
Setting styles of various gemstones (new jewelry sharing)

author:Mr Oriental GemMiner

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Setting styles of various gemstones (new jewelry sharing) (text version)

Gemstone setting style, today we talk about the gemstone setting style, often pay attention to the Internet friends may find that we are now the style of jewelry, more and more gorgeous.

In the past, it was possible to do a drill of more than 1,000 yuan or 4,000 or 5,000 yuan, but now the basic style is less than 10,000 or 20,000, especially you will find that the styles we make are basically 15,000 yuan and the cost is 15,000, which may be 34,500 or even 100,000.

Why? Because of the improvement of consumption power and cognitive level, our consumers' previous understanding of jewelry was limited by most jewelers. So you see on the Internet or on TV, everyone is in a simple prong setting or a circle of diamonds, then you think that is good, but now after the development of the Internet, everyone knows that the original fine jewelry is spent on the setting, so that you wear it more textured, then everyone is willing to pay for this.

So now the styles that everyone sees are very gorgeous, with diamonds and even we now use a circle of diamonds, each diamond is 50 points, so you have to surround ten diamonds, and the diamond alone will cost 100,000 yuan.

Then I don't count the cost of labor and other costs, now the mentality of buying jewelry is completely different from before, then do you like simple or gorgeous, leave a message to tell me.

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