fall in love with and be willing to eat.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

It didn't take long for Nelson to fall in love with the elf-like woman. The two young men were in love with each other.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Nelson's cold, manic heart was slowly heated up by the passionate Sarah.

They took the boy who had lost his father to a regatta and saw the boy's smile after the victory.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

When they rode the bus, they kissed passionately in full view of everyone.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

They work together and enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Everything is beautiful beyond words.

Nelson finally understands that Sarah is the woman who is the best for him, and his heart is full of passionate obsession with Sarah.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Nelson wanted to be with her forever, but Sarah never forgot about the contract.

Even if the male protagonist freezes the calendar on the day of November 30, it means that November is eternal, November is eternal, and sweet November belongs to you and me.

But Sarah was determined to drive Nelson away.

Is it that Sarah doesn't love Nelson?

No. Sarah herself told her boyfriend that Nelson was the first person to give her the urge to marry, and that she loved him.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

At this point in the film, the rhythm tone of most of the paragraph is warm and romantic, but the second half takes a sharp turn, and also solves the mystery of why the heroine cares so much about time.

It turned out that Sarah was a terminal cancer patient who had given up treatment more than a year ago, and there was not much time left.

She didn't want to live the dreary days of lying in a hospital bed every day with chemotherapy, and she wanted to make her life colorful without regrets.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

She wants to use her little time to warm the people who are eager for love in her heart, and she also feels the freshness and excitement of life from each of them.

So the camera pulls us into the light and shadow again, and we see the same scene as most Hollywood movies.

After learning the news, Nelson resolutely accompanied her and proposed to her in public.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

The climax of the film is the plot development after the marriage proposal, unlike the life and death of the idol drama, the end of the film can be said to be heartbreaking at the same time without dragging mud and water.

Especially at the end, the director handled it quite beautifully and neatly.

In the early morning of the last day of November, Sarah wakes up and tells Nelson to pack up and leave, and Nelson chases him out.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

On the road without man, Nelson hugged Sarah tightly and said never to part, she gently pushed him away, wrapped his eyes in a scarf, and then turned away.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November
Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

He thought Sarah was just playing a game of peek-a-boo with her, but when he stepped forward to take off his scarf, he saw only autumn leaves scattered on the ground.

In the cool air, the woman who had long since penetrated into his soul was gone, as if she had never existed, and he knew that he had lost her forever, tears swirling desperately in his eyes.

Walking alone down the uninhabited streets, Nelson tried to find evidence of those loves, and the ending came to an abrupt end.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Although you will feel that it is similar to the clichéd love stories in many Korean dramas after watching it, it is still regarded as a classic and popular for many years, and it can also get a high score of more than 7 points on Douban.

Of course, in addition to the film's heroine Charlize Theron's portrayal of Sarah is very infectious, I think the main thing is to dig deep into the essence of love.

And the director also seems to be trying to present a point of view that quietly leaving while love is still in full bloom is the best ending.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November
Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Life is easy to end, and the past is impermanent.

Everyone has a different posture in their own lives, but they are sparkling, and they are the best they can be in the depths of their souls.

And we have to live like Sarah, as brilliant as a summer flower, and eventually meet someone more worthy.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

Friends who have not seen the movie can look for a long-lost touch in winter, especially whenever the feelings of two people who love each other are sublimated a step further, and enya's only time soundtrack is sounded, and the tears will fall unconsciously.

Charlize Theron invited Keanu Reeves to be a lover for a month and fell into a trance in November

(Rotten Tomatoes Movie Editorial Department: Fat)

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